
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs

I’ll come back when your done

I started this new job 2 weeks ago and I basically screen people for Covid before they come into the clinic. The clinic is upstairs and I'm stationed downstairs alone at a desk so it's fairly boring. I ask people health questions and then take their temperature and then send them up to the clinic to get checked in. A man came in (Tuesday) with a wrapped hand and a cane (maybe in his 50's) and I checked over his health like normal. When he was done with his appointment he was on his way out and he stopped and asked me "what's your favorite movie" I thought this was random but I just replied with "The Lion King" because it was the first one I could think of and I just wanted him to leave. He said "Oh yeah that's a good one, I'll see you tomorrow I have another appointment" and then he asked what time I was done with work to which I replied "four" which was very dumb of me now that I think of it. I could tell he wasn't really all there, he clearly had some kind of disorder.

He came back the next day (Wednesday). I took his temp again like normal and sent him up to the Clinic. This time on his way out he stopped by me and kind of leaned in and whispered "Are you a Christian?" I thought this was super strange because 1. He basically whispered in my ear and 2. Just an odd question in general. I replied "Yes" and I should've just said I cant talk cause I'm at work. He then whispered again saying "I'll be back tomorrow when you are done with work at 4 to discuss it cause we cant talk about it here" I immediately got red in the face and felt like my throat was closing up. I was so uncomfortable I didn't even have the chance to say anything back and he walked out. I felt so sick knowing he knew when I leave work. I was nervous leaving that day and because I walked home, which is about 15 minutes away. That whole night I was so upset and told my boyfriend (who i live with) about it and he thought it was weird too. I asked my boyfriend if he could pick me up from work on Thursday.

I went into work (Thursday) and took my lunch break midday and told my coworkers what had happened over the past two days. They thought it was super inappropriate and they looked at the client list to see who it was because I didn't know what his name was. They found him in the system and told me he didn't actually have a second appointment on Wednesday like he said he did. They reported it to my supervisor. After she found out, they had me work the rest of my shift upstairs. It got close to 4 and they sent a male co worker downstairs to check.

The guy showed up just a little before 4 and I felt so sick I couldn't believe he really came here just to talk to me. My boyfriend texted me saying "I think I see the guy you were describing, he is out here looking around for you" My supervisor took me through the back entrance so the guy wouldn't see me and she walked me out to my boyfriend's car. My boyfriend and I started driving and we saw the guy walking back home and I ducked down so he wouldn't see me. It's weird to think he would walk all the way from his home to my work just to "talk". I couldn't sleep well last night.

It's now Friday and I am permanently working upstairs near the clinic. My supervisor asked me if I wanted to relocate to another one of their buildings but I said I would decide later if the problem kept persisting. I'm not sure what to do and I feel very unsafe. I'm glad I told my coworkers. Perhaps he really did just "want to talk" and maybe I freaked out a bit too much but I didnt want to take the chance cause you never know what someones true intentions are. Not sure what to do from here.

Edit: its 4:30pm on Friday. my boyfriend was waiting downstairs to walk with me to our home. he texted me "the guy is here" and I told my supervisor. she walked me downstairs and she said "if its the same guy i am thinking of, hes been here since 2pm when i walked in" and i described to her what he looks like and she said "yep. hes been waiting here for two hours." I took the back entrance again and she said she would talk to him.