
Distorted Chaos | TBATE

King Grey, being betrayed by the one who he considered his close friend, tries to find purpose to his life. But as if fate was mocking him, he was again robbed of the little happiness he had left. Having pulled into death by Another Betrayal, instead of finding salvation, he opens his eyes to an unfamiliar world. Would it be possible to find something that he had been lacking in his previous life? Cover by: MaiFurumi

KaiAsukawa · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

The Fall

The stench of death lingered in the hallway. With each swing of her sword, more lives fell.

Gawain, the drunk man who has been saved by his king's grace, who showed him the ray of light called hope. The one to whom he swore to be his armor.

But the armor had now shattered.

Tristan, a normal noble fascinated by his king's works, swore to be his king's artillery.

Yet he now collapsed to the fire of nature.

Galahad, the orphan who was saved by his king, given a new chance in reliving his childhood properly with love and warmth given to him by his companions, who swore to be the shield that would protect this warmth.

However, even that shield now fell to the inevitable power.

Lancelot, the man who became jobless and abandoned by his own family, who was rotting on the roadside waiting for his death. Losing hope of everything he just waited for his death until one day that man approached him, the king he swore his loyalty to and the king he swore to be the sword of.

Even so, the sword wasn't able to cut through the flames that night.

Bedivere, the man abandoned by all, lost all hope and desire and was waiting for none but death. Now he stood, being the arms and legs that supported the king he swore to.

Despite that, he fell, to the flames that devoured him.

Mordred, the mind of the body, the one who led the soul with a torch in hand.

Despite that, he was consumed by the ever raging flames.

There he stood, the heart and soul of the body, staring at the fall of its organs. Like a heritage, the torch was now passed to the soul to fight against the unyielding flame.

As the soul felt something inside of it snap.


The stench of scorched flesh lingered in the hallway. Moribund figures lay on the floor, their breathing getting shallower by each passing moment. A hollowed feeling took root in my heart as I felt something snap.

Just as I was about to step forward, I felt something grasp at my leg. Looking behind, I saw Mordred weakly pull the end of my robe.

"Morgan, while I know you are furious, but will you listen to me," his voice came out so weakly that my vision shook.

"Hey, it's okay, you will be okay, I will get you all treated soon enough," words of reassurance left my mouth even though it wasn't enough to calm me down.

"Just listen," Mordred cut me off, taking a deep breath he continued, "You know, when I first chose you it was for my own selfish goals. I wanted to defeat my mother and stop her by her own creation. But, after seeing you this close, seeing you grow up from a brat to a remarkable king, I was attracted, charmed by your efforts."

His eyes started to lose more of their focus, with a shaking voice he said, "Before, I wasn't so sure about you, but now. Now I can proudly declare that you are the king that I chose and followed, the king that wouldn't lose even to his…"

Mordred's words fell short, his body limped and turned cold as his eyes lost the life they once contained.

As if the chains restraining me was let loose, something bubbled up within the hollowed feeling of mine. Like a volcano on the verge of eruption, something bubbled up inside of me.


Intense fury raged relentlessly inside, threatening to destroy everything.

My eyes settled on the person standing in front of me, her hand grasped at the hilt of a pristine white sword that was shrouded in their blood.

A flaming path was formed between the two of us. The flames were most probably made from ki, and they might be more powerful than my conjured lightning.

But who cared at this point.

All that I wanted to do right now was to rip her apart.

To think that I even thought about the three of us going back to how we used to be.


With each raging emotion of mine, the ki responded. Our eyes met, within a blink our legs kicked at the ground, jumping upwards.

Cecilia's sword rose as Ki gathered around it. Ki transformed to flames raging around as a pillar of light rose from the tip of the sword.

Swinging her sword down, the pillar also came down, destroying everything in its path. With my raging emotions, I swung my staff at her as lightning conjured and raged like a maddened beast.

The spells collided causing a cacophony of booms, clouds of dust and debris rose due to the explosion.

My eyes settled on Cecilia, she assumed a stance while flames of ki shrouded her legs, hands and sword. Leaping forward her sword came down straight for me, my staff pointed towards her in response. Lightning crackled around me, orbs of lightning formed around me hurling straight for her.

Her flames engulfed my spells, which again corroded the spells. It felt as if watching fire against water.

Lances of lightning formed as I hurled them straight for Cecilia, her fingers pointed forward and swords of fire came down clashing against the lances. I stepped further back to create more distance while Cecilia followed in tow.

Lightning focused on the tip of my wand, azure orbs crackling with sparks formed as an azure beam engulfed Cecilia fully. Dust rose in tandem to the destruction brought by the spell. Flames raged clearing the dust, Cecilia's body was now completely shrouded by flames.

Her sword swiped down vertically, a wave of fire coming straight for me. Visualizing it, I released my spell and a lightning wave launched canceling out the fire wave.

Cecilia leaped, her leg brought forward as she kicked and a huge beam of fire launched destroying every floor of the building. The two of us were now on the ground floor, my body being fully battered and bruised while Cecilia's being a bit burnt.

She pounced forward, her sword now being swung in a proper flow without much flaws.

As if learning every second from her own mistakes, Cecilia continued to improve, her sword skills turning sharper than before, her spells becoming more refined and her flames burning much more intense than before.

So this, was the full potential of a Legacy, something so terrifying yet so enviable.

With more and more of our spells colliding, I soon came to a realization, our spells and fighting were exactly the very opposite.

Almost as if all of this was nothing but a play of fate.

If her spells dictated life, then mine dictated death, if she was Arthur, then I was Morgan, if she was She no Seimei, then I was Doman.

Flurries of spells bombarded her, her flames shrouded her completely and created an armor which repelled every spell of mine. Only rarely did one or two spells go through.

Ki continued to condense, the tip of my staff was now tinged with a hue of Lavender. This spell which was left incomplete during my fight with Vera would be completed now.

Perhaps sensing the incoming danger Cecilia kicked forward, her sword aiming for me. But my spell was already finished.

A purple spark left my wand as it went through Cecilia, just the very next moment not only was Cecilia's flames extinguished, the ground behind her was also laid in ruin.

My breath constricted, my ki reserves had dwindled to a really low amount. Even Cecilia collapsed to the ground gasping for air.

If I want, I could kill her now. But my mind just kept on wandering to Mordred's last words. Was it her that he wanted me to defeat or was it…

My legs went forward nearing Cecilia every second, my teeth clenched in anger the whole time. Picking her up by her collar I spat, "I am not gonna fall to your level. I am not going to become a pawn nor will I bend to anyone. I, beat you!"

Air rushed in my lungs, my mind questioned itself whether what I just did was the right choice or not. But knowing him, it was probably what he wanted to convey.

'Hey,' A thought revolved in my mind, 'Was I able to become the king you wanted me to be?'

But, all of a sudden, I felt something hit my head as a veil of darkness took over me.


Grey's eyes woke to the light that was directed in his eyes, wherever there was a rune present in his body, that part was skinned thoroughly.

His body hung, plastered on a wall of wood. To his side were his allies, their cold bodies hung on the just as cold wall.

Grey's body itched at every place, blood flooding out from his skins, organs failing as he couldn't feel ki anymore.

It felt as if the world had abandoned him all to himself.

His eyes then settled on the main culprits of it all, his very fall, his childhood friend, Cecilia.

Surrounding her were the nobles that ran away.

Ah, it all made sense now. Grey thought as he realized what happened.

"Any last words?" Cecilia asked.

Grey just stared at her, thinking that this is not the Cecilia he once knew, and definitely not the Cecilia with whom he fought with.

"Well I am glad that I at least didn't become a pawn like you."

It was a lie.

He deeply regretted his life.

About how he could have saved his companions.

But all was lost now.

Right now, incomprehensible emotions rose inside of Grey whenever his eyes landed on Cecilia.

Was it rage? Or was it disgust? He had no way to know.

Especially not now.

His body started to get colder, it seemed as if his life was about to end.

Cecilia approached, her eyes filled with a demeaning gaze. Fire lit up in her arms as she ignited the wood.

The fire spread on and on as it continued to engulf everyone hanging on the wall.

"If afterlife really exists, then let's have one hell of a reunion Cecilia!" A maddened cry left Grey's mouth, to Cecilia it was not worth anything, like a cry of an ant.

From the crowd that stood surrounding the place, came muffled screams of someone's name. Only when it was a bit closer did they realize it was the name of the man being burnt.

Like that, everyone started to chant their king's name, showing every form of disrespect to the Legacy.

"Well, I guess I managed to become a good king," Grey mumbled to himself until he heard a voice that he recognized all too well.

"Grey!" Nico pushed himself out of the crowd, his eyes settling on his friend being burnt. Desperation filled his eyes as deep seated regret was plastered on his face.

'Now you finally looked at me you little shit,' Was what came across his mind before he felt himself drown in the cold ocean of darkness.

In the darkness, he saw his friends walking somewhere, he wanted to go and follow them. But they pushed him back, pushed him towards the new life of his.

In this very ocean he reaches there, the tunnel which would lead him to a world full of new bonds, adventures and more anguish for him to go through.

Hello, hope you liked the chapter! Anyways, reincarnation is coming next chapter!

KaiAsukawacreators' thoughts