
Diary of the Murdered Girl

Tomozuki Hashimoto,a first-year highschool student in an all-girls school was volunteered himself,together with Suzuki Ayumi(the class president)to find out the murderer behind their classmate's death,Aina Chinatsu. Notice:The cover is not mine.I will give the full credits to the right creator/artist.If they wish to take ot down I will gladly do that.

Arisu_Sakayanagi · Hiện thực
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37 Chs

Calm Before The Storm

Today is February 14,the special day had come.I arrived in the school and change my shoes.I didn't find any letter today.Maybe Chinatsu-san already stop doing that because of what happen yesterday.

Upon arriving at the classroom,I saw a different scene.The big painting that was drawn by Chinatsu-san was already here and the chairs was moved from side.

"Good morning,Ha-hashimoto-kun."


She immediately greeted me as I sat in a vacant chair.

Chinatsu-san suddenly walk away from me then comeback again,holding something.Then she handed it to me.

"This is,uhmmm your favorite character you said to me before.Uhhmmm..."

I recieved the illustration she drawn.And upon looking to it,I can only say one word:amazing.

"Thank you very much,Chinatsu-san.As always,you never fail to amaze me with your talent.What a masterpiece."

"Th-thank you."

After that,she pulled out something from her pocket then give it to me.

"And Happy Valentines Day,Hashimoto-kun."


Oh,a chocolate.I see.I thought that her illustration will be the 'gift' for me but I guess I forgot that she can do both.

"Thank you and I'm sorry.I don't have something to return."

"No.No.Tha-that's okay."

After that,I looked again to the illustration and said:

"You know,you can be an illustrator on light novel industry."

"Is that so?.Hehehe."

She giggled after praising her.It's actually nice to see.It feels like she was more lively today than her usual self.

"By the way,are you the one who bring that big painting here?."

"No.It was Tachibana-san and Onodera-san who br-brought that here.We asked for their help."

"I think it's an honor for them to carry that such an amazing painting."

"No,no.I think you are o-overestimating me."

Well,I'm just stating a fact based on what I seeing.

"I think I have to go now,Hashimoto-kun.I have something to do first with Shiina-chan."

"Is that so?.Then take your time,Chinatsu-san."

After I said that,she immediately left the classroom.She was really lively today.

I realized that we don't have classes today bacause of the special occasion,so maybe this is the perfect time to finish the novel I have been reading.

I pulled out the book in the bag and when I'm about to flip a page,someone interrupt me.

"Good morning,Hashimoto-san."


"Ah.Did I just bothered your reading session?."

"No,no.I'm actually just to start."

"I see.Then,that's good to hear."

"What's the matter?."

She paused a little then anwers.

"Well if it's okay to you but can you please read somewhere other than here?.You see,we are actually just to finish decorating inside this classroom and it would be better that there's no one will gonna bother us."

"So I'm a bother from here?."

When I about to say,'Just kidding'',she immediately answers:

"And we want to surprise all."

I see.I understand now.So that's the reason why most of our classmates are not here.The only ones who are here are me,Ayumi-san and Kanakura-san.

"Okay.If that's the case,then maybe I will read in the canteen."

"Then that's settles it.Thank you very much for cooperating."

I stand up on my seat,together with my novel and when I'm about to left,Ayumi-san interrupt me again.


I stopped on walking and when I turned back,she handle me something.

"Here.Happy Valentines Day,Hashimoto-kun."

A chocolate.I thought I will not receive one from her.Wait.It's not like I'm expecting from the start,okay?

"Thank you but I don't have something to return.Is that okay?."

"That's alright.I'm not expecting one specially from you,Hashimoto-san."

Before leaving,I looked around for the last time inside of the classroom.They already complete have of the classroom with fancy designs.Hmmmmm.As I looking around,a question came to my mind.

"By the way,are you the two of you did this heart designs.It looks so perfect."

"Ah that.Actually not.It was Yahiro-san and Hiten-san who did that."

"I see.Thank you for answering."

After that conversation,I finally left the classroom and when I'm about to go downstairs,someone called me,again.


This time,it's Yahiro-san.

"Come here.Come here."

I followed her instructions and go towards there.She was siting in a school arm chair while doing something.I think I already have an idea what it is.

"What are you doing with that,Yahiro-san?."

"Ayumi-san asked me to cut some 'heart-shaped' thing with these red papers.She said that it will be a part of the design inside the classroom."

"Oh.I see."

Just like what Ayumi-san said.

A short silence occured between us.After that,I asked.

"Then,why did you call me here?."

"I think you probably already know what is it."

I think a little and answered her.

"I think it's about on Hercule Poirot series that you love to read."

"Fufu.Well that may be also the answer but unfortunately,it's not.But if you will gonna ask me,I'm on a 27th series right now."

So she already read seven books since the last time I asked that question to her.Anyways

she pulled something from her pocket and as I expected,a chocolate.

"Happy Valentines Day,Hashimoto-kun."

"Thank you very much.But as a return,instead of a chocolate,how about I lend you this book after reading it?."

I showed to her the book I'm holding while saying that.

"Fufu.I haven't tried reading Japanese detective novel but if Hashimoto-kun lends me one,I will gladly to accept the offer."

After accepting the chocolate from her,she asked me.

"By the way,where are you going?."

"In the canteen.That's where I will read this novel."

"I see.Then take your time."

After that,I finally left the scene and go to the canteen.Hmmmm.Wait,where is Hiten-san?.I didn't saw her in the corridor.Where she was doing those designs.I'm quite curious about that but I guess I will put that question aside.

Maybe I will just ask her that later.For now,let's just finish reading this mystery novel.

It seems that today is a special day to me,as I recieved three chocolates from three different people.

When I finally got down,I noticed that the weather is good today.Unlike yesterday, where there is slight heavy rainfall,today was a very sunny day.