
Break point

After Mo shooed everyone away, he sat with Don in the class room. His arms where still shaking as he remembered what he felt.

He had turned to Don to see that he was making something with the parts he had left. He was satisfied with Don's progress and could predict that in the future Don would improve even more. He went back to his notes only to suddenly hear a sound that gave him tremors.

He looked to see that it was Don again but, unlike before, his eyes were in a daze. His movement were precise and his technique was beyond Mo. He felt his breath escape him as he saw Don hit the scraps with such power. At times he would use the other tools that Mo had not taught them to use yet. He would perform almost surgercally precise movement in order to shape the model.

Before Mo knew it, he had been lured closer to the object being made. The other kids could also not help but stop what they were doing, Unlike Mo they stood farther as they felt more oppressed with each bang.

Suddenly the odd atmosphere that had been created was broken by the bell. This was the first time Mo cursed the principle for making such an annoying bell. After the bell rang, Don came out of the odd daze he was in.

Mo quickly kicked everyone out in order to get an audience with Don by himself. Mo looked at Don for a good minute or too. He could see that Don was still a little out of it.

"Donovan" Don finally looked up at his teacher as he heard this. Mo looked at him seriously.

"Did you know what you just did?" Don shook his head. Even now, it was still fresh in his mind but he did not know where he learned to do it.

Mo sighed as he saw that Don was not lying.

"That is an advance forging technique that is quite famous in the forging scene. The 12 hands of Dao. It has 6 stages and the amount of arms visible to a person doubles each stage until people see 12 arms working in unison at the same time. At the same time, your mind sharpens and your focus become doubled every stage. The quality of work only becomes better.

Such a technique has been passed around so much that it is unknown where it originated but many high grade forgers use this technique. From what I could see, your arms had double... a trait seen in those using this technique." As Don heard this, he continued to nod. He had heard of this famous technique in history books but never did he think he would actually use the technique in his life.

Mo looked at Don's reactions and could not help but sweat. What he did not tell Don was how tough the technique was. To get to the second stage of the technique was as hard as becoming a forge master. yet here was Don one week into his class and he was already able to show 4 arms. It took Mo 10 years to get to the second stage. Now he had just barely reached the 3rd stage even though he has already been a forge master for many years.

"Breakpoint" Don whispered in thought.

"Yes breakpoint! that is the only way in makes sense!" Mo stated.

"What is breakpoint?" Don asked

Mo calmed himself as he realized that the boy did not even know what break point was! 'ah yes he is from a village if I remember correctly' Mo chuckled as he realized the world still loved its tricks.

"Well Break point is quite a mystical phenomenon. Some people may have it occur to them once in a life time while others will have it consistently. The break point is when an awakened person who is focused on a certain task reaches a sense of enlightenment. during this daze, they touch their potential and unleash a great power. This is very common in cities. A swordsman will be practicing a move and suddenly he is unleashing the great arts of the lightning king and destroys a building." Don gasped as he heard this. Indeed he was concentrating on making a ballerina sculpture yet he ended up with a spear of high quality.

"So I just experienced the breaking point?" Mo nodded. At this point the shocked had went away and all that was left was a huge smile on his face. For a student with such promise to land on his lap, he was very happy.

"Come come child, I will tell you more about this phenomenon. I have seen the way you eat books up."Don smiled as he heard this. The next hour, teacher Mo taught Don about the ways many forgers enter the breaking point and how it helps forgers and many other classes break through the ranks of their occupation.

Mo himself had only entered the breaking point once in his whole 110 years of life. This allowed him to advance to master forger. sadly he was unable to increase his rank after that.

After realizing how long he had spent talking with a 12 year, Mo decided to end it for the day. Don bid farewell to Mo and had thanked him for the lesson.

Mo smiled and waved him goodbye.

"I thought the boy was already good but, now I know he is very good. I must make that boy my apprentice after the exams are over...wait no I should take him in now before another person snatches up this talent..." Mo said this to himself as he packed up his things.

After coming back to his dorms, Don could not help but think about the whole situation. 'Was it really the breaking point? or was it....' Honestly, Don did not know. Don sighed as he remembered the odd feeling in his hands. The memory of the spear was still fresh in his mind. And similar to the breaking point, he remembered the steps to making the spear and if he had the materials he could easily perform the second level of the 12 hands of dao technique.

Don flopped into his bed as he thought of the dream. Ever since he was stabbed by Florence , he has been having more of these odd images and voices in his head. The more of these visions he had, the more confused he became. Now it was hard for him to look at himself in the mirror. Was he Don having dreams about Aegiseus, or Aegiseus having dreams about Don?

Lars opened the door to see a depressed Don laying flat on his face.

"Oh there you were!" Don turned his face to see Lars wearing his armour set.

"Why are you wearing that?" Don asked; a little confused. Lars laughed as he heard this.

"Well if you were at the meeting you would have known that we are planning our battle assembling starting today.

Don gasped as he realized he had forgotten about the meeting. Lars laughed as he saw this.'I guess no one is perfect after all' He thought. Don quickly put on his equipment and went with Lars to one of the many practice areas in the school.

There stood the others with bright smiles as they stopped fighting to greet Don. Seeing his siblings and newly made friends, Don tried to leave the mystery for another day.

A hamburger went into a bar. The bartender said

"we don't serve food here"


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