
Not the Same

Even as Dean turned off the ignition of the Impala, no one made a move to climb out of the car. Staying silent, the three of you stared up at the hospital, wondering exactly what was waiting you inside.

Sighing, Dean slowly climbed out, and you followed him. Standing beside him, you reached out, squeezing his hand. "It will be okay. Cas is tough." You assured him as Sam came to stand next to you.

A fortified front, the three of you walked into the dark and gloomy front entrance, not surprised to see Meg leaning against the door frame.

"Hello there." She purred, moving forward to come stand in front of Dean. Still dressed in scrubs, she looked every inch the nurse, even down to the white sneakers. 

"Meg." Dean answered calmly. "Where is he?"

"Cas? Oh, he's up in his room." She answered, not making a move to take you up there. 

"Meg, we want to see him." Sam sighed, annoyed at the Demons antics.

"Fine! Fine." She grumbled. "Not like I matter anyways. You don't care that I've stayed with him all this time, making sure he stayed safe."

"Thank you Meg." You answered for the two brothers, knowing they weren't even thinking of thanking her. 

"You're different for a Reaper." She muttered, staring hard at you, before her gaze went down to your belly. "Are you? That can't be....it's impossible."

"Meg." Sam growled, moving to step between the two of you. With wide eyes, Meg stayed silent, turning to guide you to your Angelic friend. The hallways was quiet, most of the patients either gone from the place or so comatose they just laid in their beds. Not passing another nurse as you went, you wondered if the place was still up and running, or if they had just left those patients behind. 

"Now, before you go in there, I need to warn you." Meg started, her hand on the door handle. "He isn't the same Cas you remember. Be easy on him." 

"It's Cas." Dean grumbled, pushing past her into the room, leaving the three of you to follow him inside. Peering up at Sam, you held your hand out and he grasped it, following his brother into the room. You knew it had to be hard for him, being back in this room. He had spent so much time in this room, wondering if he would ever make it back to his old life once again. And now, his friend was in the same spot. 

Sam came to a stop beside his brother, and you wrapped your arms around his waist, comforting yourself as much as him. Raising his arm, he pulled you tight to him, and you pressed your cheek to his chest as you studied your friend in front of you. He was wearing the typical scrubs of a hospital, his favorite trench coat over it making him appear as if he was a kid playing dress up. His vibrant blue eyes were clear and full of happiness at seeing his friends once again. He seemed carefree, happy and very unlike the Cas you knew.

"Hey buddy." Dean said carefully watching his friend.

Sticking his finger out, Cas smiled up at Dean. "Pull it." He exclaimed, and you glanced up at Sam confused. 

"Why does he want Dean to pull his finger? Is it broken or something?" You whispered up to Sam who had to hold back a chuckle.

"It's a joke. But I don't understand why Cas is attempting it. He's never understood jokes before." He explained, and you turned back to watch the interaction between Dean and Cas once again. 

"Much like me." You whispered, knowing there was still so much you needed to learn about living a life as a human. Especially when you were expecting a child. 

"You're a little better." He answered, just as Dean reached forward, pulling Cas' finger. Instantly the lights above you started shattering, glass raining down on you. Sam pulled you tight against him, covering you and protecting you from the shards of glass. 

"What the hell?" Dean grumbled once the room was bathed in darkness.

"My powers are back, and more powerful than ever." Cas announced proudly before turning to you and Sam. Staring at you, he took a step forward before his eyes widened and he froze. "You can't be..is that even possible?" He asked you, reaching forward, his hand wavering near your belly.

"Cas, Y/N and I are..." Sam started to explain, but Cas took a step back, wrapping his arms around him, turning into a blubbering shell of a man.

"This is not good." He kept muttering over and over. 

"Cas, what's not good?" Dean asked, moving to step closer to his friend, and Cas peered up at him with wild eyes. 

"A reaper cannot be pregnant." He answered. "It's unheard of, and that child is going to be a monster!"

With those parting words, he vanished, leaving you clinging to Sam, his words echoing in your ears.