
Can't Hold Back?

Davis and Shirley kept staring as if they only had eyes for each other.

Forgetting Davis, the satisfaction that Shirley experienced was beyond what an immortal inheritance could make her experience. Her heart was full of joyous emotions now that she had confirmed her relationship with her love. It made her feel the extreme peak of ecstasy as a healthy blush filled her face without her even having to experience something like an orgasm.

Her heart and mind were in a state of euphoria. She felt wonderful and satisfied that a deep smile continued to hang on her face for a dozen seconds as they admired each other's charming features.

"Wait..." Shirley raised her brows after she calmed down, "That was not a question, though..."

"Weren't you the one who told me to be forceful...?" Davis equally raised his brows.

Shirley blinked her reddish eyebrows as she shyly smiled, lowering her head as her crimson lips moved.

"I don't dislike it..."

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