
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs

Old school

Hey guys, long time lurker, first time poster, so I hope I don't make any formatting issues, if so I'll just edit,

This story takes place a few years ago when I was 12 years old and in the seventh grade. One of my friends, CJ was bored one weekend so he just decided to invite me to his house and obviously I accepted. He also invited one other kid.

This kid, Noah was a big trouble maker at my school. He would never listen to any teachers and he got into a few fights, most notably with one of my friends where he threw a heavy rock at the back of his head, thank God my friend survived and took him down. Also I don't know why but he always had an obsession with pure violence, he was a dark kid. The day CJ invited Noah over was coincidentally Noah's birthday.

So we get to CJ's house, eat, have a bit of fun and then we go to a lake, cause a bit of trouble like going into the sewer pipes and getting caught, we had fun on the trampoline until I almost got paralyzed doing a front flip so we went back inside. Also I'd like to mention it was a bit cold outside as it is in the North so naturally, Noah started to get a cold.

We watched a movie in the basement, but Noah went to sleep in the basement guest bedroom mid movie because you know? He was sick. So after CJ and I finished watching the movie, I can't remember the name for the life of me, we went upstairs, talked, gossiped, did 12 year old stuff. After that, we had to split the bed and go to sleep.

This is where this fun sleepover turned south. I fell asleep after about an hour of staring at the ceiling probably at a crazy hour at the night, maybe 1 or 2 AM. I remember waking up though, feeling thirsty so I reach over to the bedside table where I have my water bottle. Before I sit up though I notice something out of the corner of my eye. On the far corner of the bed, Noah was kneeling on the bed and staring right at me, I had not shown any signs of being awake and this kid was looking directly at me. Mind you, he was supposed to be three stories down in the house sleeping, I had not heard the door open or anything!

Hoping to not cause a scene, I just stay down and keep my eyes as closed as possible but enough open so I can see what Noah was doing and it was almost pitch black so there's no way he can see my eyes are slightly open. This is when he whispers

"Fuck you!"

This to this day gives me the chills. And then I drift off to sleep again. I wake up at about 8 AM, CJ is still fast asleep but what do you know? Noah is still fuckin kneeling on the same exact spot of the bed looking right at me still!


And just like that after possibly five hours of this kid kneeling on the bed watching me and CJ sleep, he left the room. I was so relieved that he was gone and I made sure to not tell anybody what happened, this kid was an absolute psychopath!

After this sleepover I never talked to Noah again but I always overheard him in class talking about how he worshipped Satan and hates God, he became more and more violent until one day he was expelled from my school. The reason apparently was because he in a fit of anger said he'd shoot up the school. I never saw or heard of Noah ever again except a rumour that he'd either gone to a school for troubled kids or homeschooled

So, Noah who watched me and my friend sleep for five hours, let's never meet again!