
4:Ancient 1 visits


Author Here: bro this virtual learning shit not for men I skipped my second period to do this chapter, history is the most boring class I got. But ignoring that, there shouldn't be any mistakes but if you find some let me know I'll come back and fix it for you

Tony hung up the phone, shut it down, then restarted it after counting for 60 seconds, and dialed again.

"Well, Tony, I admit that I was too excited just now, but you understand, right?" As soon as the call was made, Rod's helpless voice came out. "I'm already on my way to pick you up, just stay where you are." "Please don't Move, and pay attention to your safety. "

"OK." With that Tony hung up the phone, and threw the phone to Mu Qiu, frowning, holding his nose to stop the strong smell of blood , "When we leave you sir need a shower, and then a change of cloths, you should also burn the cloths your wearing ."

Wu Muqiu rolled his eyes at him, walked to Yinsen, found a flat rock next to him and sat down. He took a bottle of whiskey from the storage space and sipped it, "whisky is the only thing that can soothe my heart".

He had just got rid of a hundred people of course his heart was in turmoil because of this.

'At least this didn't leave any trauma'

What he did could be considered borderline brutal but in the world he is now this was necessary as it wasn't peaceful as his old one.

"Hey, get me some too," Stark said.

He Muqiu glanced at him, took out a business card and a bottle of whiskey from his storage space and threw it to him, he then stood up and patted the dust of his ass and walked towards the previous cave location.

Tony was right, his current image was displeasing , and he should go take a bath and burn these clothes.

As for healing, that wasn't needed.

A Food Hunter's body is much more durable then a normal persons, and the injury were already healed during the fight

"A Tony send the money for the burgers and whiskey at this place, the price shouldn't be that hefty right, after all you are the famous Tony Starks."

After saying this, Mu Qiu jumped into the hole he created by kicking the through the debris at the cave entrance, walked to the wooden door, opened the wooden door and went back to the restaurant.

After Mu Qiu walked into the wooden door, the wooden door in the cave gradually started disappearing

Stark leaned on the boulder, holding the paper with his left hand and looking at the name, address, contact information, then the bill, and grinned.

He didn't expect his fame to reach this point, even a restaurant that crossed through dimension knew his name, and Tony because of his cocky ways and because this fed into his ego chose to pay twice as much.

As to whether the restaurant can really cross through dimension, it doesn't matter. He can't verify it now. But it's not hard to believe as when he enters the restaurant he was hit with some information. But that's all for next time he'll check it out after the holiday

Time seemed to be passing by fast as he was lost in thought, suddenly he heard several helicopters coming his way,they proceeded to land in-front of him

Rhodes could be seen jumping out of the helicopter and running towards him Tony was then engulfed in a bear hug. At the same time he looked at his best friend who he hadn't seen in months "it's been a long time huh Rhodes"

—————————WITH MU QUI————————

Mu Muqiu returned to the restaurant, after a brief shower he then went on to change his cloths and burned the other ones. Exhausted he went to one of the tables and sat by the window checking his system.

Host: Mu Qiu

Profession: Cooking Master, Food Hunter

Ability: Gourmet Cell (Awakening 10%)

Food Demon: Devil King BeezleBub

Type :Counterattack

Tools: Dragontooth Knife (made from the tooth of Dirous, with the power of the Dragon King)

Exclusive Mission: Earn Money (50,000/1,000,000)

Mission reward: Mumen Unicom New World.

General task: receiving guests (7/10)

Mission rewards: Concept Armed Clothes: You can change all kinds of clothing to defend against a certain degree of attacks on the soul. Damage can be repaired automatically.

'When the money Tony owes me gets here another door is going to open up.'

This was the chance for him to explode and get better ingredients,The Marvel world had only ordinary ingredients, but the gourmet world had a variety of high-level ingredients.

All kinds of ingredients like high-level beasts and plants, and herbs. But with his stream that right now those ingredients were inaccessible to him right now.

The so-called human world of the culinary world refers to a society where humans gather. The grades of ingredients are generally not high. Simple to obtain and large quantities can meet the daily needs of large groups of people.

The real high-level ingredients are in the gourmet world. There are eight continents in the gourmet world. Each continent is usually bigger then one human world. Rare high-level ingredients can be found everywhere, but their also extremely hard to get, and don't grow in large quantities

As soon as he enters it's more then likely that he would meet a Beast stronger then him, so he shouldn't be thinking of reaching those places right now.

"I hope the power level won't be too high in the new world, i got to take care of my safety first or I'll loose both my life and ingredients ." Mu Qi thought so, then the door bell went brought his attention to the new customer.

"Hello, are you still in business?" The ancient one came in wearing a yellow mage robe, sitting quite casually across Mu Qiu, it seemed that this was not the first time she came here.

"Oh yeah it's open, what would you like to eat today? ,I recommend a mixed vegetable salad, with a white-haired Sindriella steak, and a rainbow cocktail made with rainbow fruits."

Muqiu rubbed his hands and stood up, pouring a cup of tea from the gourmet world while walking to the kitchen and taking her order the water used for the tea was first class sweet and delicious Air Water

On the day he crossed,he had met the ancient one and she would end up coming to the restaurant once a day everyday.

Through the week he's been here he had built a good relation ship with the ancient one.

"Yes, I'll have what you just recommend" the ancient one didn't really care, the ingredients were foreign to her but everything she had from this restaurant was always on another level

"I'll get to it right away"

The Rainbow cocktail was already brewed, he just need to make the vegetable salad and steak.

He wore an apron, and then took out a variety of vegetables and steaks such as butter pine mushroom, and almond cabbages from the storage space.

He didn't need a freezer because his storage system worked way better anything he put in would stay fresh. and the freshness of the ingredients is very important.

Even though Mu Qui is a bit of a money lover, the pricing of various dishes isn't really going overboard, Nothing is done to the ingredients their all organic, natural, fresh, and the qualities are top tier.

" So mind telling why you went and helped Mr.Starks today"

She looked at the busy Mu Qui and started a conversation. As soon as she Mu Qui started cooking she swallowed some saliva, the smell was just too good. The conversation was her way of distracting herself from this heavenly aroma

She wasn't worried about the Mystical Restaurant that seemed to connect to multiple other worlds as she knew what ever entity was backing them up wasn't simple. What Mu Qui did today though wasn't able to slip through her guard.

What through her off was that he didn't offer to help the first few customers who walked through the door so she wonders why he had helped Tony Starks

"Nothing, I just wanted to make friends and test my strength along the way." Mu Qiu said even though he knew their was no need to tell her anything else

Saying that all the dishes were done being prepared so he chose to change the topic of the conversation.

"Mixed vegetable salad, steak, rainbow cocktail, are all ready for you."

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