
Magic & history

After Teacher Lisser had finished his speech, he began the lesson for today.

"Well, I hope you know that History has had 5 ages so far. The blank age, the bronze age, the silver age, the dark age and finally our current age. The sectioning off of history is loosely based off of power. The blank age is a time we don't know clearly of. It was said that in this time, there was only humans as the top race. Instead of magic, they used gadgets to fly and move around and communicate. The end of the blank age began when the earths center cracked. Instead of collapsing on itself, it started to expand and burst with mana. This mana changed its environment and turned the world into chaos. After The earth stopped expanding, it was already 10 times its original size and had thousands of new species.

Alike species banded together and tried to become Number one. This was the start of the Bronze age. An age full of discovery whether that be magic or new ways of war. The start of the Silver age began with the discovery of Fay energy. These came from Strong Beasts but also came from the ground and sky in a purer form. This age developed many machinery and weapons off of these crystals and also used it to strengthen themselves. The fight for the Fay Crystals only intensified through collaborations and betrayal between Groups. At this point there were 15 groups but 7 of them initially stayed away from the war. Sadly, they were still caught up in the war and 3 of the groups were completely demolished.

The groups that survived were Pisces, home of the forest people who later joined the war in hopes of protecting their motherland. Virgo, home of the quite dwellers. Instead of actively participating, they created alliances with the Leo group and the Aquarius in exchange for protection. Libra, the home of the undead were left alone for many reasons. One of the main reason is the fog that they had created in their areas of stay. Soldiers who came in contact with the fog were turned into zombies with no will and served the great lich. Capricorn, home of Giants and orcs and those types where relentlessly hunted down. They were an odd mix between beast and species that were considered sentient. After almost going extinct, they finally became into a mindset of "anything to survive". They killed and robbed anyone they came into contacts with, and even now, they don't stay in their territory and wreak havoc were ever they go.

Finally, the last peaceful group was Sagittarius, home of the dragons and demi dragons. Although without a doubt, one of the most powerful groups, they did not like war. They finally joined the war after one of their kind was killed by the combined effort of Aries and Taurus group. They were enraged and showed their true power, killing everything in sight. If it were not for the for the Dark age, the dragons would have won the 5-thousand-year war. Even now, older dragons still remember their grudge and kill beast man and humans regularly.

Now the Dark age is the shortest age of the 5. Lasting only around 1 thousand years. All the groups, whether they hated each other or not joined together to fight the demon king. They each selected a mighty hero from their group, Taurus group selected Taurask. At this time, the way magic was used completely changed. Since groups willingly shared their information with each other, Magic evolved very quickly and more people started to awaken their latent powers. One philosopher hypothesized that all species are able to awaken powers it just needs a certain trigger. This was the age were magic powers increased the most dramatically. And many legends were made in this time. Although many of them have already died..." After saying this, the bell suddenly rang. This surprised Teacher Lisser before he remembered that he only had 45 minutes today. He watched as the majority of his students left to find their other classes. Only a few others apart from Don and the others stayed. After a few minutes, a group of unfamiliar faces sat down.

The number of students was a little bit less than before. Teacher Lisser repeated his speech and started his lesson after making sure to leave a bad impression.

"Now I am sure you all have heard of elemental magic, if you did not have it, it would be quite unlikely that you would have made it here. Now this class talks about a new type of magic that many would dismiss. Null magic. Null magic is the use of mana without the need of an element. This was first discovered in the silver age but was not really seen as useful. Everyone has mana. As long as You are alive, you can use Null magic. Many of its uses include, projecting your voice, sensing your environment, and creating a mana shield.

These techniques probably sound generic and useless to many of you. Don't worry, that is what the people of the silver age thought as well. That is until a blind man changed their mind. He had awakened his powers quite late, at the age of 39. Before then, he had used Null magic to sense his surrounding and mana shield to protect him from robbers and bullies. After awakening earth, he could sense the ground even better. He was known to have become one with nature. After the dark age began, he became an important member of the Taurus main party and used Null magic to get the advantage over his enemies. Creating new techniques such as shock wave and mana hand which he taught to his apprentices.

You might know this man form your history books, his name was Merchwood."

The audience of students gasped as they heard this. This Null magic that they had never heard of was used by one of the great legends in human history. They were quite pumped up to hear this.

After hearing the explanation, for a second, Don had thought that it reminded him a bit of his odd magic but alas, after a demonstration from Teacher Lisser, it seemed different. Don had also thought it was Light but after seeing Lar's demonstrating the other day, he knew that it was not light.

He was not stupid but this mystery has got him stomped. The most likely element was not what it was and neither was null magic. In the end, he had decided to call it void magic until something that made sense popped up.

"Next class, we will learn how to use Null magic to sense our surroundings. This will help you in the long run when you are in dark places or unknown territory." After saying that the bell rang and everyone left the class except for Don.

Teacher Lisser looked at Don oddly.

"Why are you still here?!" Don did not know whether to laugh or to cry.

"I am here to take advanced history I Teacher Lisser." Don said as politely as he could. Tecaher Lisser sighed at his luck. The one person he had a bad impression of was in 3 of his classes. Don did not have to think to know that his teacher did not like him. He did not know why but he could not do anything about it anyway so he did not bother about it too much.

After a few minutes a total of about 5 more people came in. 4 were second years with orange uniform while 1 had a yellow uniform and was a 3rd year. The difference between mandatory class and auxiliary class was seen at this moment. Everyone sat in different rows since they did not seem to know each other. Suddenly another person showed up. She looked like a doll and had nice blonde hair and blue eyes which matched her blue uniform. Once she saw Don she quickly sat beside him.

Don looked curiously at the girl who sat beside him with a shy smile on her face.

"Um...do I know you?" Don asked. Stephanie shook her head as her face became bright red.

"Oh wait aren't you number 10? Stephanie Myers right?" Stephanie nodded her head again. It seemed like she wanted to say hello but forgot how to.

"Aren't you my sister's roommate? Or is it someone else?" Stephanie Myers Nodded again and then shook her head. Don quickly fell into the rhythm and soon could understand the girl's language.

"Eh hem! I would like it if you two would finish your chat at another time." Teacher Lisser interrupted. Don nodded and stopped talking while Stephanie focused her attention on the Teacher. Unlike the previous classes, he did not spout the same speech again.

"Hello students or should I say historians! To think, after so many years of teaching this class, this Is the first year that I have gotten so many students. I did not care what else that awful principle gave me, as long as I could teacher advance history. You see, this is where my true passion lies not all that generic, bland and tasteless MC's. I hope we can have great discussions in this class." After he said that, he quickly started the lesson. In the lesson, he would call on students to get their point of view, stop his story to answer a question. A complete 180 from Mandatory class where it was pretty obvious that he was just reciting the same things he had said the previous year. Even when people raised up their hand, he rarely stopped what he was saying. Yet, in this class he seemed to be asking for a conversation.

To teacher Lisser's surprise, Don seemed to be the most informant. The discussions he would have with Don were long and entertaining, countless times he fought himself smiling in the middle of it.

Although from the minute he came in Lisser was not fond of Don, he slowly warmed up to Don and found him to be a welcome in advance history.

After class was over, Teacher Lisser said goodbye to his students. He had already chosen to remember all their names. Teacher Lisser sighed as he sat in his desk and looked at his schedule. He has been teaching Mandatory classes for 15 years at this point due to lack of teachers. After furious pleading, he heard that he would be taken off this treacherous position next year so that he could teach his passion.

If it were not for having this class in between the 4 mandatory classes, he would have gone crazy years ago.

At this time, Stephanie and Don were chatting while they were heading to the cafeteria. Inside they quickly noticed their group since they were the biggest crowd of first years in the room. They headed over and quickly integrated themselves within the group while they talked about their day. Suddenly Elijah arrived with a serious look on his face.

"What's up Elijah, I did not know if you wanted your fries since you were taking so long so I helped you take care of them. " Drew said quickly but Elijah was too focused to care.

"As I thought, there must be a pattern..." Elijah whispered under his breath.

"What are you talking about?" Don asked his brother as he paced around in circles.

"Maybe it is strength? No…then Mark would be paired with Drew. Could it have been height? ...Then Don would definitely not be with Lars and Mark.....Could it be elements? No... Background? No... Personality?" Suddenly, Elijah had an epiphany. He thought about the thing that he and his roommates could connect with. Their ego and drive to be the best. Although this would probably create conflicts if they were the exact same person, but their strength lied in different fields. This allowed them to get along. That could not have been a coincidence.

"Elijah? Earth to Elijah!" Suddenly Elijah snapped as he heard his brother scream into his ear. Elijah turned to see a crowed of curious faces who were waiting to hear what was on his mind.

Elijah told them of his thoughts. He had gone to multiple tables that were usually of three and found that roommates had a tendency to get along. For them to just instantly click meant that there was a connection. After discussing it, they found that Don's group were all easygoing and maybe just a little bit nosy. Alas, they could not find a similarity between the 3 girls. Vivian was cold as ice, Maryline was a flaming torch and Stephanie was like a quite meadow. The crew knew that answers would not come by so easily and gave up for now. After eating their lunch, Elijah, Maryline, Mark and Adam went to Fire magic class while Drew, Vivian and Stephanie went to Earth, magic class.

This left Don and Lars who both went on to support training. As they sat down, they saw 15 students come in. They either had blue or orange uniforms. No third or fourth years were in the class. When the teacher showed up, Don almost choked. It was as if he was seeing a female version of teacher Lisser.

For a second Don could only think, 'There is no escape. He made clones!'

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