

every day I do my daily routine, do my hair, get dress, eat,leave ,go school,do work, go home but day at the end school someone came from behind me and pushed me under the stairs.

when I saw who it Is I immediately put my head down and then I feel his hand on my right breast does he know? then I hear him say I need a roommate can u do it? I grew in shock not moving an inch and just when I was about to move on to another thought when Joshua says "your the only one I trust" me?! he bullied me, shamed me but he trusts me.

I tried to speak but nothing came out and my face turned red because his hands were still on my breast I guess he noticed because he swiftly moved his hands and stuttered to speak and his face turned red.

But out of nowhere I said "ok I'll move in Friday." now a lot of things were going in my mind and I wasn't functioning properly but There's no way out now so I got to make it work ... somehow

finally he moves back and walks0 away i let out half a sigh before holding my breath in again because he abruptly stops and turns around but before I was gonna pass out he says thank you and walks away and when turns the corner I let out a deep sigh grabbing hold of the wall and leaving.

The next morning I wake up to a knock on my room door and my dad saying yo have a visitor without thinking I get up put on a shirt and shorts and step outside and to my shock it was Joshua. "I came to help you pack " he says I didn't get to get at least a 20 minute nap so I tell him do we have to and he said no so we packed till I realized it was 4:00 I was late for school I tell him I have to get to class while look for clothes and he stops me and says "spring break , remember?" I've been so caught up in working I forgot about that. I felt so embarrassed. I slowly slid to the ground back to the floor while Joshua chuckling secrettively. it kinda felt like when we were little I do a dumb move and he laugh his but off I couldn't help but let out a smile and both laughed together on the floor.

"Josh why did you get mad?" I turned our laughter to complete silence i could see he was hiding something every time he lied his ears would turn burgundy and he would avoid eye contact. a minute passed the another and I needed to know but suddenly when I was about to open my mouth he jumped up from the floor and said "we need to finish packing your things, its not that much it shouldn't take long."

I was confused why would he avoid the question?was he hiding something? I need to know! as I get up he goes to the bathroom and grabs a box full of my things and starts to walk out the door. i cant let that happen he's just gonna avoid the question again. so before his foot got out the door I grabbed my things put them on the floor and before he could react I threw him on the bed and jumped on top of him and pinned him down I stared into his eyes then his body and realized he's grown a lot and I dont know if he wasn't before but he looked hot. as I thought he flipped me over, now he's on top, snapped back and started to blush and turn my head to the right so he couldn't see. I couldn't help but sneak a glance and then our eyes collided and I couldn't look away it was like the world stopped for us to savor this moment and I forgot about everything. "hey the trucks he... uh i.i..ii" in a hurry he covered his eyes and shut the door but our moment didn't stop till after the door shut and Joshua blinked he tried to speak but nothing came out and i could guess he was tying to say sorry so I said it's ok and we both got up loaded the truck but it was awkward no one talked till It was time to say goodbye to my dad but nothing could prepare me for tonight.