
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs

I don’t know

It was a cold night. Tiffany and Beth needed to go to their grandma's house for Christmas. They had to drive for 5 hours through the night to reach her place. "Are we there tiff? This is freaking boring!" Beth said annoyed. "It's okay Beth, we'll be there soon" she reassured her. They were driving down a road that was entirely empty. "I'm tired, let's call it a night." Beth says yawning. "No way, we are nearly there, we can sleep when we reach ma's home. She will probably have dinner ready too!" Tiffany replied. They had driven for about 4 and a half hours by now. They were both tired and really needed to reach their home.

When they were on their way there, they saw someone on the road. "Tiff stop! someone's on the road!" The brakes screech loudly as they skid off the road and down the slope. "Ahhh!" they screamed. The car tumbled down the slope incredibly fast. At last it landed with a thud at the bottom. "Ahh my head!" Beth complained. "Should we call the police Tiff?" She asked worriedly. "No! We'll be fine, besides we could climb back up the hill and call for an Uber." Tiff replied, quivering. It was freezing outside around 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Tiffany and Beth got back into the car to keep warm. They sat in the back seat for a while and eventually slept. After a while they heard a tapping on one of the windows. Tiff glanced up, to see a man holding a knife to Beth's neck. "Don't come out!" she could hear Beth say. Tiffany called 911 immediately when suddenly, she heard someone behind her say "Who are you calling, little girl?"