
Chapter 4

|William Antares (Our MC)|

When I arrived at this place a week ago, I did not know what I needed to do. However, a minute later, a rush of knowledge appeared inside my head and caused a massive headache. It lasted for a few seconds before it disappeared.

True to Gaea's words, I immediately know what I need to do.

I need to plant some trees and other plants. As the champion of Gaea, I'm given the power of Druid. Druids are the ones that can control nature, from calling a storm to raising a massive forest.

Not only that, but Gaea also gave me some seeds for me to plant. I know what kind of plant seed is in my bag because of the power given to me after becoming Gaea's Champion. Some of those plants are native to Planet Earth, but most plants are plants that I have never heard of on Earth.

In the past seven days, I have already planted three of them. That might sound too little, but each plant needs to be fed using my magic. Why did I need to do that? Because I need to make them mature immediately.

Each of these seeds given to me by Gaea is special. They are plant seeds that can filter void energy after all. If I do not feed them my natural energy, they will die in a matter of twenty-four hours. Because of this, I need to take care of them very carefully.

I have an Apple tree, a Grape tree, and an Apricot tree.

Each of these trees already gives me many fruits that can last me forever.

Not only did I plant seeds that were given to me by Gaea, but she also gave me chicken eggs. Just like the plant, I can accelerate the growth of the chicken. When the chicken matured, I now had meat on the menu.

Because of my new power, the chicken can grow faster and even more plump than a regular chicken. I don't know if it was because it was a special egg, but the chicken meat tasted divine.

Other than taking care of the trees and chickens, I also train on how to use my power and train my body. I also started to learn how to use a sword. However, because nothing can teach me how to use my sword, I only swing it up and down every day.

~Two days later~

I finally planted my next tree. This time, I planted two of them at once. I want to test if I can spread my natural energy equally. I can, and right now, I have two healthy trees already one meter tall. This time I decided to plant a banana tree and an orange tree.

I was also finally able to use my power other than growing trees. There was a pack of wolves wandering into my garden. They are massive! I think they are one meter tall when they are standing all four, maybe a little bit larger.

I tried to convince them that I was not a threat using the spell called Animal Friendship, but they did not listen for some reason. With a heavy heart, I decided to 'fight' them. This body given to me by Gaea is rather agile and able to dodge all the incoming attacks from the wolf.

I grew a tree from nothing and entangled them in it. Unlike how Hashirama from Naruto grows a permanent tree, this tree will not last long. However, it was enough to stop all the wolves from coming at me.

When I trapped them inside my tree, I walked toward the biggest wolf in the ground and pressed my forehead on its head. I can see many kinds of pictures and understand why they come here. The area where I stay is a harsh place. There is no food around.

This pack of wolves decided to get deeper into the mountain in the hope they would encounter prey. Sadly for them, there are none.

I decided to release them after healing them all. I told them to stay for a moment and give them twelve chickens to eat. At first, they wanted to take the chicken to their nest, but they decided to eat all the chicken here after telling me that I would give them more.

I give them twenty more chickens and see them leave my place.

I wonder where they are now.

~One week later~

They get back, and I can see they are bringing their mate with them this time. Now I'm the owner of twenty wolves. I created a wooden shed using my power, and I let the bitch of the pack lie down inside the sheds.

I already know that they are pregnant.

"Alright. You guys stay here, okay? This place is warm and comfortable. We don't want the pup to get cold after being born, right?"

I smile a little when I see one of the bitch push its head on my hand. I rub their head one more time before walking toward my house twenty meters away from the shed. I need to ask Gaea something.

When I arrive inside my bedroom, I kneel in front of a small shrine that I create using my power and let my natural energy connect to the wooden doll in the shrine. When my natural energy touches the wooden doll, I arrive again in the familiar white space.

Gaea visited me three days ago and gave me a wooden doll of hers. She then explained to me that this wooden doll let me contact her by connecting my natural energy into the doll.

"William! You come back!"

I smile at her and prepare my body to receive her into my hands. She is always like this. She is easily excitable, and her sunny personality really hit me home. She is just like my own mother.

"So! What can I do for you?"

"Can't I just visit you?"

"Nope~ You promise to visit me every week, and I know you are the one that keeps your promise. It has not even been a week since the last time you visited me. So! What can I do for you?"

"Well, I will get straight to the point then. I need some animals that I can breed. I get myself a pack of wolves, you see. I know that they will not always accept food from me as they are proud animals, but I also want to give them food in case their hunt is not successful."

"Say no more! I just see them. You get yourself a dire wolf. Fantastic! They are loyal and fierce creatures that are willing to protect their pack. Right now, you are not yet joining their pack, but you are getting there! Don't worry, once you get up, I will send some cows near your house. Be warned, though… They are REALLY like breeding."


"Anyway! See you on the weekend!"

Before I could ask about it, I got kicked out of her place.

~One month later~

Gaea is not kidding about that. The cow that she gives to me already starts to fuck each other after giving birth. Yeah, the cow gave birth after a month of pregnancy. I don't know what it will cost for the environment. They are the ones that are causing climate change on Earth, after all. Well, they are not the only problem, but they are the biggest one.

Anyway, there are now five calves on my farm, and I gave one of the cows to the wolf pack when they arrived here and did not get any food for their pup. Speaking of pups, I got twelve new wolf pups! They are so cute! The Alpha even gave one of its pups to me.

I name her Fenrir.

Anyway, I spend the rest of the month planting more trees in my garden, and I must say that my place is starting to look like a forest. Previously, this place was covered with a thick blanket of snow, but now I can see green grass two hundred meters around my house.

There is a massive lake behind my house. While it was frozen two meters deep, now it starts to melt from my constant use of fire magic.

To the right of my house is my garden filled with many trees that already give me many fruits. If you go further, you will meet my ranch where I build a coop and barn for my chickens and cows. The wolves that did not go hunting with the Alpha usually stay around this place to guard it even when I tell them they did not need to do it.

To the left of my house is the vegetable garden where I plant a veggie that I can eat every day. Currently, it was the smallest garden I have because I did not need that many vegetables. Sitting next to the vegetable garden, I built a little vineyard for my own use.

I do know how to make wine after asking Gaea about it. A few first attempts resulted in failure, but now I have a decent wine from my vineyard. I can use my spell to make the process faster, but Gaea told me not to do it. I can use my spell to make it faster but only do it once and do not overpower the spell.


I look at Fenrir, who barks at me. I kneel next to her and say.

"What is it, girl?"

"Woof! Woof! Kyuun~"

"Eh? You saw something?"


"Very well, lead the way."

I follow Fenrir to the other side of the mountain for three minutes. When we arrive in front of a massive tree with a carving of a face on it, I frown a little. I take out my staff from my back when I see the tree shine a little.

When I see a ghostly being appear from the tree, I point my staff at it.

"Please, O chosen one. I come in peace."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Kloritz, the spirit of Skagos."

You can find the advanced chapter here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee.



LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts
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