
Do not provoke the Taoist

Mount Zhongnan, known to the world for the Quanzhen Taoist sect, harbors a dilapidated Daoist temple at its foothills. One day, the people of the Ancient Well Temple emerged unexpectedly, and from that moment onward, their fame echoed throughout the world!

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25 Chs

Taoist Five Mantras

Early the next morning, just as the sky was brightening, Xiang Que was already standing by the window in his room. This was a habit he developed over many years at the Ancient Well Pavilion. The Mao hour marked the beginning of daylight, and practicing during this time was highly beneficial for Feng Shui and Yin-Yang Masters.

The black aura that had lingered over the Chen family's grand residence for the past two months had dissipated. In its place, a faint purple qi enveloped the entire mountain peak.

Purple qi, often referred to as noble qi, was considered the aura of royalty. The Chen family's prosperity for nearly a century was attributed to this purple qi that coiled above their mansion. The Dragon Vein Wealth Accumulation Formation introduced the noble qi accumulated for centuries in the moat of the Forbidden City to the Chen family. This allowed their family's fortune to reach its peak, bringing them success in business.

Previously, when the Feng Shui formation was broken, the noble qi was lost, and the Chen family's fortune was swallowed by the black aura. Now, after Xiang Que won against the three Feng Shui masters, the purple qi returned. The Dragon Vein Wealth Accumulation Formation was reactivated, and the Chen family's prosperity was set to continue.

A knock on the door sounded from outside. Xiang Que opened the door, and Chen Sanjin's secretary, He Jinzhong, respectfully said, "Mr. Xiang, the boss instructed that you should come down for breakfast once you're awake."

"Bring the meal to my room. No need for me to go down," replied Xiang Que.

He Jinzhong was taken aback, thinking this was quite strange. It wasn't customary for a guest in someone's home to have the meal brought to their room. He was about to insist, but then remembered that Chen Sanjin had instructed him to comply with any request from Xiang Que, regardless of what it was. He had no choice but to excuse himself and arrange for the meal to be brought to Xiang Que's room.

Chen family's breakfast was prepared extravagantly, including northern home-cooked breakfast items and southern pastries. The spread was tempting, but Xiang Que sighed while holding his chopsticks. He casually picked two steamed buns and drank a bowl of porridge.

After finishing breakfast, Xiang Que didn't step out of his room for the entire day. He spent the entire time sitting in meditation, practicing the Daoist arts of the Ancient Well Pavilion.

Daoist arts are divided into five disciplines: Mountain, Medicine, Fate, Divination, and Physiognomy.

Mountain involves using talismans to exorcise ghosts and suppress evil spirits. Medicine focuses on traditional Chinese medicine, alchemy, prescriptions, and acupuncture. Fate deals with human destiny in relation to heaven, earth, yin, and yang. Divination and Physiognomy refer to fortune-telling, face reading, Feng Shui, and grave site selection.

The Ancient Well Pavilion originally encompassed all five disciplines, but over the centuries, it underwent many changes. Although they initially practiced all five disciplines, the transmission of Medicine and Physiognomy was eventually lost.

For Daoist practitioners, daily practice primarily revolves around studying Daoist scriptures like Tai Yi Sheng Shui, Tao Te Ching, Bao Pu Zi, and Tai Xuan Jing. After gaining proficiency in these scriptures, they can apply various talismans and engage in practical activities such as exorcising evil spirits, Feng Shui arrangements, and fortune-telling. However, Xiang Que had only experienced one real battle - assisting the Chen family during their calamity.

Therefore, after the recent battle, Xiang Que felt uneasy. Regardless of breaking the Feng Shui formation or battling the formidable ghost, it seemed quite challenging. He felt mentally and physically exhausted, realizing he lacked experience.

For Daoists, cultivating their skills requires both scripture study and practical application. While Lao Dao and his Master Uncle could draw talismans from a distance, condense malevolent qi, and easily handle such situations, Xiang Que was more theoretical. In over a decade at the Ancient Well Pavilion, he had spent most of his time reading in the scripture library but had participated in practical activities only once - helping the Chen family overcome their calamity.

Thus, the recent battle left him feeling anxious. It was clear that he struggled whether breaking a Feng Shui formation or battling a formidable ghost. He found it laborious, realizing he lacked practical experience.

If he had the ability to draw talismans from a distance like Lao Dao and his Master Uncle, he could handle the ghost effortlessly while standing still. Instead, he had to use talismans, throw them, and it felt like a waste of time and energy.

In the evening, Chen Sanjin returned from Beijing. He was informed by He Jinzhong that Xiang Que had not come down all day, having both meals in his room.

"He hasn't come out, and no one has disturbed him?" Chen Sanjin asked.

"No, no one in the house has seen him," replied He Jinzhong.

"I'll go see him. Have some food prepared, and call Chen Xia, Chen Dong, and Madam down," said Chen Sanjin as he walked upstairs, knocking on Xiang Que's door.

Xiang Que opened the door, and upon seeing Chen Sanjin, he frowned and said, "Is the matter not resolved?"

"Mr. Xiang, how did you know?" Chen Sanjin wondered how Xiang Que could discern this from his seemingly calm expression.

Xiang Que said, "Although you don't have a gloomy expression, the main disaster palace's tranquility indicates the disaster has passed. Facial features are three stops, and your upper stop is long, ample, and broad, signifying nobility. Originally, there shouldn't be any issues, but now, a mole has appeared, indicating the noble aura hasn't dissipated, but troubles have surfaced."

Chen Sanjin touched his forehead and indeed found a mole, which he hadn't noticed before. He didn't know when it had appeared.

"We've found the person behind this, but their identity is too sensitive. I can't take direct action," Chen Sanjin said bluntly. "In other words, I know who did it, but I can't do anything openly, at least not on the surface."

Xiang Que patted his shoulder and said, "Then handle it quietly behind the scenes."

Chen Sanjin was surprised and asked, "Handle it behind the scenes? Mr. Xiang, are you suggesting you take action?"

Xiang Que shook his head and said, "I have the intention but lack the ability. There are some things I can't do, but I can give you some guidance."

From Chen Sanjin's facial features, Xiang Que could tell that his troubles had not completely passed. The karmic relationship between the Ancient Well Pavilion and the Chen family still existed. However, Xiang Que had already done what he could, and he couldn't take direct action against the person behind it. Nevertheless, he could offer guidance to Chen Sanjin on how to handle things quietly.

"It's quite simple. Have you forgotten the jar I gave you that contains the Five Ghosts Wealth Attraction technique?" Xiang Que asked. "Sneakily place that jar in the person's house or their company, and make sure it goes unnoticed. Then, find someone to engage in business with them. Understand? Also, if the person has Feng Shui masters around, they'll be familiar with these techniques. When you act, don't be too greedy or obvious; otherwise, they might notice. Proceed gradually and discreetly, step by step. Don't make it too ugly."

Chen Sanjin smiled with understanding and said, "Mr. Xiang, with your advice, I've gained enlightenment."

Even though he couldn't openly deal with the person behind this, he had a chance to take covert action. Chen Sanjin was skilled in such business operations and, with Xiang Que's guidance, he could cunningly outmaneuver the mastermind.

Xiang Que added, "Don't be careless. Since they could find Feng Shui masters to target you earlier, even if you escaped that danger, they might try something else from behind. They won't accept defeat so easily."

Chen Sanjin replied with a serious expression, "While I may not be able to immediately resolve this trouble, having a vigilant mindset will make it more difficult for them to strike again."

Determined to be cautious, Chen Sanjin planned to spend a considerable sum to hire a Feng Shui master to be stationed at home, keeping a constant watch for any future moves by the adversary in this domain.