
Doom: Punisher of Dc

death is final is what we’re told but it wasn’t for me.I was brought back in my Favorite game and it was hell no it was worse then hell and i come to hate the very line i thought was so cool Rip&Tear.It became me it was the only thing i could think to keep straight and not break.it was my duty and i wanted it to end it all of it for good but it end me to.I lost it and was on auto-Pilot that what i believe how i fell just wanted it all gone so i took it the hit that end ever thing the war the demon this fight and me it was over i was finish and the it happen again.I was back but this time it was how i asked for no short end deal this time but i did have to wait to reawaken but i had dream as i did and a Trauma that was branded on to my very soul that brought a need to punish those demons and now even those who have sin greatly. “this not my own it a fanfic watch and see how this story goes should be fun work something out for this”

6BigBoneMeat9 · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

chapter.4[Doom,Waken up,and Reincarnations]

~ As John is laying down on a cot in a room with is sister next to him run some test to see what wrong; as she typing a way on the computer and checking some of the DNA to see if he well be affect by any of the the stuff that got every one else.looking though his DNA make-up, it shock's her is to say the least because what she found shouldn't be possible even in there Current predicament it shouldn't be possible and it was pretty amazing to look at and more so for to think on looking back at john she as Decided on something death was Approaching and it was coming quick so in a last Ditch effort she thought maybe if i give him it he'll Stabilize the effect of these force strand in his genetic code and wake him up or at the very least Survive the new Genetic strand's Strain on his body.

As Samantha lamented on what happen to her brother and what it would do to him she arrived at this Conclusion as she spoke her mind to john who was still Unconscious.~

[Samantha]:{ "(The process of his DNA make up changing at this rate must be painful.Having your Your genome just change like this it would kill anyone in seconds if the body was not strong enough to endure this kind of Torture and heal to repair the muscles that have been rearranged, bones that are compressing and breaking.)What ever cause this change is very Selective it changes Varies from individuals but this is different from the others it's tearing though his genetic way more and it's reformed the very body mass and density that already been full molded in to something and add Dormant traits that's aren't even a part of our species.you'd have to heal to survive all this changes or the cell would Destroy themselves and the collision of the altering DNA strand Rejecting each other and the differences cell that are not adapting. If they don't find Equilibrium it won't be able to coexist. So i'm hope if i add something it might make that Equilibrium ..or it might kill him." }

~Still thinking about the effect of doing what she was about do could have she thought of three Possible outcomes and the third is the Worst case scenario.~

[Samantha]:{ "1.he wakes up and can fight them or at least makes it out,2.he just dies ( it better then slow death like it is now ),3.if he Mutates into something else and becomes a far worse monster." }

-(*Rattling pipes & heavy foot steps*)-

*thump* *thump* *thump*

~As the room Shook at the foot steps continuing to approach them, looking to the side;Samantha, saw the Terrified Expressions of a few dozen people Huddled together on one side of the room shaking and trying their best be quite. Deciding hurry things up she prepared the shot for him walking over to them after preparing the Dosage then drawing it in the Syringe as the nozzle Pierce through cap of the container "of the process sample she had Retrieved" labeled D12 drawing it into the cylinder tube before tapping it with a few flicks of a finger. walk of to john she expelled abit of the liquid before reaching his side and not sure if the shot would spread though his blood as it is she Ejected Serum right over the his heart.

Unknown to her that what she did was unnecessary and had little effect on the outcome as john was being watched over as the Phases of his wishes was being granted as the newly Reincarnated John was finally in his new body he would be meet with a rude awakening to what awaited him.~

—few moments later—

[john]:{ "augh hah what's up with this pain? Feels like my head just want though a blended." }

*thud*thud*thud* the wall have been littered with the sound of mindless banging from the outside.As sam stood on the side with shock on her face at him being up so soon.

[Samantha]:{ "your a wake?" }

————————— With Sara ———————

~A man stand in what seem to be the Vacuum of space with aleast then pleased Facial expression.~

[Zeus]:{ "Please speed things alone you don't have for ever." }

[Sara]:{ "okay my first wish is i want a Efficient Kryptonian body like power girl or super girl but hotter then both it Important maybe throw in some of kefla's genes with a look close to 18, (i heard john talk about them before so i have to be better then them.) ,second wish DC Universe same as john, around the same arrive time to and i want to be somewhere i'll get the Necessary train to improve while finding john, third wish you heard already but can u add a mind link tracker or something so i know how he feels and location at any given moment ...one way please if he knows it not as useful." }

[Zeus]:{ "I can do that but the last one is a little problem.(wow and i thought i came across some Clingy people before like those who ask to have partners who can't live without them or for the we are Destin to be with each soulmate shit like all that is are people with seals to lock Certain emotions in so their connection stay with them and don't fade.) To make something like this would make you akin to Incomplete imprintment are you sure it would put your mind in a stress and make you what he is not and that not always good." }

[Sara]:{ "well if it get what i want done it doesn't matter, Plus i know under normal Circumstances i would not be here getting a wish.. just like you know your not Zeus."}

[Zeus]:{ "Right your a sinner and you know it. This is why i need you to hurry because your not Supposed to be here I need someone to fill my quota so I can be free from my servitude and to keep john busy so know you well be his Opposite

to Oppose him To balance the scales so i'm not Notice but it matter not because i don't need to tell you that You'll do that on your own accord because if he knew that i granted you that wish he'll seek to undo them." }

~Showing a nasty smug grin to Sara as she look at the unknown Entity that she got wishes from Cautiously as she ask what thought that was leering in her head~

[Sara]:{ "Is that a threat?" }

[Zeus]:{ "A threat don't make me laugh, it a fact.Now time for to go your time is up oh and don't mind the time difference it won't matter in the long run." }

~As Sara vanish from the Presence of the self-proclaimed Zeus another man appears looking down on him with Distain so strong that you always taste it in the air surrounding him a rusty iron and Sulfur where very Dominant among them but the smell was far worse.The man look at this false Zeus and waved his hand and the imagine of a almighty being stand proud became one of a filthy Prisoner with his face beat and bruised as His body is prostrated and chained before this new being~


date - unknown /time-unknown



~As a rumbling descendants from the very skies as it approaches the ground of an island far off from the coast line in the middle of the ocean an object Approaches coming every so closer, flames and smoke shrouding it Disperses reveals a pod or alien ship of some sort descending upon the island and then it hits the ground with a loud noise -(*KaBoom*)- bringing any Intelligent life form to approach this crash site of the object to inspect it or Analyze the situation of it~

————————— Back With John —————

~As john sit up to get a better view of where he is and looks around while take note of the doctor he asks~

[john]:{ "Where am i and what making that racket?" }

[Samantha]:{ "... y your in the medbay john after you had that Episode you where brought back and that racket is well every one that don't make it during the Evacuation or to here." }

~As she was finishing answer john something jump though the window behind him tackling him into A medicine cabinet as he get a look at it, he sees a hulking figure with a Mutilated face and discolored skin trying to take bite out of him, Panicking he bring his knees close to his stomach and kick with all his might launching it back in to the room it came from as two more are Visible in the room he thinks~

[John]:{ "(this is not DC this it ...it Doom)" }

i was try to find a way to get the grist of what going to happen down while keep it to 2 or 3 more chapters oh and i don’t like dropping things after i start to do them so i know the Brackets have been getting some complaints but I haven’t been using them incorrectly and I kinda like them so i do plan to use them through this story but i won’t use them in some of the others i make okay, if your enjoy the story thx for taking the time to read it and i’ll do better.

6BigBoneMeat9creators' thoughts