
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs

The dream

I keep having the same recurring dream, I can't remember many dreams or they don't stick with me but this one does, I've had it multiple times and the beginning and end is always the same before being woke up by the vibrating of my phones alarm

The first part always goes; " I'm going to jump off this train at the second to last station and race you to the house" it's my mate in real life called Jazz although he looks nothing like him... I always almost let him off at the wrong station where he replys " haha I knew you'd do something stupid like that, and I'd of believed you!" eventually we got to the stop and he jumped off like he said he was going to and raced there but I saw him stop to talk to someone who looks slightly odd but forget about it and just carry on, sitting on the train waiting for the my station

I got to the house, it didn't look right, like it had completely structurally changed half of it but it was definitely the right house as the front garden was the same as I remember, the lights were already on so I thought Jazz had actually beaten me there and as it turned out there was a girl there already, lights were dim fairy lights scattered around but no actual ceiling lights were on and the house was untidy, like it hadn't been lived in awhile but I swear I was only in it not so long ago but maybe it's when I last had the dream? I don't know, she approached me and asked me how I was like she knew me where as I had no clue who she was, maybe Jazz' friend? Girlfriend? but stayed friendly to keep the peace and not be awkward,

The end is always the same which starts with the lights flickering and strange noises around the inside and outside the house, slowly a red mist was floating around in different areas like it was looking for something, all of a sudden the girl stopped to the ground heavily breathing like she'd seen a ghost, slowly the red mist appeared around her bubbling spiking out and in aggressively it started to fade and die down after my phone light hit it, which if left too long without a light source on it will attack you, a violent sound plays when it's getting ready to attack, the lights flicker around the house also making it absolutely terrifying because the dream feels so real its like you're living a horror movie, I saved from the violent red mist and she shouts " we know you're here come out mother fucker" I looked at her and around very quickly thinking " what is she talking about? Who is she?" I saw a figure appear down the hallway in the darkness, she turned to me and told me why she was hiding out in the house, apparently she's had a stalker for a very long time, at this point I was just mad about the whole situation and started to realise I was in a dream so I was trying to wake myself up we called it out multiple times before it started to appear through the flicking light coming closer it was at least a 7ft figure from a far but the more we called it out the smaller and closer it got, it was wearing a pig mask, the girl with me shouted " take off your mask so we can see your fucking face" he did and it was misshapen, deformed, really big ears with a stuck out face like a monkey almost, small tip of the head, he wouldn't stop staring at her, the white in his eyes so wide, didn't blind or remotely look away, my instinct kicked in so save her as he slowly approached her hunched over, I launched forward and smacked him round the face twice but it seemed like my punches did absolutely nothing, I saw my friend outside that had left the station before at the back of the house so I shouted to the girl " go let jazz in now" as she was doing that his gace would not leave the girl, like I wasn't even there i grabbed him in a somewhat sleep hold repeatedly smacking him with my free hand, jazz eventually came over and helped me to restrain him, he wiling complied as long as the girl was in close proximity, after we tied him up we turned on the lights and his face went from a straight red to to say, the colour of my face, he had like hoofs for feet and very deformed hands we then called the police and the girl during the time mocks him, like she know him and knew how to hurt him, she said yeah I fucked him the other day and I knew you watched and the misformed man just kept repeatedly saying " no, no" I was watching him turn from a scary murderer to a scared lonely somewhat freak of nature as she was verbally beating him down with words he didn't want to hear, he turned out to be stalker the police woman had said, old woman with a funny name, she was telling me off how we didn't properly restrain him and saying she's never heard of him or someone as deformed, totally avoided any answer for my questions about the red mist.

I then wake up to the sound of my alarm ready for work, I remembered pretty much everything from the dream because I've experienced it a few times only this time I remembered to write it down, if anyone can shed light to maybe what this could mean? Either way writing it all out I got cold shivers like someone was watching me right behind me.