He just a regular salary man that live without any ambition, he didn't like trouble and didn't like to create one. Although he live with his parents he didn't cause them trouble as he pay them rent and buy the groceries for them. It not that he didn't want to live by himself but, with this era housing price, he may end up eating just bread without even a butter for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 20 to 30 years just to be able to afford a normal nice house. 26 February is just another regular day for him. As usual he eat breakfast cook by his mother while chatting with his parents he end up blinking his eyes as he feels his eye's balls getting dry, but that blink changes everything for him....
A young teenage trembling in the corner of the ward. His thin body keep shaking like washing machines on full load.
With his face buried in his legs those who see him from a far might think that nothings strange happened to him, or maybe he just sad or just having a fever but those who know what kind of ward is this, will think otherwise.
This is ward no 404, one of the mental illness ward that housing people that gone nut, or just simple mentally retarded.
The young teenage with brown hair and panda eyes keep trembling like old car engine, keep muttering
" it's is near"
"it is near"
"please don't eat me"
Please don't eat me
"Alex! I think we need to put this guy to sleep. It been 5 days since he sleep, he didn't even eat his food and rarely drink any water" one of the male nurses who doing routines check on the patient speak to his colleague.
"I think so, if he keep doing this, he may end up taking his own life" Alex reply as he walk out from the ward searching for doctors on duties.
"Hey John! Doctor say we can put him to sleep!" it didn't take long for the male nurse to returns with shot of propofol.
"Grab him properly and don't let him struggle, we don't want to injured him" John say as they walked toward the young teenage.
But before they can do anything to him, the young teenage stand up straight so quickly that he shocked both of them.
His eyes are bloodshot, his young face is fierce, like a rat that have been toyed by cat and threaten to corner and at last line of his life, the young teenage decided to fight with all he have, to stake his life on the line as he think that he have no other choice, either die siting down like a coward or die fighting for chances of survival, either way he know that he will end up dying.
"Fuck you! And fuck your mother and your grandma!"
"I will kill both of you and that shark behind you!" he shouted and rush towards the nurses and swing his fist toward their head like Mike Tyson!
That what he thought but without eating for 5 days straight and barely drinking any water his body is already on verge of breaking down.
His punch landed on Alex face and Alex close his eyes out of reflex and prepare for impact but instead of Mike Tyson like punch it feel more like Cat punch and it feel like you been hit by cotton.
" Alex! Catch him!" John shouted at Alex waking him up from his stupor.
It didn't take a lot of effort to take down young teenage that weakened by hunger.
"This guy really surprised me when he stood up suddenly and started to curse and throwing hand at me" Alex say as he look at sleeping teenage.
"It Martin" John say while looking at the teenage that sleeping like a log.
" Huh?" Alex confused by what John say.
"The boy, he have name, his name is Martin" answer John.
"Oh his name is Martin" nodded Alex.
" I didn't know that you really take care of your patient and even remembered their name" Alex say kind of surprises that there are still nurses in this mental asylum that stil really taken care of patient properly instead of just doing routine procedure.
"Don't look at me like that, I am not a saint, I am just like you, just doing my regular routine just to keep my job" John say with hint of pity.
"Then how come you remember his name? Heck I don't even remember my patient name" Alex ask with puzzling look.
"Because he is a special case" reply John.
"Special case? Code black?" Alex ask as he thinking of something.
"Yup, code black and he come to this ward escorts by red sleeves" John answer Alex question but his eyes didn't move from the teenage body at all.
" Fuck! Why did he stay here! This is fucking dangerous! What if he awaken or corrupted! We all will die" Alex say as he began to panic.
"don't worry Miss Nina say that if anything happens I can call her, besides he already awaken, is just that they say that he a bit nut because of studying too hard for examination." John reassure Alex that nothings bad will happen.
"Sigh... Poor lad, he going crazy from studying too hard. That why I just roll the dice in examination hall" Alex sigh with pity as he look at the young teenage.
" Help me carry him to his bed, he gonna hurt his back if he keep sleep on the floor liks this" John ask as he began to lift the boy.
"What about this book beside him?" Alex ask as he helping John carry the boy.
"Just bring it to his bed, don't bother opened it and try to read, I already done it and can't understand shit! Heck I don't even know how this kid as young as him know how to write in his own secret code" John answer as they began move him to his own bed.