
Domain System: A Blind Man's Regression

Lax thought he had saved the world once before by using memories from the future to change the course of events. But as he returns to his present, he realizes that it was all just an illusion. He then regressed to the past as he couldn't accept the reality in front of him and lost his eyesight as the price for his regression. However when he regressed the world was not as how he remembered it, and he is now faced with a new challenge as being unknown to him have appeared, wielding powers and abilities beyond his comprehension. ... Author: Please check out my new novel "The God Wants to Live in Another World"

LazyWriter069 · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Prologue - Regression [0]

I looked at the sky that was crimson red and in front of me beings from other worlds are killing people indiscriminately be it old people, a child, a woman they killed them with no remorse.

I stood there watching it all happen as I was unable to move from my spot.

People went running passed me as they were chased by those beings, then one of them finally looked at my direction and ran towards me while holding an axe in his hands he swung it down and I...

...Woke up from my dream or you could call it a nightmare, but I happened to realize that it was actually memories of my future.

It started 10 years ago when I started having those dreams and later on I confirmed it that those dreams were memories of the future. I used those memories to my advantage and I got stronger than what I was capable of in the future because of it.

I went on killing people who will be future traitors and alike, and as they arrived I was ready to face them although they were stronger than I thought I still persisted. Just like that the future changed resulting in a good future and now 10 years had already passed.

I got up from from the bed and took a bath, I ate breakfast with my family, and went outside.

Walking out I looked at the crimson red sky and breathed a fresh foul air...

"Huh?!" I was confused.

Why does the air smell like blood? I wondered as I was lost in thought, but then I looked at my hands.

There I found myself holding a sword in my right hand, a spear in my left and I can feel a bow hanging on my back.

"Why am I holding a sword and a spear?" I questioned.

"Oh right, I remember now Hahaha." I laughed mockingly as I recollected the memories as to why I'm in this situation.

"Haaaaa..." A long sigh left my mouth and a bitter smile formed in my mouth.

"I really am a coward." I thought as I looked at the crimson red sky and breathed the foul smell of blood surrounding me.

Saving the world? That never happened. Those memories were I saved the world were just illusions that I created for myself.

I was just denying reality as I couldn't accept the truth.

The truth that we lost and EVERYTHING and EVERYONE I loved died... yeah we lost... and I can't do any thing about that anymore.

I was just preventing myself from accepting the reality in front of me as I just...

"...couldn't accept it."


[Domain System Notice:]

[<<<'Invocation' activates as certain conditions are fulfilled>>>]

[<'Invocation' Starting.>]

[<<<Trade System Activates>>>]

"Trade System?"

[<<<Trade System>>>]

[Description: Using the Trade System you can trade anything for a certain price.]

"Then can I change the future? Can I go back to the past?" I asked desperately hoping for a chance.

Then messages appeared in front of me as if to answer my questions.


[Description: <<<You will regress to the past, but the time will be unknown and your eyesight will traded as a price for the regression.>>>]

[Trade Regression: Y/N]

"My eyesight huh? It's a small price to pay for regression I guess."

"Yes!" I said out loud and I lost consciousness as the world around me shattered like a broken glass.

A/N: Thank you for reading. <(>v<)>

I changed the prologue so those who have already read it don't worry it didn't change that much.

LazyWriter069creators' thoughts