Addison Rulphy is a Canadian 17 year old white hat hacker. But everything changes when he notices that his life is taken away. being sucked into the very core of the software he uses himself. Only to meet the vengeful cruel interface named Zera. Will he survive? Read on, to know.
Hello everyone, I'll be introducing you to this story with a short note from the author. When I was in the begin of the phase of creating this book. I was only a first grade fourteen year old writer. And after a while I decided it was time to give up hope for a new book. All really though my hopes weren't as real as the time being. I disclosed a writers course, and had some financial difficulty publishing my first book. First of all I've had to disclose this chapter and make sure everything was in check. Now that my friend that I've only met online named Omar Taylor had introduced me to a few author's from webnovel. and at the time when I was fourteen I was completely hopeless on giving out a new book. Without more being said. I started writing from a broken down level. And repeatedly wrote more and more, and more compelling backstories for characters. As I've only realized that I could do some more for the community I realized I could make sure that I've got a schedule that I could keep into. And started writing in my own language at first. From The Netherlands. I've noticed the more I've ever been writing. the more I started to read.. the better I could make it. I came to this idea from the quote of Stephen Hawking saying that someday 'Technology is going to be the killer of humanity." + the young adult version of what I was implying of the old days that I wrote with my mother. We came up with a more teen-fic version of this quote and making it more responsible to actually put a teen-novel out there. to make sure that many could make a story where people could relate to with the characters. For other instances more female leads and male leads but opposites. Because especially Addison and Emily in the original novels were officially too much of lovebirds without an actual explanation. The actual days that I spend reading. Are the days I'll be writing. and the more I write. the more I will fight to find the actual words.
Addison was a hard character to write, he was the hardest character to write because when you will read he wasn't the toughest one.. He was the most ordinary character with the most normal background I've ever written. But the most special character I've got to write so far in this chapter is Zera. and in the original Dutch print. She didn't really have an dialogue really. but this time she does. The thing is the more people relate to a character. the more sympathy comes for them. And in my head I now thought "As if I were them, how'd they react to being them." and that is the audacity of a writer. to sometimes change what you've written. and outwork till it's perfect.
Anyways I'll hope you enjoy this first chapter. this is a young adult novel.-A.D
Hi, my name is Addison-Rulphy I come from Canada and I am a student at the Campus nearby Brookville, it's a pretty nice place with lots of city activities and with allot of nice things. They're are many artistic buildings here, and arts to look at. But I decide to be a lazy 17 year old and decide just to let things go their own way. My most worn outfit consists off a lumberjack flannel, black shoes, and brown jeans. I am a short man that is 5.3 and I decide to hear the news. Recently my best friend Janny has contacted me for a great app that you can download online. He said they're were pretty chicks in this group and that I should check them out. I'm not sure if I want to hear from it but I'm curious, my parents from the Rulphy family were out visiting my aunt and I decided I've already visited them last week and today I wanted to take a break to study and learn some ethnical programming since those jobs are running high on the market. I'm sure I can make profit off the cycle of life if I just try hard enough.
I decide to walk downstairs to let my program download my program is called "cute-chatrooms for boys' which I frankly find quite fitting. Maybe it's something I should try before considering it a scam. But I'm critical.. if anything happens.. I'll just be able to uninstall it. And hack it through and remove it and delete the virus from my computer. like every hacker can do.
My parents are gone, and are visiting my aunt and finally even though I really love my parents and my aunt, it's good to have some time for yourself. Our house is amodern house with all kinds of technology. And quite modern. Also afew pop-band group's are hanging on posters on the wall. Enough talk, lets begin with this story.
I live with my parents and I'm 17 years old and I am a teen living my best life.Making a report to get into college for getting there into the next 5years. Pretty much, is that it's a good beginning. I have been hired by a Electronic company to hack into their system and giving a casual-report on making sure how good their security is. It's a company of a friends of my dad's so if I'll do good on that. I hopefully have a good report and can call it a day. But everyone needs some free time-once in a while, do they?
I walk downstairs and decide to get myself some cereal I decide to grab some pop and some-milk and cereal. I decide to think over and note some things down, like simple mathematics and decide to run all the code's down that I can possibly think off.
'This had to be a hard-one, uncle Jerry.." I sigh and talk to myself. Uncle Terry was the man who hired me to check his security. But to know, it's hard to break through. And I've got to write it down next week.
I held a pen into my ears and looked to the balcony with the beautiful lamps hanging from the sofa. And heard my computer upstairs. But decided to ignore it now. I had to have my breakfast first. I slept in my clothes but I didn't care. I was worked over from making the college assignment in codes and looking from the papers I hope to god they'll let me in. If I don't screw it up & over of course.
I decided that it was time to check on my computer. And let the sweet taste of my cereal take in and wash the dishes and decided to call it a day. I sprayed some deodorant under my armpits. And decided to go back to the computer. Packing a bunch of papers with me. Anyways after doing all my work I'd decide to call it a day.
I decided to look at the computer and saw that the program was downloading on the big computer when I own two. I use one a laptop for my own projects. And the big computer with the big RAM and storage space to make sure my projects come off as clean!
This time though, the program was downloading a bit slower then I'd expect it to be. Honestly I never expected that such a small program could take so long. But it could've done a longer time because of the graphics. And big graphics have to contain allot of RAM. Or storage.
My room is quite frankly quite messy, but that's quite a lifestyle. I have to be reminded toclean my room today. But I don't see anything messy about it really.I then realized that I forgot the most hygienic rule there is.
I forgot to take the bath my mother made for me. And I forgot to brush my teeth. Again I rushed to the bathroom and decided to take of my piyama's and took of my clothes and washed myself. And let the bubbles dominate the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and soon the yellow and plague on the teeth magically disappeared. now I really look good for a date, although I hope my social awkwardness won't screw it up.
'Thanks mom, I almost forgot." and played like a child with the little rubber ducks that my mother bought for me when I was younger. I wettened my messy orange ginger-curled hair and c the curls through. It was short hair and after I was done washing my body I dried myself off and looked at the mirror. And decided to fancy up my hair and to comb it forward. Then I walked back to my room and put on a nice perfume and decided to dress up in my new red and black flannel lumberjack vest, and decided to wear my black pants and my shoes and grabbed myself some boxers. I'm not the strongest guy but that doesn't matter. I can still have fun being myself.
I walked back to the bathroom again and this time flushed down the water down the drain. And decided it was time to wait around till the program was completely coded and installed on my computer. My best friend said it was an awesome site, and therefore I found the site that was leading on that it came from a particular store. But whatever my friend suggested me, it wasn't what I was expecting at all.
I talked to my friend that day on the phone going over to the subject.
'Are you sure it isn't a scam Janny?' where he replied with the following words.
'Addison, why would you think that? It's a very good app. And you get to work with hot chicks you should really try it, I've never regretted it at all. And the chatting of the girls is so awesome, and they are so nice." where I replied when I had my phone in the sky creaking with all the volume's against my ear.
'Yeah, I can understand. I'll download it thankyou."
Sometimes I do wish I could turn back time and not make an awful mistake like that. That could be bad at all costs. Honestly why did I even agree to it at all?I just wanted to know, that my friend lied to me that day. And I wish he could see things at my point of view. But resolving everything with violence is never a good reason to begin with.
These were one of the last-moments that I've actually spend my time in my actual room. Before everything went straight to hell. I'd just wish I'd be smarter at the times. As I look back on what I've written on this diary. This isn't really a diary, it's a journal of what I've witnessed and the things I've done.
I decided to get some coffee and eat my cereals in front of my computer screen what is already a bad habit what I should really get rid of. One day it may end up damaging the computer. And I don't want to damage my compute rat all. Don 't I?
I sighed and saw a few girls pop up in the screen. And the words on the colorful screen told me one thing. And it said
"Choose your girl to talk too.' and which got me thinking. I really love the tough girl with the red hair and the flower in her hair and the gorgeous red tanktop and the leather black -leather jacket. She also had hair as red as a rose too. Her green eyes were gorgeous . But god what was I wrong.
I decided to type in a chat message and it said the following.
'Hi, Addison Rulphy, my name is Zera are you looking for a fun time?" and which I replied to. I'm not coming here for anything sexual or anything. Where Zera replied
'Then why did you come here? knowing this is a dating app?"
'No, Zera I just felt a bit bored and I wanted to talk, " where Zera replied with a big smile on her face "I'm a minor, so please be careful with me. I'm only seventeen"
'Oh I can understand, I see. what do you wanna talk about?"
Zera replied and after I typed in from my fingers who were already hurting from doing so much work I decided to let her know the following.
"Hey Zera, I would like to ask you a question?" and where Zera replied with a hum. I knew she was programmed but she was one smart but one evil one of a computer.
Zera replied, and when her loading icon finally stopped she replied directly back to me.
"Yes, what is the-question dear Addison?" where I started to ask the question.
"Do you play any video-games or do you know about any good video-games I should play?" where Zera replied. She was so smart as a computer that she almost sounded human but not quite.
'I know one about zombies and cops, you should try that one." where I kind off found it a startled suspicious answer. She must've read my search history or my older brother's search history. There was no way in god that she could have known this right. But I decided to stay calm, because at the time I didn't want to freak her out.
Zera replied smoothing up and puckered up her red beautiful evil lips. but was she all that she promised to be. or was she just a snake lying underfoot? trying to intoxicate you if you left to be sticking up in her trap.
"I know your parents are not home, so I'm giving you a gift code, because I don't see anyone around here." as the gift code came to the screen I typed in the code with my messy fingers and decided to wait for a while it did seem like nothing happened. But after a while things got really really scary. And horrifying. I didn't knew what was going on anymore. Suddenly I felt that I was grabbed as if I was a cat stuck in water and wanted to get out and suddenly felt as if my own breath was taken away. And now realized I was out for a battle.
"Where am I?" I replied as I fell further and further and heard the voices of the girls who were trapped in this horrific nightmare. My father and mother warned me about clicking on suspicious sites hotspots and viruses, but this was way more then suspicious this was chill and cold to the bone. And even colder then cold. I wondered how stupid I could be to be caught by a girl and a monster like this.
Around me I saw ghosts flying around begging me to help them escape this dimension and I wanted to help, but falling down at such a rapid speed was harder then I realized and what I could've realized. I just wanted to know what the hell was going on at this point. And all I could be, was that their voices were going to remind me of what was going to happen to me. Or so I thought..
I felt that I got sucked in the computer more and more, but no matter what happened I couldn't stop listening. And nothing could ever stop from happening. What happens just happens? Do you thought it was faith or coincidence that I was so stupid to believe her. I think it's a case like a mixture combined of both. The ghosts became the ghosts because they kept telling what could happen to anyone in that situation and what could happen to me.
Introduction character 1 :
Hi, my name is Addison Rulhpy I come from Canada and I am a student at the Campus nearby Brookvile, it's a pretty nice place with lots of city activities andwith allot of nice things. They're are many artistic buildings here,and arts to look at. But I decide to be a lazy 17 year old and decide just to let things go their own way. My most worn outfit consists ofa lumberjack flannel, black shoes, and brown jeans. I am a short man that is 5.3 and I decide to hear the news. Recently my best friendJ annis has contacted me for a great app that you can download online. He said they're were pretty chicks in this group and that I should check them out. I'm not sure if I want to hear from it but I'mcurious, my parents from the Rulphy family were out visiting my auntand I decided I've already visited them last week and today I wantedto take a break to study and learn some ethnical programming sincethose jobs are running high on the market. I'm sure I can make profit to the cycle of life if I just try hard enough.
I decide to walkdownstairs to let my program download my program is called "cutechatrooms for boys' which I frankly find quite fitting. Maybe it'ssomething I should try before considering it a scam. But I'm critical.. if anything happens.. I'll just be able to uninstall it. And hackit through like every hacker can do.
My parents are gone, andare visiting my aunt and finally even though I really love my parentsand my aunt, it's good to have some time for yourself. Our house is amodern house with all kinds of technology. And quite modern. Also afew pop-band group's are hanging on posters on the wall.
Enough talk, lets beginwith the story.
I live on my own with myparents and I'm 17 years old and I am a teen living my best life.Making a report to get into college for getting there into the next 5years. Pretty much, is that it's a good beginning. I have been hiredby a Electronic company to hack into their system and giving a casualreport on making sure how good their security is. It's a company of afriend's of my dad's so if I'll do good on that. I hopefully have agood report and can call it a day. But everyone needs some free timeonce in a while, do they?
I walk downstairs anddecide to get myself some cereal I decide to grab some pop and somemilk and cereal. I decide to think over and note some things down,like simple mathematics and decide to run all the code's down that Ican possibly think of.
'This had to be a hardone, uncle Jerry.." I sigh and talk to myself. Uncle Terry was theman who hired me to check his security. But to know, it's hard tobreak through. And I've got to write it down next week.
Introduction is done :next on discuss what Addison is thinking and doing :
I held a pen into my earsand looked to the balcony with the beautifull lamps hanging from thesofa. And heard my computer upstairs. But decided to ignore it now. Ihad to have my breakfast first. I slept in my clothes but I didn'tcare. I was worked over from making the college assignment in code'sand looking from the papers I hope to god they'll let me in. If Idon't screw it up & over of course.
I decided that it was timeto check on my computer. And let the sweet taste of my cereal take inand wash the dishes and decided to call it a day. I sprayed somedeodorant under my armpits. And decided to go back to the computer.Packing a bunch of papers with me. Anyways after doing all my workI'd decide to call it a day.
I decided to look at thecomputer and saw that the program was downloading on the big computerwhen I own two. I use one a laptop for my own projects. And the bigcomputer with the big RAM and storage space to make sure my projectscome of as clean!
This time though, theprogram was downloading a bit slower then I'd expect it to be.Honestly I never expected that such a small program could take solong. But it could've done a longer time because of the graphics. Andbig graphics have to contain allot of RAM. Or cloud storage.
My room is quite franklyquite messy, but that's quite a lifestyle. I have to be reminded toclean my room today. But I don't see anything messy about it really.I then realized that I forgot the most hygienic rule there is..
I forgot to take the bathmy mother made for me. And I forgot to brush my teetn. Again I rushedto the bathroom and decided to take of my pijama's and took of myclothes and washed myself. And let the bubbles dominate the bathroom.
'Thanks mom, I almost forgot about it entirely " and played like a child with the little rubber ducks that my mother bought for me when I was younger. I wettened my messy-orange ginger hair and coamed med the curls through. It was short hai rand after I was done washing my body I dried myself off and looked at the mirror. And decided to fancy up my hair and coamed it forward. Then I walked back to my room and put on a nice perfume and decided to dress up in my new flannel, and decided to wear my black pants and my shoes and grabbed myself some boxers. I'm not the strongest guy but that doesn't matter. I can still have fun being myself.
___________________________________________________________-EDIT HERE :
I walked back to the bathroom again and this time flushed down the water down the drain.And decided it was time to wait around till the program was completely coded and installed on my computer. My best friend said it was an awesome site, and therefore I found the site that was leading-on that it came from a particular store. But whatever my friend suggested me, it wasn't what I was expecting at all.
I talked to my friend that day on the phone going over to the subject.
'Are you sure it isn't a scam Janny?' where he replied with the following words.
'Addison, why would you think that? It's a very good app. And you get to work with hot chicks you should definitely try it, I've never regretted it at all. And the chatting of the girls is so awesome, and they are so nice." where I replied when I had my phone in the sky creaking against my ear.
'Yeah, I can understand. I'll download it thankyou."
Sometimes I do wish I could turn back time and not make an awful mistake like that. That could be bad at all costs. Honestly why did I even agree to it at all?
I just wanted to know, that my friend lied to me that day. And I wish he could see things at my point of view. But resolving everything with voilence is never a good reason to begin with.
These were one of the last moments that I've actually spend my time in my actual room. Before everything went straight to hell. I'd just wish I'd be smarter at the times. As I look back on what I've written on this diary. This isn't really a diary, it's a journal of what I've witnessed and the thing sI've done.
I decided to get some coffee and eat my cereals in front of my computer screen what isalready a bad habit what I should really get rid of. One day it may end up damaging the computer. And I don't want to damage my computer at all. Don 't I?
I sighed and saw a few-girls pop up in the screen. And the words on the colorfull screen told me one thing. And it said
"Choose your girl to talk too.' and which got me thinking. I really love the tough girl with the red hair and the flower in her hair and the gorgeous-red tanktop and the leather black -leather jacket. She also had hair as red as a rose too. Her green eyes were gorgeous . But god what was I wrong.
I decided to type in a chat message and it said the following.
'Hi I'm Addison, I'm 17 and from New Brunswick in Canada. I'm looking for someone to talk too! That's all nothing sexual please. I'm still a minor."
'Hi, Addison Rulphy my name is Zera are you looking for a fun time?" and which I replied to. I'm not coming here for anything sexual or anything.
'No, Zera I just felt a bit bored and I wanted to talk, " where Zera replied with a big smile on her face
'Oh, what do you want to talk about?"
Zera replied and after I typed in from my fingers who were already hurting from doing so much work I decided to let her know the following.
"Hey Zera, I would like too ask you a question?" and where Zera replied with a hum. I knew she was programmed but she was one smart but one evil one of a computer.
Zera replied, and when her-loading icon finally stopped she replied directly back to me.
"Yes, what is the question dear Addison?" where I started to ask the question.
"Do you play any video-games or do you know about any good video-games I should play in particular?"where Zera replied. She was so smart as a computer that she almost sounded human but not quite.
'I know one about zombies and cops, you should try that one." where I kind of found a startled answer. She must've read my search history or my older brother's search history. There was no way in god that she could have known this right. But I decided to stay calm, because at the time I didn't want to freak her out.
Zera replied with the next-question :
"I know your parents aren't home, so I'm giving you a gift code, because I don't seea nyone around here." as the gift code came to the screen I typed in the code with my messy fingers and decided to wait for a while it did seem like nothing happened. But after a while things got really really scary. And horrifying. I didn't knew what was going on anymore. Suddenly I felt that I was grabbed as if I was a cat stuck in water and wanted to get out and suddenly felt as if my own breath was taken away. And now realized I was out for a battle.
"Where am I?" I replied as I fell further and further and heard the voices of the girls who were trapped in this horrific nightmare of a video-game as it sounded. It really felt that I was in a horror video game. but instead of me playing the character. I was the character in this horrible game of life, My father and mother warned me about clicking on suspicious sites, but this was way more then suspicious this was chill and cold to the bone. And even colder then cold. I wondered how stupid I could be to be caught by a girl and a monster like this.
Around me I saw ghosts flying around begging me to help them escape this dimension and I wanted to help, but falling down at such a rapid speed was harder and I wanted to help, but I didn't knew if I could. What could've happened when I tried to help them? I realized and what I coul'dve realized. I just wanted to know what the hell was going on at this point. And all I could be, was that their voices were going to remind me of what was going to happen to me.
I felt that I got sucked in the computer more and more, but no matter what happened I couldn't stop listening. And nothing could ever stop from happening. What happens just happens? Do you thought it was faith or coincidence that I was so stupid to believe her. I think it's a case like a mixture combined of both.
Introduction character 1 :
Hi, my name is Addison Rulphy I come from Canada and I am a student at the Campus nearby Brookvile, it's a pretty nice place with lots of city activities and with allot of nice things. They're are many artistic buildings here, and arts to look at. But I decide to be a lazy 17 year old and decide just to let things go their own way. My most worn outfit consists of a lumberjack flannel, black shoes, and brown jeans. I am a short man that is 5.3 and I decide to hear the news. Recently my best friend Janny has contacted me for a great app that you can download online. He said they're were pretty chicks in this group and that I should check them out. I'm not sure if I want to hear from it but I'm curious, my parents from the Rulphy family were out visiting my aunt and I decided I've already visited them last week and today I wantedt o take a break to study and learn some ethnical programming since those jobs are running high on the market. I'm sure I can make profit to the cycle of life if I just try hard enough.
I decide to walk downstairs to let my program download my program is called "cute chatrooms for boys' which I frankly find quite fitting. Maybe it's something I should try before considering it a scam. But I'm critical.. if anything happens.. I'll just be able to uninstall it. And hack it through like every hacker can do.
My parents are gone, and are visiting my aunt and finally even though I really love my parents and my aunt, it's good to have some time for yourself. Our house is amodern house with all kinds of technology. And quite modern. Also a few pop-band group's are hanging on posters on the wall.
Enough talk, lets begin with the story.
I live on my own with my parents and I'm 17 years old and I am a teen living my best life. Making a report to get into college for getting there into the next 5years. Pretty much, is that it's a good beginning. I have been hired by a Electronic company to hack into their system and giving a casual-report on making sure how good their security is. It's a company of a friends of my dad's so if I'll do good on that. I hopefully have a good report and can call it a day. But everyone needs some free time once in a while, do they?
I walk downstairs and decide to get myself some cereal I decide to grab some pop and some-milk and cereal. I decide to think over and note some things down, like simple mathematics and decide to run all the code's down that I can possibly think of.
'This had to be a hard-one, uncle Jerry.." I sigh and talk to myself. Uncle Jerry was the man who hired me to check his security. But to know, it's hard to break through. And I've got to write it down next week.
I held a pen into my ears and looked to the balcony with the beautiful lamps hanging from the sofa. And heard my computer upstairs. But decided to ignore it now. I had to have my breakfast first. I slept in my clothes but I didn't care. I was worked over from making the college assignment in codes and looking from the papers I hope to god they'll let me in. If I don't screw it up & over of course.
I decided that it was time to check on my computer. And let the sweet taste of my cereal take in and wash the dishes and decided to call it a day. I sprayed some deodorant under my armpits. And decided to go back to the computer. Packing a bunch of papers with me. Anyways after doing all my work I'd decide to call it a day.
I decided to look at the computer and saw that the program was downloading on the big computer when I own two. I use one a laptop for my own projects. And the big-computer with the big RAM and storage space to make sure my projects come of as clean!
This time though, the program was downloading a bit slower then I'd expect it to be.honestly I never expected that such a small program could take so long. But it could've done a longer time because of the graphics. And big graphics have to contain allot of RAM. Or cloud storage.
My room is quite frankly quite messy, but that's quite a lifestyle. I have to be reminded to clean my room today. But I don't see anything messy about it really. I then realized that I forgot the most hygienic rule there is..
I forgot to take the bath my mother made for me. And I forgot to brush my teeth. Again I rushed to the bathroom and decided to take of my pyjama's and took of my clothes and washed myself. And let the bubbles dominate the bathroom.
'Thanks mom, I almost forgot." and played like a child with the little rubber ducks that my mother bought for me when I was younger. I wettened my messy orange ginger hair and comb the curls through. It was short hair and after I was done washing my body I dried myself off and looked dat the mirror. And decided to fancily comb it forward. Then I walked back to my room and put on a nice perfume and decided to dress up in my new flannel, and decided to wear my black pants and my shoes and grabbed myself some boxers. I'm not the strongest guy but that doesn't matter. I can still have fun being myself. Or so I thought,
I walked back to the bathroom again and this time flushed down the water down the drain .And decided it was time to wait around till the program was completely coded and installed on my computer. My best friend said it was an awesome site, and therefore I found the site that was leading on that it came from a particular store. But whatever my friend suggested me, it wasn't what I was expecting at all.
I talked to my friend that day on the phone going over to the subject.
'Are you sure it isn't a scam Jannis?' where he replied with the following words.
'Addison, why would you think that? It's a very good app. And you get to work with hot chicks you should definitely try it, I've never regretted it at all. And the chatting of the girls is so awesome, and they are so nice." where I replied when I had my phone in the sky creaking against my ear. Because the noise of his voice was to much to take. He talks to loud for me.
'Yeah, I can understand. I'll download it thankyou."
Sometimes I do wish I could turn back time and not make an awful mistake like that. That could be bad at all costs. Honestly why did I even agree to it at al?I just wanted to know, that my friend lied to me that day. And I wish he could see things at my point of view. But resolving everything with violence is never a good reason to begin with.
These were one of the last moments that I've actually spend my time in my actual room. Before everything went straight to hell. I'd just wish I'd be smarter at times. As I look back on what I've written on this diary. This isn't really a diary, it's a journal of what I've witnessed and the things I've done.
I decided to get coffee and eat my cereals in-front of my computer screen what is already a bad habit what I should really get rid of. One day it may end up damaging the computer. And I don't want to damage my computer at all. Don 't I?
I sighed and saw a few girls pop up in the screen. And the words on the colorful-screen told me one thing. And it said
"Choose your girl to talk too.' and which got me thinking. I really love the tough girl with the red hair and the flower in her hair and the gorgeous redtanktop and the leather black -leather jacket. She also had hair as red as a rose too. Her green eyes were gorgeous . But god what was I wrong.
I decided to type in a chat message and it said the following.
'Hi, Addison Rulphy my name is Zera are you looking for a fun time?" and which I replied to. I'm not coming here for anything sexual or anything.
'No, Zera I just felt a bit bored and I wanted to talk, " where Zera replied with a big smile on her face
'Oh, what do you wanna talk about?"
Zera replied and after I typed in from my fingers who were already hurting from doing so much work I decided to let her know the following.
"Hey Zera, I would like to ask you a question?" and where Zera replied with a hum. I knew she was programmed but she was one smart but one evil one of a computer.
Zera replied, and when her loading icon finally stopped she replied directly back to me.
"Yes, what is the question dear Addison?" where I started to ask the question.
"Do you play anyvideo-games or do you know about any good video-games I should play?"where Zera replied. She was so smart as a computer that she almostsounded human but not quite.
'I know one about zombiesand cops, you should try that one." where I kinda found astartled answer. She must've read my search history or my olderbrother's search history. There was no way in god that she could haveknown this right. But I decided to stay calm, because at the time Ididn't want to freak her out.
Zera replied with :
"I know your parents aren't home, so I'm giving you a gift code, because I don't see anyone around here." as the gift code came to the screen I typed in the code with my messy fingers and decided to wait for a while it did seem like nothing happened. But after a while things got really really scary!. And horrifying. I didn't knew what was going on anymore. Suddenly I felt that I was grabbed as if I was a cat stuck in water and wanted to get out and suddenly felt as if my own breath was taken away! And now realized I was out for a battle!
"Where am I?" I replied as I fell further and further and heard the voices of thegirls who were trapped in this horrific nightmare. My father and my mother warned me about clicking on suspicious sites, but this was way more then suspicious this was chill and cold to the bone. And even colder then cold. I wondered how stupid I could be to be caught by a girl and a monster like this.
Around me I saw ghosts flying around begging me to help them escape this dimension and I wanted to help, but falling down at such a rapid speed was harder then I realized and what I could've realized. I just wanted to know what the hell was going on at this point. And all I could be, was that their voices were going to remind me of what was going to happen to me.
I felt that I got sucked in the computer more and more, but no matter what happened I couldn't stop listening. And nothing could ever stop from happening. What happens just happens? Do you thought it was faith or coincidence that I was so stupid to believe her. I think it's a case like a mixture combined of both.