
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

First step towards freedom part 2

The robust owner of the establishment greeted us once again with his booming voice, "Welcome to the Golden Wheat restaurant."

I acknowledged his welcome with a polite nod and added, "Thank you for your hospitality. We would also like to indulge in some desserts this time."

He graciously responded, "Thank you for your patronage, dear customers. Please proceed to the previously shown room as it is currently unoccupied."

Following his instructions, we made our way to the designated room after placing our orders.Upon entering the room, I instructed Beatrice to cast the silent spell once again, ensuring our privacy and preventing any eavesdropping.

As we settled into the room, time seemed to pass slowly, building up the tension in the air. After what felt like ten minutes have passed, we heard a knock on the door.

Agnes swiftly went to open it, revealing Jeffrey standing there. However, his appearance seemed worn and fatigued compared to the previous day.

I regarded Jeffrey with concern and said, "Jeffrey, please come in. Take a seat and rest. We have much to discuss and prepare."Jeffrey took his seat, his weariness evident in his eyes.

I observed him carefully, taking note of his state. I spoke to him with a tone of both assurance and expectation, "Jeffrey, it is crucial that you have verified the authenticity of my words. I trust that you have done so."

Jeffrey nodded in affirmation, his voice filled with determination, "Yes, young lord. I have confirmed the truth behind your words. I understand the gravity of the situation. What do you wish for me to do?"

I leaned forward, emphasizing the importance of our alliance, "Jeffrey, please understand that by helping me, you are not only aiding my cause but also safeguarding your own interests.

Our fates are intertwined in this matter."I paused for a moment, gathering my thoughts, before continuing, "You have already completed the task I assigned you yesterday, I presume?"

Jeffrey nodded again, his expression filled with a mix of anxiety and anticipation, "Yes, young lord. I have successfully completed the task as instructed. I took care of it yesterday evening."

"As this city is directly connected to academic city Edelweiss with teleportation circle I will receive the reply this evening."

Satisfied with his response, I commended him, "Good work, Jeffrey. Your dedication and efficiency are commendable. I am pleased with your efforts."

However, Jeffrey's bitter laughter interrupted the moment of praise, his voice tinged with bitterness. He spoke with a hint of resignation, "Thank you for your kind words, my lord. But how do we proceed from here? What steps should we take next?"

"Jeffrey before making our next move we have to first eliminate some rats they have become quite noisy these days".

Jeffrey looked perplexed as I revealed the presence of spies and an assassins within the castle. He struggled as if sitting on a pile of needles, voicing his concerns he asked, "Rats? I wasn't aware of any spies, my lord."

I nodded, understanding his confusion, and explained further, "Yes, Jeffrey. The Duchess seems to have little trust in her own guards, and as a result, she has placed her confidantes around us. One of them is an assassin lord."

Jeffrey's unease was evident, and he expressed his doubts, "My lord, I am just a senior knight. I fear I cannot match the skills of an assassin lord. But I will do everything within my power to assist you."

I reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Jeffrey, I appreciate your dedication, but you need not worry about facing the assassin lord directly. That is a task we shall handle ourselves. However, I require your assistance in a different matter."

I leaned in, lowering my voice, "This evening, as the sun sets, I want you to go to the castle gates with a drink in hand. Engage in merrymaking with the guards, distracting them from their duties. While they are preoccupied with their celebrations, we will having one of our own."

Jeffrey's eyes widened as he processed my instructions, realizing the significance of our diversion. He nodded, a sense of determination replacing his initial doubts, "I understand, my lord. I shall do my utmost to create a lively atmosphere and divert their attention. You can count on me."

"By the way Jeffrey do you have any empty rooms where we can lodge some of our guest it would be best if it is a quiet place away from the city centre."

"My previous home outside the city gate is empty young lord except for the house caretaker no one is there."

"It has been like that since I moved in with Lydia to the noble's district."

"I am glad to hear that Jeffrey why don't you give that house caretaker a much needed break,maybe a nice weekend holiday would do him good."

Understanding my words Jeffrey nodded and gave the adress of his house and said it will be empty by the evening.

After having his instructions clear Jeffrey gave his farewell to us and left the room.

After having our lunch I started to explain others of my plans and it's execution.

"Agnes you will take on the Assassin lord lure him to outside of castle and make sure no one notices you".

"Matilda and Eleanor will take care of the two assassins that have been hanging on our roof."

"While Beatrice you will take care of the remaining three at the castle gates while the guards are distracted."

"It must be Swift and precise attack,they won't even notice what hit them."

"After neutralizing them take them to Jeffrey's home outside the city."

"After all I have some questions to ask them".

As we were talking our food arrived and we finished discussing other minute details of the plan over the lunch.

Some may be thinking why am I so confident that my plan will succeed.Here is the reason for my confidence in today's operation I thought looking at the status windows of my maids.

Name: Agnes storm caster


Job: Lightening Empress









Talent: Lightening Heart(A),Mana affinity (A),

Thunder Veins(S),Inhuman (A)


Passive:Mana control(S),Thunder's Resilience(A), Thundering Aura(A),Lightning Harmony(A),Thunder's Echo(B)

Active:Thunderbolt(C),Lightning's Touch(C),Thunderous Roar(C),Lightning Lance(B),Thunder Wave(A),Lightning Arc(S),

Thunder step(A),Thunder Step Dash(S), Thunderstorm (Ss), Lightening Field(SS)


Divine protection:Goddess of Justice (A)

Name: Eleanor Sylphid

Class: Knight lord

Job: Spirit Swords Master









Talent:Sword Heart(S),Sword fanatic(A),Wind prodigy(A),Mana affinity (B)


Passive: Sword Mastery(A), Fatigue Recovery (A), Endurance(A), Weaknesses perception (B)


Wind Slash (C),Wind Ball(D),Wind Shield (B),

Storm speed(A), Tempest wave(A),Storm calling(A),Sword sword (A),Sword maelstrom (S),Whispers of wind(Ss),

Sylph's protection(Ss)

Title:Child of Spirit

Divine protection: Goddess of Life(A), Blessings of the Wind Spirit(A)

Name: Matilda Forger

Class: Warrior lord

Job: Solar Warrior









Talent: Martial Genius(A),Flaming Heart(A),Wild intuition(A),Mana affinity (A),Fiery bones(B)


Passive:Scorching Presence(A),Fist mastery (A),Burning Chi(A),Phoenix Spirit(A), Endurance (B)


Fire fist(C), Blazing strike(C),Flame kick(C),Lava Armor (B),Ember Shield (B),Volcanic Punch(A),Ignition(S),Smoke steps(A),Meteor hammer (Ss),Flame impact(Ss)

Title :Forged in fire

Divine protection:Goddess of war(A),Godess of fire(A)

Name: Beatrice Dreamweaver

Class: Assassin lord, Alchemy lord

Job:Night queen









Talent: Shadow soul(S),Nightmarish Beauty(A),Mana affinity(A), Umbra body(S)


Passive:Night Vision(A),Seductive Aura(A),Moonlight Blessing(A)Fear Induction(B)Cursed Touch(C) Stealth(A) Precision(B),Dagger mastery (S),Poison mastery(A),Poison Resistance(B)


Shadow Veil(A),Shadow steps(A),Disguise (B) Untraceable(A), Shadow Form(C),

Shadow Blade Dance(B)

Cloak of Night(A),Eclipse Blade(Ss)

Twilight Blades(S) ,Nocturnal Healing(C) Shadow Manipulation(C)

Title:Envoy of Knight,Pride of the Night

Divine protection: Godess of Moon (B),Godess of Night and Darkness(A),Godess of life(B)

***Due to secondary occupation

After finishing the lunch we went back to the castle to take our much needed rest before start of today's operation.