
City of Poseidon

The lady with blue hair and eyes was looking coldly at Chris.

" Invader you are to be given a trail by the supreme Court now." She said. Two men with a dark blue armour came in the room and hold Chris. They lead him out of the room. Chris tried to use x-ray vision but couldn't see anything.

They carried him into a huge white room. Infront of him was three throne with three persons. A middle age man with dark blue hair and red eyes. He was wearing a red old fashion armour. He had a golden crown on his head and had expressionless face as he look at Chris.

A middle age woman sat to his right with bright red hair and similar red eyes. She wore a crimson color dress had had on a crown.

To his left was a young girl about 20 with dark blue hair with red strands and red eyes. She wore a dark blue dress.

To Chris sides and audience stand was located with several people watching him.

A man in his late sixty came between Chris and the man with a crown as he began to talk.

" Yesterday at 1:00 pm an attack was made on the City of Poseidon. Most of the invaders manage to escape but we managed to capture one which is Infront of us. By the law of the City this person will be executed in an hour. "

The audience began cheer as they said rude remark such as surface muck etc.

Chris silently watch this. He realize he couldn't use his powers at all. It seem like the chain was blocking all his ability somehow.

Chris was really in a desperate situation right now. ( Gift system how the hell are the power you gave so useless) He thought.

Suddenly a lady in a lab coat interrupt the man in White.

" May I speak your highness." She said.

The king look at her with interest. " What is Emma "

" This human physiology is unique. If I manage to replicate it we could allow our body to be massively stronger than it is." She said.

The King was interested in what she propose but Chris face went dark. He didn't want to be a lab rat.

" Does he need to be alive." The king ask.

" Yes your majesty." She said.

The king didn't want this being in his kingdom alive for longer.

[ System have finished mending abilities to host body.]

(mending?) Chris thought as he showed a confuse face.

Powers listing.


Super Speed,Strength, Sense.

Rapid Regeneration

Water and black lightning manipulation

Eye blast

Environmental adaptation

Ability growth

All resistance

Mental attack immunity

Harden skin

Enhance intelligence

Quick thinking

X-ray vision

Sonic Voice


1.Strength. Maximum power[1.898 × 10^24 tones] You can only use 1% of your strength.

2.Speed. Maximum speed[299 792 458 m / s]

You can only use 1% of your speed.

3.Sense. Maximum Sense[ 1000 times of Kryptonian] 1% of your sense.(include Reflexes, Eyes, smell, ear touch)

4.Rapid Regeneration. Maximum recovery[ Can't die]

5.Water manipulation. Maximum control[ Control the entire ocean on earth] You can use 1% of your control.

6.Black lightning manipulation. Maximum power[ 1.970×10^70 volts ]. You can only 1% of your power

7.Eye blast. Maximum heat[ The heat of a star] You can use 1% of your power.

8.Environmental adaptation.[ Survive under any conditions]

9.All resistance. [ Negate 20% of elemental damage]

10.Mental immunity[ immune to all mental attack]

11.Harden skin[ Kryptonian skin]

12.Enhance Intelligence[ 10 × smarter]

Quick Thinking[10×faster]

13.X-RAY vision

14.Sonic Voice. [ 2000 db]

Ability growth increase user current ability level when under dangerous condition

Note. Host and servant will never grow old.

Because of host presence in Marvel universe it will be ten times difficult than host remember.

Ability fully assimilated. All power will be available now. Good bye.


listening to the voice in his head Chris stared dumbfounded.

( Im not sure if I got a power up or just got nerf.) As the guard began to drag him away he woke up.

" If I can speak why am I being treated as a lab rat?"Chris said as he look at their King.

Gasp were heard from the crowd as they visibly became angry.

" How dare you speak." One of the guard took out a metal Rod shining blue and was about to hit him.

The king held up is hand as he motion to the guard to stop. With an an amuse smile "And why shouldn't you. You enter our territory without permission. Your basically have no right here."

"How should I know this is your territory. For all the people above you guys don't even exist. So if I'm thinking properly The human above believe this is their territory too." Chris said with a smile.

The King found Chris interested. " So what you think we should do . Announced our existence to your people."

" I really don't care what you do, I just don't want to be implicated by it" Chris said.

The king began to stroke his beard as he thought over what Chris. He was in need of some entertainment.

" Why did your people come here anyway" He ask.

" One of our person pick up a signal from a highly advance wave here. I'm guessing now it came from your city but we didn't know that." Chris explain.

"Okay I will give you a chance to survive. If your win a duel against five of my General I will allow you to leave. If you lose you have to obediently stay as our lab rat." The king said.

Chris shook his head. His upper body shined with a blue light in a complicated pattern. Blue symbol became visible as it appear across his chest.

The guards point their spear toward Chris with caution. The blue chain around his hand and legs broke. Chris gave a small smirk as he grab the two guard spear and shock them with black lightning. They fell to the ground.

Chris folded his arm. "I can leave when I want change the stakes."

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