17 chapter -17 Solemn Terms

I went to check up on Reema , there she was laying down with a broad smile , as if she was relieved from all the labor.

'How are you doing?' I asked

'She smiled at me and said ' Just gave birth to a baby, else all good'.

We both laughed at that for quite sometime.

Reema was pretty worried about what name her baby was going to have, she was hell serious about names , it was her childhood dream , she always was super excited about her progeny's name , what he/she would look like, well time ticked away pretty fast, we were here , and now it was time to decide the name. I told her that we could get it sorted after she would be released from nursing home, but she wanted to do it right away and then later something struck her so she made the decision to name her later.

Reema was discharged after a couple of days, we came back home and were super occupied with the baby, bottles, diapers , everything necessary.

One fine night we were discussing about her name and Reema came up with this name called 'JIERA' meaning beautiful.

I read it one of the magazines that I used to keep , weekly, when I first heard about our baby , or rather my baby , she said , it struck me hard then , and then I was caught up in a hell lot of shit so I nearly forgot about it .

'Nearly huh?' I said.

'When are you leaving?' she asked me.

'Everything's settled here I guess , so maybe..' I did not complete when she spoke up .

I'll soon get done with the divorce papers and yeah , I've one last favor to ask , more like a wish' she said.

'What is it?' I asked.

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