
Chapter 6 : Visiting Lai Jing's Hometown

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

The clock's alarm rang.

Lai Jing was up and awake, already pouring milk on cereal for himself. He looked at his new 'Mommy' and smiled happily.

Lu Feng lightly grunted and searching around for the alarm clock. He tried to slam his hand on the alarm clock lightly but ended up breaking it.

"Ah, Mommy, isn't this the 13th clock? I think we only have 7 left." Lai Jing sighed. Sometimes, it felt like he was the one who took care of his parent. At least he knew how to make basic sandwiches!

Lu Feng was wide-awake now and chuckling. "Eh... Well, it's 7 o'clock now, let's get to the lab."

This was the 2nd week that Lai Jing had been added to his family, but it seemed like it had been forever since they were already so familiar with each other.

These days, a lab was provided to Lu Feng so that he could make a cure for the handsome guy he met a few weeks ago. Lu Feng already had forgotten his name, just like the author had(except, the author's worse b/c she was too lazy to go back and even check up on the name).

Lai Jing was homeschooled since he still didn't get along easily with others. He would talk to Lu Feng but clam up in front of others. The little kid had been able to give out simple sentences to the lab assistants now and was steadily progressing. He still used a whiteboard though.

Lu Feng just usually sat around and gave orders while watching if everything was being measured accurately.

The materials in this world were about the same as Earth's. But it was much purer than the ones on Earth, causing Lu Feng to work on revising the processing instructions for 3 days.

Anyways, the father and son pair went on a shuttle train and arrived at the lab a little late; 7:48 AM.

The lab assistants welcomed their boss as they were lazing about the lobby, munching on snacks and playing games.

"Hey, boss, when are we going to start?" a slightly chubby and friendly looking young man asked.

"Mm, yeah, can we rest for a while? We had been working on the experiments until midnight yesterday... It's not fair that your son is the only one who can go to sleep so early~" whined a young woman.

Lu Feng sighed.

"Hey, hey, I'll give you guys 2 rest days starting from tomorrow, so let's just get some work done first! And why are you comparing yourself to a child?"

The assistants all cheered and cleared away the video game controllers and snack bags.

"Mommy, when can we go to the park?" Lai Jing asked with his shiny doe eyes.

"Um... what about after lunch? We can go out for 2 hours, is that ok?"

The assistants listening in on this conversation all cheered silently for the adorable kid. They would get extra free time!

"Ok, pinky promise!"

Lu Feng hooked his pinky finger on Lai Jing's and promised very solemnly, causing Lai Jing to giggle.

So, until lunch, all the assistants worked hard on researching and forming the cure. When it got to lunch, they all gave a loud sigh and rushed towards the lobby to gather their coats. They all jabbered loudly and were deciding on which restaurants to eat at.

Lu Feng took ahold of Lai Jing's small hand and they once again got on the shuttle train to the capital's biggest park.

Lai Jing hadn't been able to go out much before so when he saw all the equipment and playgrounds that were in the huge park, he was hooked immediately.

He didn't have friends yet since he was still not good at talking with strangers and also shy. Lai Jing often liked to watch the other kids play when he was tired from running around. He looked forlornly at the ones who were enjoying their time with their parents and always squeezed Lu Feng's hand tightly whenever he saw such a scene. Lu Feng would then give a small smile and squeeze back.

After staying for 2 hours, they rode the shuttle train again to the lab.

The assistants were trickling in, patting their stomachs, and some even burped.

The lab assistants became hard workers immediately as Lu Feng ordered them around and were finally freed from the place when it became 10.

They each said their goodbyes and happily skipped out of the lab. Lu Feng just shook his head and brought Lai Jing home.

"Xiao* Jing, do you want to go somewhere during the next 2 days?" Lu Feng asked.

(*Small, used to call someone dear to you? Something like that.)

Lai Jing thought for a moment.

"Mommy, I want to go to my hometown and see my grandpa and grandma. I also want to see my friends. The Ding family didn't let me go out to see them."

Lu Feng nodded, he should let Lai Jing relax more and let his condition become better so that he could interact with people better.

So, the next day, Lai Jing was already awake at 6 AM, excited to go back to his hometown. Lu Feng was awoken by the alarm clock and broke another once again.

They went to the market to buy some premium meat and expensive herbs and tonics. Lai Jing bought some snacks and candy to share with his friends. The two bought Youtiao and dumplings from a stall and ate it along the way on the shuttle train.

Lai Jing happily bit into the fragrant dumplings and Lu Feng was just thinking.

Suddenly, the long-dormant 427 spoke.

'Host, you remember that guy? Ji Xiang?'

'Eh? Who's that?'

'The guy you almost turned gay for?'

'Nah, I only admire his looks. He seems nice but weird.'



'I researched on this world and he seems to be the boss of the #1 gang in this country?'

'Really?! I was almost fooled by his innocent look!'

'Yes yes, well, please be careful of him.'

'I will.'

'He might try to kidnap you or your son.'

'Is it because I have the ability to predict things?'

'Partially. But I think it's also because of the fact that he's angry at you for not coming to the meeting,'

'What meeting?'

'The meeting that was for all the bo-'

427 was cut off as the shuttle train's announcement for the last stop came.

Lai Jing jumped out of his seat and threw the wrappings of the now-gone breakfast away. He then grabbed his adoptive father's hand and led them out of the train.

'427, let's talk later.'



'Yes, host.'

427 was worried but didn't speak anymore. He frantically went towards the databases of the country that they were currently in and continued researching so that he could boost his host's level up as an idol.

Lai Jing was smiling brightly as he showed Lu Feng around the place.

It was a kind of peaceful and rural place. Not too rural, but it had many farms that could be seen on the side. A little away, a hospital could be seen. And a bit farther away, there was a school.

Lai Jing said that the school was very big and had the grades from kindergarten to high school.

He wanted to visit his friends there so Lu Feng made plans to go there later.

Lai Jing was very energetic and able to hop around after walking for half an hour, but Lu Feng was tired out from walking while holding all the gifts he brought. Lai Jing only had a small backpack to carry. Lu Feng had a whole boxful of goodies.

But since he didn't want to ruin his son's fun, he bore with it and tried to walk as calmly as he could.

427 almost cried tears as he watched his host painstakingly carry the gifts. He then remembered that his host was really weak. 427 vowed to make Lu Feng very powerful.

Poor Lu Feng didn't know what was to come...

Anyways, back on track, Lu Feng and Lai Jing finally got to the grandparents' house. It was a nice one story house with no basement. The grandfather was a hospital director and the grandmother was the principal of the school mentioned before.

Lu Feng had called them the day before, so the two elders were expectant of their arrival. They greeted their grandchild and his new father. The grandmother cried while the grandfather thanked Lu Feng for bringing Lai Jing back. The Ding family wouldn't let them contact their little grandson so they had been worried very much. They were happy that the child's new father was such a pretty, nice, and intelligent man. They were a little weirded out by how he was called, "Mommy", but they just tossed it to the side for now.

The four ate the feast that was prepared for lunch and then rode on the car to go to the nearest mall. The grandparents wanted to buy things for Lai Jing since they didn't know when they would be able to see him again.

After buying some toys for the child, they returned home and ate a grand dinner. Lu Feng and Lai Jing stayed the night, preparing for the next day.

The next day, Lai Jing was already up and running at 6 AM. The grandparents took him out for a stroll, where Lai Jing got to greet all the aunties, uncles, grandpas, and grandmas that he once knew.

Lu Feng slept till 8 AM, just in time to see Lai Jing come into the house.

Lai Jing smiled happily and dragged Lu Feng out of the house along with his backpack full of snacks. They were heading to the school. As the principal, the grandmother was very happy that they were going to visit and drove them there.

Students were coming through the gates and chatting with their friends. Some younger kids were running about, racing with each other while the teachers were scolding them. The older kids were just snickering at the sight and playing with their phones. Teachers who were monitoring were talking with each other while some were just trying to catch kids who weren't wearing their uniforms.

Lu Feng looked at this foreign sight and smiled, thinking back to the days when he went to the academy. The academy was strict and private, so it wouldn't have such a bright scene like this, but it did resemble his school life. He was quite a troublemaker and a mischevious kid back then.

Lai Jing excitedly looked around for his friends. The two were dragged into the school's office for a visitor's pass and were sent away with some guidance.

Lai Jing went straight to his old classroom. From the window looking into the classroom, he saw his friends. They were all looking at the teacher and learning diligently. Some were slacking off, playing around, or dozing off, but the teacher didn't mind and only lightly reminded them that this topic was going to be on this week's test, causing them to pay attention.

Some of the kids noticed Lai Jing and yelled out loud. The teacher turned and saw her previous student. She opened the door for them and gestured for them to watch from the back if they wanted.

Lai Jing quickly said his hellos to his old friends and sat at the back with Lu Feng. The girls and boys all were curious who this pretty older brother was, but their review of the test this week came first.

At recess, which was about 30 minutes, the small children all gathered around Lai Jing and Lu Feng.

Mu Sheng, a chubby and short kid, came up to Lai Jing with some other boys and asked how he had been doing. He mostly came up to ask what Lai Jing was eating and take a piece for himself.

Lai Jing knew what was going on and took out the bags of candy that were previously stored away in his small backpack.

The kids rejoiced and Lu Feng patted Lai Jing's head, praising him for his thoughtfulness.

A little girl that looked like a doll, Chen Miao, asked Lai Jing, "Lai Jing, who's this big brother?"

Lai Jing: "He's my new Mommy!"

Chen Miao: "But he's a boy!"

Lai Jing: "Who says he can't be a Mommy?"

At this point, the corner of Lu Feng's mouth was twitching as he tried his best to keep his smile on.

Chen Miao turned to Lu Feng and asked.

"Lai Jing's Mommy, do you have a husband?"

Lu Feng almost spurted out blood.

Husband? Husband?!

Lai Jing answered, "My Mommy doesn't have a husband. My new daddy has to be someone perfect! I won't approve of anyone who can't take care of Mommy properly!"

Chen Cai: "Shouldn't you be saying that your new Daddy has to take care of you properly?"

"No, Mommy gets things broken too easily and can't do anything on his own."

Now, Lu Feng was crying internally.

Dear Lai Jing, as sweet as you are, I can't tell if you're insulting me or caring for me! Should I laugh or cry?!

After the recess, Lai Jing's grandma came to pick them up and drove them home to collect their things. They had to go back home but promised to visit the grandparents often.

Lai Jing and Lu Feng could see the two elders, now specks, waving even though the shuttle train was practically gone.

Lai Jing and Lu Feng got back to their apartment, ordered food, and laid down on the couch, flipping through channels.

'Host, can I speak now?'

'Hm? Yea, sure. You know you didn't need to keep quiet for so long. You could have talked to me when I wasn't busy.'

'... Anyways, please watch out these days.'

'Why this again?'

'After you finish the cure for that man, he will try to harm you or Lai Jing someway. He wants to gain power.'

'Ok, and what was this about a meeting that I missed?'

'There was a meeting for all the bosses of the gangs in this country to attend. Only you weren't there.'

'Huh? I wasn't even notified!'

'You were sleeping and your subordinates were too afraid to call or disturb you in your sleep. Apparently, your previous self, was very violent when being woken up forcefully.'

'...Well, that can't be helped. I'll try to watch out, thanks for telling me this.'

'No problem.'

427 was feeling a little proud right now. He had given his host a warning and was preparing a training course that his host would go through soon. He disappeared to go to the headquarters again. Strangely, the president wanted daily updates about his host.

Ding Dong!

The food arrived. This time it was pizza.

Lu Feng could smell the heavenly fragrance of the chicken & tomato combo pizza from outside the door.

He hurriedly opened it to see-


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