In 2024, the entertainment industry is an uncreative monopolistic wasteland controlled by massive conglomerates. Ordinary director Michael Davenport seems destined for career oblivion...until a freak accident propels his consciousness 26 years into the past, inhabiting his 22-year-old self in 1998 Los Angeles. Armed with extensive knowledge of the industry's future history - from technological disruptions to corporate mergers and the rise of streaming - Michael embarks on an audacious gamble. He founds a maverick digital production house to blaze an uncharted path, assembling a talented team devoted to boundary-pushing content that will reshape Hollywood's landscape. Across multiple seasons, we follow Michael's meteoric rise from underdog to powerhouse as he deftly navigates technological upheavals and clashing egos. However, his time-traveling arrogance breeds formidable corporate enemies who sense something's amiss about his uncanny foresight into market trends. A delicious game of cat-and-mouse ensues. Amid the thrills, Michael forges an eclectic family of driven creatives all striving to revolutionize entertainment by staying true to their authentic voices. One man's radical second chance to rewrite the future - if he can survive the consequences of disrupting Hollywood's predetermined timeline.