
chapter 271-- your mother loves you

Tang Ningshan immediately turns her eyes away. She has a guilty expression on her face, just like a child who did something wrong. This makes Shao Ruihan know that Tang Ningshan still has a lot of things not to tell him.

"Why? Don't you want to explain it to me? What did you mean by coming back to this body? If you don't make it clear today, I am afraid you can only stay at home. I will let people watch you, just in case you will announce your secrets to the whole world." Shao Ruihan's words have obvious threat meanings, but Tang Ningshan has no way to refute him. She can only blame herself for being too stupid. She can only hang her head. After thinking for a long time, she suddenly looks at Shao Ruihan as if she has gathered up her courage.

With firmness and trust in her eyes, she says, "Anyway, you have known most of my secrets; I can tell you the last one. When I saw the bed in the lab that day, a lot of pictures appeared in my mind. There are me, Tang Yichun, my mother, two people, and a child in those pictures. However, I don't know them; I have never seen these two people until now. At that time, I realized that this is actually my body. However, my mother sent my soul away because she hopes that I can have a happy childhood. Now that I have grown up, then I or the real soul of this body then returned to this body."

Shao Ruihan listens to this and frowns subconsciously. It is hard for him to accept the fact that the soul can run into the body of others. Now she even tells him that this is actually her body, and now the soul that her mother sent away is back. How does this make him accept? He can't imagine how it all happened?

However, judging from the unusual ability of Tang Ningshan, she should not lie to him. Maybe she is telling the truth. However, current science cannot explain what she said. He can only motion her to continue.

"You also know that I was not interested in everything about previous Tang Ningshan. When I broke the relationship between myself and Tang Yichun, It can be said that I was extremely happy. However, after that, I have dreamed about my mother several times. In my dream, she is lying on the bed in the lab; the body is filled with various tubes and is soaked in the green liquid. At that time, I didn't know she is my mom and wanted to know who this woman is. Do you still remember that I have asked Tang Yichun to give me a photo of my mom? The portrait I drew that time was according to the appearance of the women in my dream. I also asked you to help me investigate that person, remember?" Tang Ningshan says, and the expression on her face becomes quite sad. Although her words are half-truth and half-fake, all the main points are true; she just does not mention the existence of the system. When she recalls it, sadness pours out from her heart. This grief makes her unable to bear so that she even wants to kill herself.

Shao Ruihan can feel her sorrowful emotion and asks "You mean that your mother's death is related to your father?"

Tang Ningshan says with no expression and low voice "Actually, if my mother died because of pain in the laboratory, then she died because of me. She hopes that I can live a peaceful life; she knows that Tang Yichun does not trust her; she also knows that Tang Yichun simply does not believe that I am his biological daughter, so she sent my soul away; she left Tang Yichun a well-behaved fictional Tang Ningshan. Because of the obedience of that fictional Tang Ningshan, my body can grow up until now without being hurt by Tang Yichun."

After Tang Ningshan finishes this, her face has already covered with tears. Her clenched hands are showing how painful she is at this moment. She bites her lip tightly to prevent herself from making any voice. In fact, she always blames herself because her mother sacrificed her life for giving her a happy childhood. She always thinks that if she has a chance to choose, she would rather spend a tragic childhood in order to get a mother who loves her.

Shao Ruihan looks at such Tang Ningshan and thinks that this is the most desperate Tang Ningshan he has ever seen. She also knows that what she said is true. She does not lie to him. her eyes are full of desperation. It's like she has lost everything. And also, her face is full of expression of self-blame.

"Okay, this matter has already gone. Let's go to find the truth and find out why your mother would be caught in the lab. Let's see if this thing has anything to do with Shao Xingsheng. What you have to do now is to hide your secrets, the rest of the things I will help you deal with. You should not blame yourself. You must understand that your mother loves you. After all, if possible, no mother will abandon her children..." The more Shao Ruihan says the more terrible he feels. In fact, he can quite understand Tang Ningshan's feelings now. According to Tang Ningshan's words, he knows that Tang Ningshan has never seen her mother, let alone gotten the love of her mother. However, now, the truth suddenly appears. She now knows that she has a mother who loves her so much, but this love is a love that spans space and transcends life.

Tang Ningshan could not control her own tears. Finally, she falls asleep in the arms of Shao Ruihan. It may be that Shao Ruihan's hug is warm, or Tang Ningshan thinks that Shao Ruihan is the only person she can trust now, anyway, her hand is tightly grasping Shao Ruihan's clothes as if she is afraid of him leaving. Although her face is covered by tears, it can be seen that she is relieved now.

Shao Ruihan looks at Tang Ningshan in his arms quietly. For the first time, he feels that it is really good to be relied on by a woman. And when a woman regards you as the only one in her world, the feeling is fantastic, especially this woman is Tang Ningshan. If at this time someone asks Shao Ruihan why there is such an idea, it is estimated that Shao Ruihan will only answer one sentence, which is because she is my wife.

Shao Ruihan raises a hand and gently wipes the tears on Tang Ningshan's face, and then he gently picks her up and takes her into the bedroom. She gently places her on the bed. Just as he is about to let go of her, he realizes that Tang Ningshan is now clutching his clothes. He has tried many times but fails to allow Tang Ningshan to let go of his clothes. Helplessly, Shao Ruihan can only take off his jacket. After that, he looks at the clothes of Tang Ningshan and feels that it is very dirty. He could only take off her clothes and go to the cloakroom to find a pajama for her to put on. Throughout the process, Shao Ruihan's has never ever looked at Tang Ningshan's body.

After changing clothes for Tang Ningshan, Shao Ruihan has already been sweaty. After covering the quilt on Tang Ningshan, Shao Ruihan goes the bathroom to take a shower. After that, he lies in bed and puts Tang Ningshan into his arms. Tang Ningshan does not even struggle at all and stays quietly in his arms.

Both of them have a deep sleep. A really long time has passed. When Tang Ningshan wakes up again, she only feels that her eyes are a little uncomfortable, her breathing is not quite smooth, and her body is tied up.

She moves her head and feels that Shao Ruihan's arm is under her head. She slowly opens her eyes and only finds that it turns out that she is hugged by Shao Ruihan.

Tang Ningshan struggles for a moment and wants to come out of Shao Ruihan's arms. The harder she tries to get rid of Shao Ruihan's arms, the more tightly Shao Ruihan holds her. She feels that she is almost strangled by Shao Ruihan. She coughs and finds that her throat is also very uncomfortable. Her voice has also become a bit hoarse.

Does she catch a cold? This is what Tang Ningshan did not expect. In the past, she has basically never ever gotten sick, it can be said that she was quite healthy.

Shao Ruihan seems to have heard the voice of Tang Ningshan. He moves a little. Tang Ningshan suddenly thinks of that she was crying in his arms and finally fell asleep in his arms. In an instant, she blushes, and she even feels that she is afraid of facing him at the moment.

Therefore, Tang Ningshan makes a rather ridiculous decision. She lifts the quilt directly and covers her head. Shao Ruihan next to her has actually woken up when Tang Ningshan coughed. He really didn't expect Tang Ningshan to make such a funny reaction. At the moment that he opened his eyes, he saw that she had covered herself with the quilt.

Although such Tang Ningshan is very cute, it is quite uncomfortable for her to use a quilt to cover her head, so he says "Shan..." Tang Ningshan really doesn't know how to describe the tone of Shao Ruihan just now, and she thinks that his voice simply makes her blood boil. She feels that his voice is quite sexy, and her heart has begun to jump crazily. His voice is low, but it contains tenderness. At this time, Tang Ningshan has only one idea in her heart. That is, she feels that she may be in danger.

Tang Ningshan can only hear her abnormal heartbeat. She doesn't even dare to move, and she prays that Shao Ruihan did not find that she has woken up. However, Shao Ruihan directly lifts the quilt and allows her head to expose. Looking at her blushing face, he quickly says "What are you doing? Do you think you are a kindergarten student? How do you think of doing such a ridiculous thing? You do not know that covering your head with a quilt will affect you breathe? "There is blame in Shao Ruihan's words, which makes Tang Ningshan directly dumbfounded. She did not expect that Shao Ruihan would say these words. However, this also allows her to relax in an instant.

"Hmm... I won't be like this next time, hurry up, I am hungry." Tang Ningshan says, while she takes Shao Ruihan's arm away from her body and directly lifts the quilt.

However, when Tang Ningshan sees the pajamas on her body, she screams out directly. That voice scares Shao Ruihan. After that, he calmly looks at her and says "What happened again? You've transformed from a kindergarten student to the treble singer?"

Tang Ningshan looks at Shao Ruihan and then looks at her clothes. Her meaning is quite obvious, but she still says "You changed the clothes for me? How could you help me change my clothes?"

Shao Ruihan shrugs and says carelessly "I am your husband. Isn't it normal to change clothes for you? If it wasn't because I thought that you were too tired, I even wanted to take a shower for you."

After listening to Shao Ruihan's cheeky words, Tang Ningshan even wants to punch him up. She stares at Shao Ruihan with anger. Her face is getting redder and redder, which makes Shao Ruihan feel that he is seduced. He now feels that the purpose of Tang Ningshan's existence is to seduce him. Otherwise, why is her every move so tempting in his eyes?

Tang Ningshan doesn't know what Shao Ruihan is thinking. She quickly jumps out of bed and keeps a certain distance with Shao Ruihan. After that, she says "I don't need you to change clothes for me next time, I can change it myself. Even if I fall asleep, You can wake me up. Who gives you the right to change clothes for me?" After saying such a sentence, Tang Ningshan runs into the bathroom. She also thinks she should take a shower. After all, they have stayed on the desert island for a long time, so she also has not taken a shower for long; she even feels that she has become a clay figurine.

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