
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Thành thị
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283 Chs

Don’t trust

this'll probably get buried but i could do with getting it off my chest, and i'd be interested to know what people think could have happened. :)

when i (15f) was 14, i frequented adult chat sites. i know it was dangerous and pretty gross but i actually met my boyfriend of one year there and i'm in a much better place now! i've had some pretty awful experiences there but this was one of the only times that i felt i was in danger.

my evenings involved talking to a few guys- men up to 80 years old messaged but i usually only spoke with those under 30. for some reason, that night i responded to a message from a man in his mid forties. our conversation went like most did- he asked my age, name, and city (uk). i told him and sent him a selfie at his request. he complimented me lots- i craved attention so i kept talking to him. then he asked if i was interested in a job. a job at 14, other than working for my grandad? hell yes! count me in! the idea of telling my parents that i had a job, and coming home with tons of money was just intoxicating. i'd had offers to exchange sex for money (virginity seems to be worth a lot to a man who's been married for longer than i've been alive) but this! this was different! however, i had to know what this job involved before i accepted.

apparently he owned a chain of topless restaurants, one of which happened to be in my city! i asked where it was and he gave the general area. he refused to tell me any more because apparently, very wealthy and famous individuals visited so it needed to stay secret. hence, no website and no sign on the restaurant itself. pretty shady! but he said we'd meet up for an interview in a public place so i knew i was safe, so i wasn't that worried.

he reminded me that if i was going to work in a topless restaurant, i'd need to send him a topless picture. i asked if my age would be a problem working there, but he said i passed as older so it'd be fine. i sent the picture. my breasts are big and he noticed- he just HAD to have me work for him, no matter my age! after a few emails where he told me more about the job, he said he'd showed his male employees and apparently they were all very impressed. i was loving the attention and compliments. we agreed to meet at a hotel, and have a drink at the bar.

the day arrived and i put on my most grown-up dress and caught the bus into town. as i got closer to the hotel, i started to realise how dodgy this was. maybe i'd be safe in this meeting but what about when i go to the 'restaurant'? would i even be safe this time? then it finally occurred to me that no respectable business owner hires a 14 year old girl to work half naked with a bunch of strangers in an adult-only establishment. i was probably about to get raped, kidnapped, or murdered. at this point i was walking towards the hotel. then i saw him- he was well-dressed and talking to two men who were anything but. they looked like the kinds of guys you cross the street to avoid. in fact, the man i was supposed to be meeting looked like the kind you'd avoid, but just in a suit. he spotted me and the men left. he walked inside. i turned and walked as fast as i could in the opposite direction. i bought myself a caramel latte from costa then cried in the toilets. i ignored his emails asking where i'd gone and i never responded. i dread to think where i'd be now if i was just a bit more naive than i already was.

i wish i knew the password to my old email account so i could try to report that guy to the police but unfortunately i have a new phone now and i was too ashamed of what i was doing to tell anyone back then. thanks for listening, reddit. sorry if the formats weird or something. it's my first time posting and i'm on my phone. i was gonna post on LNM but i figured here was better?