
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs


He wouldn't leave this happened probably a few years back when I was around 15-16. I had started speaking to this guy online and he seemed really sweet and interesting, just in general a great person. Let's just say I was very.. very.. wrong about that. He claimed he was a year older than me, so I didn't think anything weird of someone contacting me who I hadn't met in real life, (you get what I mean when we are young and we sometimes make stupid decisions).

Anyway, at first this person, let's call him Derek, was just making simple conversation with me. Nothing too weird, just normal questions like how my day was going.. etc.

After a few weeks he began to ask more questions like where I lived, what school I went to and other questions like that and as I didn't know him nor have I met him, I felt like I shouldn't tell him these things. I was quite wary, I have no clue why but I just wasn't getting good vibes at the time. He began to get irritated with me as I tell him where I lived, which I found weird because I did say to him as politely as possible that I just don't trust telling someone I don't know over the internet.

The next few weeks, I've tried not to respond to him as like I've said earlier, I was getting mega creep vibes from him at this point.

This bloody creep must of noticed that I was trying to lose contact with him as he began to send me threatening messages. For example - 'I'd tell me where you live otherwise I'm going to have to hurt your family for the information'. 'You disgusting tease, you've played me'. 'I know where you live now and I will kill you'. YEP HE THREATENED TO KILL ME!

At this point I've blocked and deleted him as soon as those kind of messages were being sent to me. Me being the naive 15year old thinking that by me blocking&deleting him has solved the problem, decided to somewhat try and forget what has happened. (btw I did tell my parents about this and they simply said that it is most likely someone trying to prank me).

A month later I begin to receive horrible text messages from a unknown number.. baring in mind I never gave 'derek' my number. At first I didn't think it could be him but then that famous line came along .. 'I know where you live and I will kill you'. HA. NOT TODAY SATAN. Immediately I've told my parents and shown them the texts and thank goodness's this time they took it more seriously. Straight away we went and changed my phone number and even got a new phone. I even came off social media for a long time just to get away from it and my parents really did encourage me to stay off of it.

Finally after that, derek couldn't bother me and hopefully never will.

So creepy dude who wouldn't leave me alone, LETS NOT MEET. Thanks.

Something similar happened to me I was dating this guy who was kind at first a bit sketchy here and there like when i was threatened by a bully he said he'll kill me. Where was my boyfriend at this time? At home he wasn't even gonna come in to school that day to protect me like he said he would. Anyway. A few months later he started to secretly cheat on me serval girls and being sexually active with them behind my back and my friends funny enough they didn't know about it either strange right? Once they found out he was supposedly my boyfriend they stopped seeing him and broke things of I obviously forgave him because they did the poor angels. One of his friends asked me innocently 'has any girls being asking if you blank's girl?' Of course I said yes he was angry at me but like a strong willed girl I told him to back off. Maybe two or three weeks later the first sexual assault happened to me. It was during exam season the morning of a exam on Science and he found me studying alone with in meters of 'our' friends he asked me to walk around to somewhere quite, alone with him being the idiot in love I was I went with him. He immediately pinned me aggressively against a wall and forced himself of me. He kissed me and tried to grind on me and pulling up my skirt saying 'relax this is what couples so don't you want it.' 'You're acting weird.' I pushed him off serval times telling to stop but he just pushed back harder, this when he tried to force my legs open with his knees. I can still feel how much it hurts now the other hand pressing uncomfortably against my cheek and neck I couldn't breath. He then tried to slip another hand down my skirt to touch my butt but i kept pushing it against the wall to stop him he got really mad at me and tried to rip my skirt and tights 'you won't need them if you're with me' in the heat of moment I said 'then maybe I shouldn't be with you here my education is more important then pleasing you.