
Chapter 20: Qian Renxue and Huliena

[Main Quest: Fourth Tier - Estrangement.

Task Content: Instigate discord between Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, turning them into bitter enemies.

Task Reward: Increase in final settlement bonus by 20%.]

In the end, Su Cheng decided not to take the risk.

If he further strengthened the Martial Soul Hall's power, the current favorable situation would inevitably spiral out of control.

In his current state of inadequacy, blind confidence might lead to undoing his previous achievements.

After all, compared to the two potential heirs of godhood, Su Cheng's actual combat strength was too weak.


[After reaching a surface consensus with Bibi Dong, your interactions have decreased. However, covert observations and probes have not diminished, and both parties are aware of this unspoken agreement. You understand that it's not yet time to upset the table.]

[Since that day, Qian Renxue has been studying alongside you continuously. Whether it's planning the schedule for cultivation, acquiring various resources to enhance spiritual and soul power, or reading various books to expand knowledge and insight, you have arranged everything for her properly.]

[As your relationship deepens, Qian Renxue has confided in you about her relationship with Bibi Dong. You have become the only person she can confide in about her suppressed emotions.]

[For Qian Renxue, who lost her father, resents her mother, and has had no friends since childhood, you might be more than just her teacher - you are her emotional anchor and solace. But you understand that you will inevitably clash in the future, so you always restrain your emotions and try to see her as a tool in your hands.]

[Your theory on the fourth soul ring has been published on the continent. Qian Renxue told you that in this theory published under the name of the Martial Soul Hall, Bibi Dong not only fails to mention your contribution but also, for some unknown reason, names the theory "The Core Competitiveness of the Fourth Soul Ring."]

"This is ridiculous, deliberately trying to disgust me here, huh? You really have something, Bibi Dong."

Although this fast-forwarded part of the storyline is not under Su Cheng's control, everything that happens within it is no different from his firsthand experience, with a series of scenes etched in his mind.

The mention of the theory's name under the Martial Soul Hall didn't bother Su Cheng much at first. After all, he had already promised Bibi Dong this. Perhaps it was also related to her upbringing; apart from a select few, Bibi Dong was never one for grand gestures.

But upon seeing the name of the theory, Su Cheng couldn't hold back. Everything that happened in the life simulation was based on real factors like environmental changes and character traits.

Unless Su Cheng, as the core of the simulation, made a crucial choice, events would unfold based on the highest probability.

In other words, Bibi Dong's actions represented her true psyche, the most likely behavior in the current situation.

[Aside from Qian Renxue, sometimes you also teach at the Martial Soul Hall Academy, explaining various knowledge about human anatomy and the use of soul skills. The younger generation of the Martial Soul Hall respects you greatly for your true achievements. Of course, as the price for your teaching, the Martial Soul Hall also provides you with many conveniences in various matters, such as capturing soul beasts, gathering herbs, or assisting in your research on martial souls.]

[Thanks to this, you have made significant progress in your research on martial souls. You have gained more insights into solving the malignant mutation of your own martial soul.]

[During this period, Dugu Bo once visited the Martial Soul City to see you. His son was on the verge of death due to the erosion of the inherited soul of the venomous Blue Luan Snake. He hoped you could treat him. With your current medical skills, dealing with this type of poison entering the body is not difficult, but you did not completely cure Dugu Bo's son; instead, you helped him temporarily suppress the poison. And you told him that he needed to find a place with both extreme cold and extreme heat spiritual energy to cure it. At this time, although Dugu Bo had collected many herbs to save his son, it seemed that he had not yet found the location of the Ice and Fire Bilocation Eyes. After receiving your information, he left again.]

[Three years have passed. Under your guidance, Qian Renxue has successfully cultivated her soul power to level 40, with a solid foundation and profound spiritual power, more than capable of absorbing soul rings of ten thousand years or more.]

[Coincidentally, during this time, with the assistance of various spiritual medicine resources provided by the Martial Soul Hall, you have also broken through to level 30 in soul power, far exceeding your expectations in terms of speed.]

As the cutscene ended, a familiar sensation washed over Su Cheng. His mind shook slightly as he returned to his physical body.

He was currently sitting behind his desk in his room, with a lively golden-haired girl standing beside him.

Nourished by soul power, Qian Renxue now resembled a budding willow branch, exuding a youthful vigor that was no longer tinged with the awkwardness of before.

It had to be said that the growth rate of soul masters in this world was truly unmatched by ordinary people. At just twelve years old, she looked like she was already sixteen or seventeen.

Although they had spent a long time together during the previous cutscene, and Su Cheng had corresponding memories, seeing her now in reality still stunned him.

Her slender figure was alluring, her phoenix eyes brimming with emotion, and her red lips parted to reveal a voice devoid of its former immaturity.

"Teacher, I'm already level 40, why are you only just reaching level 30?" Qian Renxue teased.

"Haha, what's there to be proud of? Wait a couple of years and see," Su Cheng replied casually, averting his gaze.

"Huh?" Qian Renxue was momentarily stunned by his response.

She was only joking when she said that, well aware of Su Cheng's trash talent. But from her teacher's tone, it seemed like he had some confidence.

"What's so impressive about reaching level 40 in three years? Give me two more years, and I'll get you to level 50," Su Cheng retorted.


Qian Renxue finally realized that he was talking about herself, feeling a mix of speechlessness and pride. "Well, what would you do without me then?"

"Enough already, anyone else could do the same teaching job," Su Cheng shrugged.

As they conversed, someone knocked on his door.

"Come in, it's unlocked."

The door opened, and a black-haired girl entered the room.

At first glance, the girl didn't seem particularly beautiful, but upon closer inspection, one could sense a unique charm emanating from her. Her figure was even more voluptuous than Qian Renxue's, despite being three years younger.

The newcomer was none other than Huliéna, currently studying at the Martial Soul Hall Academy.

"Teacher, I'm here," the girl announced.

Though still young, her voice had a slightly husky quality, adding to her unique charm.

"You see, we have another visitor," Su Cheng remarked, raising an eyebrow at Qian Renxue standing beside him.

"Nana, you can't call him 'teacher,' you know. He's not your teacher; your teacher is the Pope," Qianrenxue interjects, stepping forward with a sweet smile on her face, gazing into Helena's eyes.

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