
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs


After the ghost incident at my mom's house activity ceased to exist quite sometime. Fast forward to August of 2012. I'm about to start my senior year of highschool and things have been pretty good. My dad had moved into a two story house and after a week of living there my dad and step mom find out the previous owner had died in the house and her cat died a few days later of a broken heart. After finding this out we start heading a cat meow and have felt something rub up against our legs at night. My dad was taking a nap and felt something jump on the bed and thinking it was my step mom and went to roll over and give her a kiss when he noticed nothing was in the bed then he looked down and saw an imprint of something curled up laying on the bed next to him.

A day later my dad has a shadow figure dart passed him on the the stairwell leading down to his bedroom. He tells my step mom and I about it later that day and my step mom brushed it off thinking it's just him being paranoid from his marijuana use. That night they go out to get food and I'm home alone on the computer in my room. Now the door to my room makes a loud click when it's fully closed and it takes some muscle to open. I heard footsteps in the hallway thinking it was my dad and stepmom and go to check the door when I hear a loud click and see my doorknob start to turn then it fly's open like someone kicked it open. I check the hallway and nobody is there. I call out and no reply. I get creeped out so I close and lock the door and go back to shit posting on FB. A few moments later I hear foot steps and my door handle starts jiggling. I call out for whoever it is to leave me alone and surprisingly it stops. Once my dad and step mom get home I come running out and tell them what happened and my dad brushes it off and my step mom ignores me.

The next couple of days things are quiet until my dad gets a call from my step mom who's shrieking and crying and isn't making any sense of what's wrong. My dad heads to the grocery store to pick her up where she's having a breakdown. Once they get back and my dad gets my step mom calmed down he comes up and tells me this, " Anna was standing in an aisle and noticed a black figure at the end of the aisle she was in out of her peripheral when all of sudden it was in her face in a blink of an eye and whispered in her ear that there's nothing here for you. You're not welcome here. I will get you". I had chills for the rest of the night and couldn't sleep. Fast forward a few months and nothing happens but I end up with a QT 3.14 strong 4/5 and I tell her all my ghosts experiences while we're in bed. She starts laughing and saying ghost's aren't real and I'm full of shit. At that moment my door clicked and the door flew open like someone kicked it and it got really cold and foot steps could be heard walking away from my room. My girlfriend at the time starts freaking out and I start doing my best Johnny (from night of the living dead) impersonation, "They're coming to get you Barbara! muah ahahaha!" That's when the foot steps started coming back towards my rooms and I realized oh fuck I shouldn't have done that. I get up and shut the door and lock it. After that incident things settled down occasionally my allergies would act up as if there was a cat around( I'm highly allergic to cats but that's never stopped me from loving them), I'd have the feeling of something curling up next to me on the bed or a car meowing outside my bedroom door.

After highschool graduation I go back to Copper River Princess Lodge for my 3rd and final season. This where I experience the most activity since childhood. The first month is quiet at the hotel nothing out of the ordinary until one morning at 3am I wake up to the sound of someone in my room which isn't out of the ordinary I gave two room keys to a friend and a girl I was seeing but when I rubbed the sleep out if my eyes and they adjusted to the dark I noticed the figure was levitating and I could see through it. It was touching my jackets in my closet and it turned towards me and started moving towards my bed. I threw the blankets over my head and took a small peek out from under the covers when I saw it was just standing there waiting for me to look at it. I covered myself back up and told the figure,"Yo you're fucking scaring me, please leave". After I said that the room felt like a weight had been lifted from it. I got a text immediately after from my friend who we'll call Sanchez; She texted me to meet her in the TV room asap. So I get up and get to the TV room where she explains to me she had a black figure in her room flicking her beer can pyramid and she thought it was me until she realized she could see through it and he darted at her until she covered her head with the blanket and told it to kindly, "Fuck Off". We stayed awake for the rest of morning but the entire time something was poking us in the back and ribs and we could hear a muffled laugh.

The next night I get a call from the girl I'm seeing who we'll call Double Dee. She worked as a night auditor for the hotel and she called me crying and freaking out so I rush over to the lodge to find her hiding behind the front desk crying. I ask what's wrong and this is what she tells me, " I went into the bar to grab a soda and I saw the black figure standing near the portraits of the trains and the mines and I acknowledged it telling it I'm aware that it's here and I'm not going to bother you I'm here for a soda when it moved closer towards me. I didn't see it move. All I did was blink and it was closer so I hurried and left and as I was locking the doors to the bar it ran into the glass door and I could see it's hands and face on the glass. It was snarling at me and laughing but it didn't look human. It's face was distorted and missing teeth and it's face looked full of holes". I stayed up with her until she clocked out and she came and slept in my room.

My phone is now at 3% and I can't find my charger. I'll post part 4 tomorrow and it'll be my last post BUT it will include everything from 2013-2020 I don't mean to be a tease. I'm not doing this to keep you waiting. I hate doing that. You're all so great. Goodnight