
Doomsday villain

The emergence of zombies and the conspiracy behind them all seem to be under control. Can Chen Guangda uncover the truth behind it? Does this mean the beginning or end of an era?

brightdaoyou · Khoa huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
16 Chs

The origin of the virus.

"Don't touch my sister."

Liu Lei suddenly roared angrily and jumped desperately from the ground, but Chen Guangda gently made a silent gesture to him, and then said seriously: "Don't you want to know how this girl changed?" I'm just trying to find out if this girl is hurt or not. if you think I've desecrated her, let your girlfriend come! "


Liu Lei suddenly froze there, clenched his fist but did not speak again, du Juan, who was pale, naturally dared not come forward, while Chen Guangda shook his head and continued to untie the girl's clothes, but he was soon surprised: "she's in good shape." Oh, no! I mean, she looks very fit. What on earth does she do? "

"she. She teaches aerobics in the gym and is a gymnastics coach. "

Liu Lei swallowed and looked at Chen Guangda with a complicated face, and after Chen Guangda said, "if there is something strange, don't blame it", he began to carefully examine other people's bodies, but there was hardly a scar on the girl's whole body. and it may have just changed, and that disgusting cadaver bug hasn't hatched in her head.

"looking for. Did you find the wound. "

Liu Lei shouted with a tangled face, and seemed to want to find out why his sister's body had changed, but Chen Guangda gently shook his head and stood up and asked in a deep voice, "have you guys had tap water these days?" Boiled water and purified water also count. I suspect that the virus spreads from the water source! "

"No! Wang Liqun and I have opened a barreled water factory, which produces pure water without impurities, and in order to reassure our customers, we always drink our own water. "

Liu Lei shook his head solemnly, but du Juan said nervously: "I have been drinking the water produced by Liu Lei, and the unit is also equipped with imported water purifiers, but …" But I can't remember exactly what day it was. Anyway, I drank boiled water several times last week. Will it be all right? "

"you haven't changed so far, so there should be no problem."

Chen Guangda nodded gently, frowned and looked at the dead woman and said, "if I'm not wrong, the virus should have entered the water source last week and has been lurking in the human body until today. And Liu Lei's sister has been able to survive until just now, I think it is because of her good physical fitness, only a little resistance!"

"Ha ~ I knew we had chosen this project correctly. If we had drunk tap water, we would have died long ago."

Wang Liqun laughed excitedly, but as soon as he saw Chen Guangda, he looked at him like an idiot. he immediately flushed and bowed his head, but Chen Guangda waved to him and said, "come and dig a hole." whatever you say, let the little girl be buried in the ground! "

"all right! I got it. I got it. "

Wang Liqun hurriedly ran over. Du Juan also got up and walked over at the request of Liu Lei. She carefully covered Liu Lei's sister with a coat, but when Wang Liqun took the engineer shovel and was ready to dig the pit, Chen Guangda suddenly whispered, "dig two!" I'm sure you'll need it before dawn! "


At the same time, the two people were shocked, and their faces were quite ugly. They saw Liu Lei's weak paralysis on the ground, and his condition was obviously worse than before. Wang Liqun had to sigh heavily and began to dig a hole in the ground. Du Juan also bit her red lips, and her eyes became more and more complicated.

"Chen. Brother Chen! I'm sorry, I just misunderstood you. I shouldn't have scolded you like that. I now know you're thinking about us. "

Du Juan looked sadly at Chen Guangda, while Chen Guangda smiled indifferently and said, "nothing!" It must be hard for you to accept Liu Lei's sudden turn into this, but I hope you can accept it as soon as possible. After all, you still have to live, don't you? "

"well! Brother Chen, you are such a good man. "

Du Juan smiled at Chen Guangda with great relief, which made Chen Guangda blush. Unexpectedly, she also received a good man's card one day. Du Juan then pointed to the car behind him and asked, "can you give me the first aid kit in the box?" I want to bandage Liu Lei! "

"du Juan! You come back, I don't need to bandage, my wound is fine. "

Liu Lei suddenly shouted again on the opposite side, but only this sentence made him gasp so badly that du Juan hesitated and walked back, while Chen Guangda looked at the watch on his wrist. It was exactly 11:30 midnight. It had been almost an hour since Liu Lei was bitten.

"Liu Lei! If you really love your girlfriend, let her stay away from you. If you don't have a corpse tomorrow, it won't affect anything. You can continue to love each other. "

Chen Guangda suddenly seriously looked at Liu Lei, Liu Lei immediately sighed heavily, patted du Juan's small hand and let her go to the opposite side, and du Juan hesitated for a long time and finally cried: "Lei!" I won't leave you. I'll be right there watching you. If anything happens to you, I'll go with you! "

"I am satisfied with your words, but if I really become a Promethean, you will come up to me, and you must not let me hurt you."

Liu Lei tearfully pointed to his head and gently let go of du Juan's little hand, and du Juan also walked to one side step by step, sitting on the ground with her knees in her arms and looking at him deeply, her eyes almost incomparably sentimentally attached and infatuated.

"well, only when you are in trouble can you see your true love."

Chen Guangda returned to the car with a sighing look on his face. although he was about to witness a parting of life and death, his heart was warm, but Ding Li suddenly sneered and said, "I bet you that if Liu Lei dies, the little girl will never die for him, or even think of committing suicide!"


Chen Guangda looked at her in surprise, but Ding Li disdainfully said, "if she really wanted to die, she wouldn't have sat in the past. Wouldn't it be better to be bitten to death by Liu Lei? moreover, she has just looked back and forth on you and Wang Liqun at least 20 times. This little bitch is already looking for a home for herself!"

"Fuck me! You've noticed that. "

Chen Guangda was taken aback, but Ding Li said proudly, "Don't forget."This young lady is a man in the office, and we have a lot of intriguing things. To say something exaggerated, it's just like the concubines in the harem scrambling for favor. Everyone competes to show their faces in front of the leaders. I've already developed a pair of eyes! "

"really? It's not possible. The girl looks honest and sincere. "

Chen Guangda looked at du Juan not far away. In fact, the appearance of the little girl was only a little above the average, and there would be no bright spot if it were not for her well-proportioned figure. But Ding Li smiled proudly: "people will not reveal their nature until the time of crisis. Before, no matter how beautiful she said, I can assure you that as long as Liu Lei dies, if you go up and say you want to sleep with her." She promised to pout her ass! "

"Damn it! You girls who sit in the trap don't have a good thing. "

Chen Guangda rolled his eyes angrily, lit a cigarette and frowned at the front, and the whole ruins had been completely quiet, leaving only Wang Liqun digging the hole like sweat, but when Chen Guangda put out his cigarette and was ready to take a nap for a while, du Juan on the other side suddenly stood up in panic.

"No! There seems to be something wrong with that boy. "

Chen Guangda suddenly looked up and saw that Liu Lei was already drowsy, as frightening as his sister, while du Juan immediately stepped back in horror and looked at Liu Lei anxiously. "Lei!" You. How are you? Please don't scare me! "

"du Juan! Get in the car, your brother Guang will protect you. "

Ding Li waved to her excitedly, but du Juan didn't rush over right away, but she looked at Liu Lei while walking, but Liu Lei suddenly gave a low roar at this time and jumped up like a grasshopper. He jumped at her like lightning.


Du Juan immediately let out a cry of surprise, turned around and galloped, while Wang Liqun, who was next to him, unexpectedly gave a ghost cry, threw the engineer shovel and rushed up the gravel mountain, but Liu Lei's speed was not unusual. He kicked again and almost instantly got behind du Juan.