
Coming to Terms

With the bag clutched tightly in your hand, you waited at the front of the store for Sam and Dean to finish their shopping. If you hadn't been so concerned about the tiny little box in your hand, you would have chuckled at the sight in front of you. Dean was pushing the cart, looking extremely domestic as the two men argued about the items they wanted to purchase. Each time Dean grabbed something unhealthy, Sam would frown at him. The same thing happened every time Sam grabbed fruit or veggies. But at least there was a healthy mixture in the cart.

Seeing you standing in the front of the store, Sam whispered something to his brother, before jogging over to you. Seeing the bag clutched in your hand, and the frown upon your face, he searched your face for answers, not liking what he was seeing. "Y/N, honey, is everything okay?" He asked, reaching to cup your face, but you stepped back. You were a little over the edge, on emotional overload, and you couldn't stand to be touched.

The movement stung Sam, you could see that, but he let you have your space. "Can we just go?" You whispered, needing to be anywhere but this grocery store.

"Sure. Dean's paying, and then we'll be gone." He answered, just as the lady who had helped you came to the front of the store.

Seeing you standing there, with Sam next to you, she gave you a huge smile, patting you comfortingly on the shoulder. "So, this might be the lucky dad? You two will make lovely parents. Good luck dear."

With that she walked away, and you looked up to see Sam staring down at you in complete and utter shock. "Y/N, what did she...what??" He stuttered, his mind having a hard time processing what he just heard.

It was all too much, and without a second thought, you took off running from him and the grocery store. Hearing him yelling after you, you thought about transporting for a moment, but you weren't sure if it would hurt the baby that may be growing inside of you. Rounding a corner, you kept going, wondering if Sam was following behind you.

Running from him, and your problems, was the easy way out, but you were overwhelmed and not thinking clearly. You needed sometime to yourself, where you could come to grips with what might be happening.

It wasn't Sam you feared. He would be an amazing father, you were sure of that. It was fear for the child that might be growing in your belly. If it would come out as an abomination, if Demons and Death himself would be after it. Taking a deep breath, you rounded another corner, stopping at a beautiful park. Sitting down on the grass overlooking the small pond, you wrapped your arms around your knees, trying to calm yourself.

You knew Sam would be frantic by now, no doubt ready to search the entire town for you, and you felt guilty for causing him that trouble. Pulling out your phone, you sent him a quick text, telling him you were okay, and you would get in touch later.

Sitting there, it took you a moment to realize you were no longer alone. "What do you want?" You asked Tessa, one of your oldest friends, and the Reaper closest to Death.

"I've been following you, mainly on Death's orders. But I've had an interest as well." She answered, sitting down next to you.

"Is he coming to take me back?" You asked, knowing you would fight to the Death so you could stay here, and live this life.

"Not yet. You see, he knows your pregnant." She started, nodding her head. "The test is unneeded. You are pregnant, a very rare occurrence as a Reaper."

"I won't let anything happen to my baby." You insisted, placing a comforting hand over your belly. A belly that hadn't even started swelling yet.

"This baby will be very powerful. With the Winchester's genes, along with yours, it is a great asset." She continued on. "But for now, Death wants you to live as you have been. Take care of yourself, and the Baby. Then, we will see what is to happen."

Before you could answer her, she was gone, and you could hear the rumble of the Impala as Dean pulled in to the parking lot. "Y/N!" Sam yelled, racing out of the car and across the grass. Coming to stand next to you, he knelt down, making sure you were okay. "Why did you take off?"

"It was all too much. I had just found out, and the lady gave it all away, and I couldn't handle it." You blurted out, letting him sit down next to you. "This never happens to Reapers, and I didn't know how to react."

"Have you taken the test yet?" He asked you, and you shook your head.

"There's no need. It's been confirmed." You said softly, and he grasped your chin, making you look into his hazel eyes. They were full of love and joy, and you could sense that he was excited to become a father.

"I'm going to be a Dad?" He confirmed, and you nodded. With a yell, he had you pulled into his arms, pressing multiple kisses to your lips.

"I take it you're happy?" You asked him once you could breathe once again.

"Are you kidding? This is amazing news!" He exclaimed, before realizing you weren't exactly jumping for joy. "Wait, aren't you happy? Don't you want this?"

Pulling away from his embrace, you couldn't help the tears that gathered in your eyes. "But Sam, what if our baby is an abomination? I'm a Reaper, I'm not supposed to have babies! Death is already interested in it, and who knows what else! What if we're ruining this kid's life before it's even started?"

Pulling you close to his side, he hugged you tight. "First of all, this kid is a Winchester, and all three of us will make sure nothing happens to it. He will be protected by more than just us though. Cas will move heaven and Earth to make sure he stays safe. And if he does have powers, you will be there, to help him learn and grow. He will have a good life, we will make it so."

"We're going to be parents." You whispered, your hand still placed over your belly. "This is really happening."

"It is!" He exclaimed. "Now can we go back to the cabin before your ice cream starts to melt?" He asked, standing up and holding his hand out.

Reaching up, you took his hand, knowing your life had suddenly changed again, and now that you had talked with Sam, you were actually looking forward to this new step. To becoming a Mom.