

And oh the dude was handsome. Yea he was really breathtaking , but I can't even think of that. I was only swinging my body, waiting for his next question "I like you !" "Oh!" I finally made a sound"thank you!" That was all I could say "Do you mind for us to sit and talk!" I wanted to decline but seeing his eyes, looks like he was pleading, melted my heart away. "Okay!" My thoughts gave me a wicked grin. How could I allow my self to feel this way. I took another sip of the liquor. I could sense he was talking to me but I was busy drinking my heart out "What's your name" he asked filling his glass "Urmmm.... You don't need to know my name" I said without even thinking of how he felt "Well..... Its just your name"he said rolling his eyes away to meet the crowd. "And I said you don't need to know my name!" I said already pissed because his attitude towards it just gave me an itch. I stood to leave. Like who does he think he is. A hand grabbed me immediately and I turned, it was the same guy "Woaw woaw!!.... I'm deeply sorry if what I said really upset you" l looked at him with his sorry ass face and my shoulder dropped "well we need to call the bartender for more" he said with a smile. I returned the smile. Even though I knew I was feeling drunk, I don't care, Felicia and her boyfriend will take me home.

Onyibor_Phina · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


"You've been crying since I came back from work eh..." Felicia was trying to hold and console kate "i told you, to just get over Emeka..... See a man that will love and cherish you will come okay"

Kate looking up with a swollen face" you don't understand Felicia... I'm sure you don't know what I'm feeling now, because----"Felicia cuts in

"And who told you, I don't know what you're feeling. Where you not with me, when a relationship I strived to keep real for five good years humiliated me and cuts off by Henry I gave my all?..... Come on babe, look at me I bounced back within a week cause I cannot be wallowing in pain, while somebody that should have been the one to be in pains is having a good time with his girlfriends" caressing kate hair "I have told you countless times, to learn from my mistake, you should learn from my past..... See..... baby girl,You cannot keep your eggs in one basket, I mean what if it falls, my dear You. Will . Loose...." Still consoling kate, hoping she was making sense to her

"But I don't double-date, and I finds it too hard to do that.... That was why, I wasn't ready to give in to Emeka's proposal at the initial stage, but you told me that he won't disappoint, but what's happening now"kate laments with another tears forming

"But I thought he was different" rolling her eyes away not to meet Kate's eyes

"You thought what? ...The worst was that he insulted me, like I'm a Lucifer sent from the pit of hell to torment him" kate sniffs...."like I don't know what else he needs in a woman, I haven't done for him.... I don't know" dropping her shoulders so low.

"Babe come on, you don't need to kill yourself over a man, just because you're trying so hard to make a man happy....." sitting beside Kate "definitely girl, a scumbag will be a scumbag, you can't change him....Please, Do not let what he did to bother you okay?..... He---he---he's just one of the minor we experience babe" Felicia stuttered but stood to leave as she has no time to wait anymore "I'm going out now for a date... Anyway its just a brief one" she said giving her a slight smile " but please I'm begging you to stop crying, another man that worths you will come and gives that happiness you desired" she hugged Kate and left hurriedly



"Emeka was just the perfect man I thought would suit me. He was a tall, handsome and rich guy ,that no woman could ever reject his love. I don't really know how I accepted his friendship proposal because definitely I was ready to reject him even though Felicia has finished preaching all the sermon she learnt but I'm ready to reject him. But seeing his face, his eyes that moment, I was swept off by the love at first sight . Or should I say lust?.... Since then I tried all I could , to know if I can be able to fit in his status because I know wealthy ladies both old and young will be flaunting over him. I loved him like he was my all, but I thought he loved me back but didn't know he was playing all along. I was so ashamed of my self when I barged into his house without knocking and I met a very hot sexy slim lady with him. There's nothing I could do to meet up with the lady's status. ...You know I tried to ask why , but he gave me the shock of my life"why are you here!!... You know what, you're so desperate! And I can't handle such in my life" for real ? He treated me like I was a trash.... How am I going to come out of this shame, he gave to me. I was so confuse that moment ,he dragged me out of his compound. I haven't been humiliated like that..... But who wouldn't be desperate, I wanted him all by myself, I don't want to share with anybody. Is it too much to ask? .... Now I have made up my mind that I won't give any relationship that will come by a chance. I won't dare to be stuck in one relationship, all in the name of love because it has no benefit...." I was snapped out of my thought when Felicia storms in

"So you've been here since I left?.... thinking about what girl?" She asked but I didn't utter any word "be useful to your self and stop thinking" she said while pulling out her shoes "anyway mike will be taking us to club this night, and I'm sure this will be a very good pain relief to you" giving me a slight smile... For real, that was what I needed now and I can't miss the opportunity. Like that was what my body needed

"Okay" that was what I could utter for the moment....