
Niwan Core


"Planting?" Sieg murmured as he stared at the particular map in front on him.

Same as the others there is also a red marker which told him where the mission would take place as well, but this mission didn't lead to a Lair. Instead it lead to a auspicious landmark not very far from the Blight Town, the mission entailed:

(Planting: Seed of Hope. Should see to it that at least one seed would sprout. Reward: Piece of Inheritance and Enhancement.)

Sieg placed a hand on his chin and hummed a bit. This mission looked very sketchy but tempting at the same time.

Planting, a very simple word that should have a very simple meaning, but since he is inside an abnormal place and abnormal situation, then this word should have a different meaning. As for what it is? Who knows, he guessed that even if he asked the Forlorn attendant he would still get nothing.

'Piece of Inheritance and an Enhancement is it worth it? Well how could I tell? I don't even know what would happen if I take this mission. Should I just do it?'

'Yeah, yeah, I'll do it.' Sieg succumbed into his gut feeling and called the attention of the Forlorn: "Excuse me, I'll pick this."

The Forlorn attendant walked towards him and looked at the contents of the mission. He then smiled and said: "You're luck is impeccable Young Sir! You picked an exclusive Chained Mission!"

"Chained Mission?" Sieg was puzzled.

"Allow me to explain." The attendant cleared his throat and said: "This specific mission is an Exclusive Chained Mission, exclusive cause it would only be available to the who managed to find it, chained because after this mission another would appear automatically. These type of mission would give you massive rewards if you finished it, as you see, you could already have a piece of inheritance if you finish the first one. A complete inheritance is absolutely possible if you could make to the end!"

As the attendant explained, the glimmer on Sieg's eyes brightened, was his luck really that good? He was just casually flipping through the mission and these appeared? He could hardly believe that this is happening.

"A careful reminder though Young Sir." The attendant switched into a grave voice here: "Though this type or mission guarantee that you could get a full inheritance, it would be extremely challenging for you. It also doesn't mean that the particular inheritance that you would receive is suitable for you as well. At the most we could perform an exchange but it might not be equal to your expectations, so please do consider it well before accepting the mission because once you do, you aren't allowed to take any missions unless you finish this first."

The attendant's words were like a bucker of cold water poured over his eagerness. Good thing that this attendant treated him very nice or else it might be too late before he knows this.

Sieg placed a hand on his chin and thought deeply, the attendant only stood by the side and waited patiently for his answer.

After a few hours of thinking, Sieg opened his eyes with a cold glint and determination in them and said: "I'll still take it!"

"Very well, let me just record this matter." The Forlorn attendant then grabbed something in his storage bag, yes he do have one, and pulled out a long and very thin string and handed it offer to Sieg.

"This is a silk made by a Molten Steel Silkworm, Young Sir could use this so that bringing your Soul Vessel along with you would be more convenient." The attendant smilingly said, Sieg nodded his head and laced the silk thread to Soul Vessel and made it a necklace.

The attendant reached something from his storage bag again and said: "These are the Seeds of Hope, Young Sir would only have ten of them. Please do take note that Young Sir need to make sure that at least one seed would bloom before leaving the area, if not then the mission would become a failure."

"According to the arrangement of the Sect, Young Sir would receive one Life-Saving Talisman, a Defensive Talisman, a Return Talisman and an Offensive Talisman. The defensive and offensive talismans are pretty straight forward, I'm sure Young Sir could tell their uses. The Life-Saving Talisman could teleport you away a least a kilometer around your current location instantly. And the Return Talisman is what you use if you need to go back to this town after finishing the mission. Of course, the usage of these talisman would depend on Young Sir's choice as well."

Sieg nodded as he remembered all of the instructions from the attendant. His only worry is that he doesn't know where he could hide these talismans since he had no storage bag.

"Is there any place where I could buy a Storage Bag?" He finally asked as after a while of hesitation.

"I do apologize but there are no stores that sells Storage Bags here, the only help that I could give is a trick."

"A trick?"

"Yes, I can see Young Sir delved into Spirit Cultivation yes?"

Sieg's eyes widened as he looked towards the attendant in shock, but before he could say anything, the attendant interrupted him by saying:

"Please don't take into offense Young Sir, we Forlorns existed for far too long and saw many things already so this bit isn't strange at all. What differentiate you from other Soul Forms is the Niwan Core in your forehead." The attendant spoke and explained to Sieg.

Sieg heaved a sigh of relief as he heard the explanation of the attendant. His words makes sense, their existence travel way back in time so of course there's a lot of things that they knew, spirit cultivation is one of them.

The Niwan Core that the attendant was talking about was the 'gem-like-thing- embedded on his forehead, this is where his memories as stored as well as his 'Spirit' which is real reason why his 'Soul' exist. The Niwan Core only existed in his Soul and if his soul returned to his body then the Niwan Core would return to his Niwan Palace, which is the also dubbed as the 'seat of the soul'.

Niwan Palace exist to protect and shelter the Niwan Core, the stronger the palace gets the more protection and larger space it could provide for the Niwan Core. If he reached the Niwan Palace Realm in Spirit Cultivation he could go in and out of his body as he pleases without having any real damages to either his Soul or his Body.

"Does that change anything for me then?" Sieg asked after a while of silence.

"Of course Young Sir! Delving into Spirit Cultivation while also doing Ki Refining at the same time is a very commendable feat, not to mention that you are very young. That goes specially well inside of this place, spiritual energies in here is a bit dirty but of course it wouldn't hinder Young Sir's determination. Please do try and connect with your Niwan Core."

Sieg hesitated a bit before he just gritted his teeth and followed the instructions of the Forlorn attendant, he closed his eyes and placed his attention to his Niwan Core.

There was slight buzzing sound and a wave of warmth that flowed through Sieg's body, it felt very comfortable, almost like an embrace of warm spring after a long period of coldness.

The attendant was a bit startled, this wasn't his first time seeing someone cultivate their spirit, it is also wasn't his first time trying to teach this trick and this also wasn't the first time he guided one. But this is the first time he saw someone commune with their Niwan Core this fast.

It had to be known the the previous one he taught took at least three days to commune with their Niwan Core, but this person in front of him did in just mere minutes. This was unbelievable feat for him.

"What do I do next?" Sieg's voice resounded which woke the attendant from his stupor, he immediately gathered his attention and said:

"R-right, if Young Sir could already connect with you Niwan Core, try visualizing a an empty space, I'm sure Young Sir already saw the inner space of a storage bag yes?"

"Yeah." Sieg replied while having his eyes closed.

"Then visualize just that, try doing so until it almost become real." The attendant's hypnotizing voice echoed in Sieg's ears.

As for Sieg, he gather his thoughts and followed the instructions of the attendant. He visualized a vast empty space in his mind, a space where nothing existed. Land, water, air, sun, moon, galaxy, energy, and even the begging, end or time doesn't exist. There's only void and will always be void, nothings else.

Sieg's imagination ran freely, the scene of empty void appeared in front of him, at first it was still a bit blurry so he refined this image inside his head time and time again. Time passed quickly and after three days of standing idly, something cracked and opened in front of him which made him startled thus waking him up.

"Congratulations Young Sir!" The voice that carried a heartfelt admiration and awe escaped the Forlorn attendants mouth.

Sieg stared in front of him and saw a wriggling vortex of void. He was dumbfounded and said: "W-what's this?"

"That would be your personal space."

"Personal space?"

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