
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs

Mirror me

Ever hear that if you stare at your reflection for a long enough time, you'll start to change or that it'll move on its own, or pull you in and trap you. Well this happened to me 5 years ago and still for some reason i still look at myself for a long while. I don't know why.

Back when i was 20 , i had always liked looking at myself in the mirror. I'm an average looking guy, not that handsome or good looking but enough for chicks to say that im not ugly. I was always looking at myself in the mirror for some reason, making faces or just randomly flexing, and i would do this for a while.

Well, everytime i would do this my mother would always tell me that if kept doing that, somethings gonna happen and you won't like it. I airways brushed it off like, whatever, nothings gonna happen. Surely enough something did happen, something horrible.

One evening, i was doing what i always do, looking at myself in the mirror. That evening felt strange. Like something was off. Usually i would be in front of the mirror for about 10 15 minutes. But, that evening i was there for at least 45 minutes. I didn't actually do anything, just staring. As i was about to leave, i heard my mom again, "if you keep doing that, something s gonna happen and you won't like it", but this time in my head. Well, i looked one more time at the mirror and noticed something was off. My reflection changed. Instead of having brown eyes, my eyes turned black.

I jumped back and started rubbing my eyes, thinking im seeing things. Again, my reflection changed. This time, it had a off putting grin.

I freaked out and started throwing water on my face, thinking its all in my head.

"No, it's not your head", i heard something said. Nobody was home to have that. I start to look around the room and then, i heard it again, "it's not in your head". I realize this is coming from the mirror.

My reflection started moving on its own. Laughing at me. I couldn't understand what was going on, my reflection moving, laughing on its own.

Then, suddenly, he stopped. He stared at me up and down, displeased at what he saw. I was off put by that and felt a chill run down my spine.

"Look at this", he said, smile faded into disgust. "How is it that i look like this". He said nearly yelling. I couldn't react to what was happening. He kept getting more and more angry. I could've sworn that i saw a dark aura emminating from him. "The more i look at you the more you piss me the fuck off." He said.

I musterd up the courage talk to him. "How is this possible. How is this even happening." I told him.

"Don't be stupid. You know why this happened. You were warned and its happening." He said. "You've been warned and warned and now its happened and you still wonder why. Hahaha." He laughed a menacing laugh. My mother's words rang again in my head. "If you keep doing this somethings gonna happen."

This other me, it no longer looked like me. More demonic like face, still some features the same but more demonic. I started to think all this was a dream. No way could this happen. Looking at your reflection for a long time shouldn't do this. But the more i thought about it, the more and more it became clear, it real, it's really happening. Then the worst happened. Something that i didn't believe.

"For making me look like this, I'll have to take your place." He said.

By the time i got my head straight, realizing what he had said, his dark hand has reached out and grabbed me by my shirt. He pulled me toward the mirror. I was struggling to get free but the more i struggled, the more i felt drained. Then i realized he wasn't pulling me into the mirror, but draining me of my energy.

I grew weaker and weaker. The more he pulled the stronger he'd get. I started to notice that my reflection was starting to change. The eyes started to get a little whiter. Then the eyes going back to how mine were. I knew what was going on. He was going to trap me into the mirror.

I felt dispear. I knew my life was going to be over. I wasnt able to struggle anymore he had full control.

At that moment, just when i came to grips of what was about to happen, a big hammer crashed into the mirror.

I fell back towards the wall. Struggling to catch my breath, i saw my mother in front of me. At first i thought it was an angel, but no, it was the woman who warned about this.

"What the hell did i tell you?" She said. "I told you many times to stop but you wouldn't listen. Now look what happened." Said mom.

As soon as i had regained some strength, i got up and hugged her and told her that i loved her and thank you for saving me. She just stared at me angrily. But then wrapped he arms around me.

Mom told me that if she didn't come back to grab her list for groceries, i would've been gone.

I told her how she knew something like this would happen. The look on her face was that of a deer caught in the headlights. Then she phased back in and told me that her brother, my uncle, did the same thing. He would look at himself for a long time that the same thing happened, but it was too late for him. He was gone. And with that, she excused herself and went to grab a broom to sweep up the shards. The way she left things was as if this happened on the regular.

Now when i look in the mirror, i see that one of eyes has a black spot. It doesn't go away, but it doesn't matter though, that other me is gone, but left a momento that will never let me forget.

So maybe when they tell you over and over again, to not do something, you should stop, or else you might be trapped in the mirror