

Consciously or subconsciously, life is a force that drags us in, deep into dimensions. We are married from birth to our purpose in life in one way or the other even without knowing, but faith in God will bring us face to face with this reality. Even if we do whatever to run away from this reality, it will somehow find us and drag us into aligning to who we truly are beyond the knowledge impressed us by the mind rebranding system in the form of secular and religious education, and we now think, we are what they told us we are. This is the reason for misplacement of our true identity in God and that is why we often struggle for recognition instead of staying to whom God has created us to be. You are uniquely unique, independent, but dependent on your programmer, who is a higher force beyond the confines of your thought grasp. Journey into the deep! I grew up to know myself as an alien in this world of some certain happenings around my life, which gave me a course of concern. It seems as if I think differently and see things from a different dimension and I could not just understand why then, while I was growing as a child, but now I know and understand better. This book is spirit breathed revealing a journey into great awareness, pointing to the realization of self beyond self-designed ideologies. A lot of things that was happening in my life while I was advancing from the cradle that I could not just explain, because it was my days of ignorance, evolving into the more complex world that threw me into chaotic state of thoughts, not knowing exactly what to hinge on as reality. There were things that kept recurring and calling my attention deeper and these things were never letting me be. One of the notable experiences I had, that I will never forget, was the experience of recurring convulsion that almost ruined my life. God can never let you be when you have His Divine seal, you are not your own, you are His very own, the earlier you know this, the sweeter will life become for you, and the swifter things will answer to you and work in your favor even when it seems working against others. This is why He cannot leave, nor forsake you, because you are His project program #Reality reached from my personal experience#. discord link:https://discord.gg/JQCAZ3

Patty_Egah_Ikwue · Hiện thực
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The moment you start thinking, you start creating, even in your thought…waiting patiently even you speak what you have thought, you will start seeing the reality of what you have thought and spoken. What are you thinking?

God has planted eternity in the heart of man and the reason for this, is for man to know that nothing else can satisfy except giving your all back to God in worship.

My experience of getting to know by revelation that the light is in me, made me to understand that all we need in life is in us, and until we are able to access the knowledge, we cannot access to receive or enjoy the reality of what is already in us. Everything, vehemently everything that can reach our thought is real and accessible if and only if, we can reach the knowledge of the depth and accept that we already have the key to all resident in us and that key is LIGHT which connects us to the ALL of God (Weight) which is His glory. So in this time we are in, if we can operate in His glory, we have ALL, vehemently ALL, ALL we need patterning life and godliness and this is His mind, that we should like bulb, reflect ALL of His glory. Until we come to a point of knowing that truly, in reality, there is no darkness, it is our mindset (SELF) that has created it and God is correcting this mindset as we intimate light to connect His glory and the good news is, His glory is in us and we are in His gory. Jesus is the glory of God!

What is darkness?

Darkness is simply the contrary thought of God casted down from heaven into the earth, after He had thought to make a being that will reflect back His glory, the Lucifer having being with Him, understanding His thought because He was made in His thought, now thought against His thought and that became the birth of SELF which cannot dwell with God, so God had to cast it down and decided to create a His initial thought and release it into the platform already corrupted by the initial contrary thought (SELF) evident as darkness in the beginning making the formless and void (Genesis 1: 2) but God was in inspection to create the right program to correct the thought and the right program became LIGHT.

Until we arise from ignorance, we cannot shine and until we shine (Isaiah 60: 1), we cannot experience the glory of the Lord, so the main emphasis here is the knowledge of the light, because if you don't know your light has come, you cannot see the glory that is risen upon you. I had the light and me and I was asking where the light coming from is? Arise! Implies we must travel in light to cross over to the other side to see the light, such that even when we turn back is still light we are seeing because of the glorified cross which dwells in the light, so as the light comes from His throne, the glorified cross reflect it back, so that you are all in the light. So when you have travelled into the dimension (domain) of the light, you have no option than to shine and it is in you shining that the glory of God will reflect through you, because it is upon you and as you intimate deeper, it gets into you and abodes forever. This is the reality of our journey into light, with light and in light for the fullness of time to execute heaven's program to finish the mystery of God and when the program is executed as written in the Word, heaven will now please a seal, and smile because the program was successful. The program code can only be broken by the help of God for those who have the divine seal to finish the mystery of God and heaven as ordained only two witnesses for that purpose. It is not a thing of qualification of certificate, or knowledge or experience, this one is absolutely DIVINE. This two witnesses will operate with divine wisdom, having the key to unlocking heaven's mysteries, even the mystery of God that will be finished in the fullness of time before the full emergence of the Anti-Christ who has always been but waiting for the shift the realm of the spirit to usher his reign and that shift has already happened with the date 6th June, 2016 (06- 06-16) so if we are to read that date with the consciousness of breaking divine code, it will be 001, meaning Divine which typifies the beginning and the end and in the realm of the spirit the beginning is 0 the end is 1 which typifies God, while the other code is 666 for the realm of man in his senses, but this time beyond the five senses, but six which implies a swift pointing to the strongest man on earth that will rule the earth in self and project self-worship to fulfills the devils pseudo-program. So in the realm of the spirit 666 is a pseudo-code and anyone who have understand will calculate and know that the number is the number of man, one short of seven which typifies completeness which can be possible when we are in the realm of the spirit where life is. The realm of light is simply the realm of the spirit. In reality, the devil is a carnal being because he cannot operate as God, he has limitations and that is why he had to multiply his agents with a sophisticate networking so as to get signals of whatever is happening anywhere. But God is Omniscient, Omnipresent and omnipotent. He doesn't need a agents to see and know all that happens in the universe, He is in charge and when we manifest His glory, He makes take charge. So the era we are in, is the era of taking charge in Him to shipwreck and cause havoc to the kingdom of darkness.

Until we are in the light, we cannot truly worship God (1 John 5- 7), and until we are in His glory (the revelation of who He truly is), we cannot manifest as sons of God (Romans 8: 18) and for us to manifest, we must be led by His Spirit (Romans 8: 14) and with this reality we can now reflect the beauty of His character which is His glory, to prove that He is love indeed.

Dwelling in the Father's love is the greatest security, you need no security once you are in, you are eternally secured.

I was amazed trying to figure out where the brilliantly brilliant light with magnificent glorifying illumination coming, I reiterate, that I could not even stand the awe sight, completely blind the light, full of light and was lost in the light, not even able to behold the glory to know where it was coming from and the Spirit in me ministered to me (bear me witness), "The light is in you". Wow! The light is in me and I don't even know? Which implies I have everything in me, and I ended up going to pursue and serve things that are supposed to pursue me and serve me with all their glory? Ignorance is truly more dangerous than HIV. Now I understand, having seen the light and know the light is in me. Now I know, it is maximum error for me to take drugs, I am not stopping you from taking drugs and I am not discouraging anybody, because it will be done to you according to your faith. The scripture is absolute complete, there is nothing, vehemently nothing missing out of it. Yes! The Word is God when you reach the depth to intimate the person, not the letters. That is where we get in wrong and we end up using our understanding and reasoning top derive meaning from the Word, instead of keying into the life to catch the revelation. The truth is you can never catch the revelation, until you are lost in light and caught up in glory not to glory. Please, there is a vast distinction between in glory and to glory, so, understand the two contexts and apply appropriately. Our generation is a privilege generation, a generation that is executing the divine, to restore man back to God's original intention, and using men who will reflect the weight of God. Men in small container carrying God who is bigger than the entire universe that is like a minute microcosm atom in its absolute diminished state, but men in a little container carrying because of their big heart of total obedience, yielding to His Word…. When you are absolutely obedient to God, He gives Himself and He becomes the vessel in you to contain Him because in reality you can never contain Him in yourself but in Himself.

This journey into the Father's heart is getting interesting; I do hope you are enjoying your trip?

Let's get a little deeper!

The bulb is a perfect example to explain the reality of who we are with God's glory. It is from our witness that people will know it is not us, but Him in us, by telling them you have something inside of you that is shining out that you are not one, so that you will not end becoming god (an idol) to start projecting self-worship. The moment that happens, He will withdraw Himself and lives you empty and the implication is to experience shame that will make you to go into hiding because you have discovered your nakedness that you are absolutely nothing without Him. Without Him, the emptiness inside of us will be an endless echo, even from our longings deep and when you are selfish, even when you cry out, He can never hear you, because you have been completely cut off from Him. What brings close and draw nearer is self-denial, which is an act of worship. Humbling yourself before a perfect God, having seen your imperfection in the light of His glory and the end result is the release of grace. Without His grace we are nothing and can do vehemently nothing. You swallow that food because of His grace. That water could pass through your gullet to your stomach because of His grace. You could raise your hand and pour water on your body while taking your bath because of His grace. What if you had an accident and you both hands are amputated, will you be able to drink water hold the cup on your own? You can see, even when you will not acknowledge the fact that is all His grace. Which implies the essence of your true being is God's grace. God is God of grace and mercy, don't die and sin, it is not too late, no matter the distance you have gone. The moment you acknowledge and admit you have gone far from Him and you invite Him to come, He will be the one reach out to you, in the speed of light. So distance is not a barrier to Him, you just have to stop emphasizing the depth you have gone and stop condemning yourself, that is the devil, since he knows his destiny is condemnation (eternal doom), so what he does is to condemn and once you accept, he allows you to finish the job of condemnation. Self-condemnation and self-rejection it is not of God and the truth, is the highest level of pride. If God has not condemned you and you are condemning yourself, you are proud, and that is why you cannot receive grace for help in times of your frailty and grace for supply in the times of need. You need to discipline, your flesh to start think with the thought of your spirit (mind of God), not the thought of your heart (your mindset). Your mindset can never align with God's except in comes under God's, and this is the reality of who we are in the kingdom that will be give the key of David to unlock and shut earth, because whatever we bind here on will be bound in heaven and whatever we lose here on earth will be loosed in heaven, explaining that the answers comes from heaven. And if the answers come from heaven, you must be dead to earth to connect heaven to live on earth as immortal mortal (Spirit in the flesh). This is God's mind for mankind, but man failed and reduced himself to a carnal with five senses, he could not even function in his dimension of position 6, but the greatest man who will come and oppress the man with five senses will possess six senses and those who operate from heaven will operate with the completeness of Divinity, by this I mean, function from the dimension of the Father's love, which is perfect rest. I am typing all these without thinking and I don't have them written in my manuscript, it is just flowing from the Father's love, because I am experiencing perfect rest, but before I could I had to discipline the flesh by fasting and this very day, being 17th June, 2016 is the fourth and I am enjoying my trip. This is how life should be lived, when we know we are Aliens to this perishing world that will go down to hell with the devil to usher in the New Millennium.

The bulb carries the filament which produces the light from the source (electricity), but we don't see the filament or the electricity that power on the filament, we only see the bulb and to our knowledge, it is the bulb that shines, not the filament. That is ignorance! What you need is knowledge, knowledge of the truth is what you need and that is where the reality is resident.

Flesh and blood cannot reveal this truth; the same way flesh and blood did not reveal to Peter that Jesus Christ is God. Please, don't dispute my statement, it was not a mistake that is the truth, because God to man to execute heaven's program has the program code name, Son of God and with respect to man as relating to flesh, He is called the son of man. These are revelation truth that spans beyond basic facts or knowledge from a carved philosophy that planted itself in Christendom as theology, yes! Men tried, but they still could not God. I in I Am don't need to school by men to understand heaven's programs; heaven has certified me, even before enrolling me into my classes by grace. So I am not the one doing it, He lives in me and learn for me, and allow me to know through Him and manifest His divine wisdom. So with God, as a man, we can know all things. God is the electrifying source, His Spirit (Holy Ghost) is the filament and we are the bulb, standing as the offspring of the Son of God, such that when God sees, He sees His son, so in reality, when we possess the Spirit of God, God sees us as one, because all He sees, is His Son Jesus Christ (God birthed Himself and became man through man, but not by the means of man (Sexual intercourse)).


man means of sweet intimacy is sexual intercourse, while God's means, and is true worship in Spirit and Truth.


Hope I am not blowing your mind up! Well, if I am, it is good because it is not off but up, to connect you to Divine revelation, so you could reach divine knowledge.

God's glory can only be seen through us and that was why He came to identify with flesh, so we could reflect His glory as we key into His light (Knowledge of who truly is). We are the glory of God when we are led by His Spirit.

Let your light shine, don't shine your light… allow Him to shine through you. Your light will only come when you know you are the carrier of the light

In reality, the coming of your light is in you coming into the full knowledge of your intimacy with Christ this is the only point worship can be made real and said to be in Spirit and truth.

This made me understood that all we need is in us, and until we are able to access the knowledge, we cannot access to receive it in reality. Everything, vehemently everything that can reach our thought is real and accessible if and only if we can reach the true knowledge of the depth of its reality and accept that we already have the key to ALL resident in us and that key is light which connects us to the ALL of GOD (weight) which is His glory. So in this time we are in, if we can operate in His glory, we have ALL, vehemently ALL, all we need patterning life and godliness and this is His mind, that we should like a bulb, reflect the ALL of God (glory)… and until we come to a point of knowing that truly in reality there is no darkness, it is our mindset (SELF), that has created darkness and God is correcting this mindset as we intimate light to connect His glory and the good news is, His glory is in us and we are in His glory. Jesus is the glory of God!

Until we arise! We cannot shine (Isaiah 60: 1- 3), because we are actually sleeping and we can never experience the glory that emanates from the Father's ray field when we are sleeping and when we are not experiencing it, we are not experiencing the true life (Ephesians 5:14) and when we are not experiencing the true life, the world will hardly accept the reality of God. What makes our worship true, is our intimacy with light (1 John 1: 5- 7) and until we are in His glory (the revelation of who He truly is), we can not manifest as sons of God (Romans 8: 19) which will reflects the beauty of His character to prove that He is love indeed and His love endures forever.

All of your thoughts are real as long as you keep thinking it, you will start seeing it, no matter how abstract they may seem, therefore you must guide your heart with all diligence.

Patty_Egah_Ikwuecreators' thoughts