
Diary of the Former World’s #1 Raising a Minor Character to the Peak

He never performed well in either middle nor high school, and even after becoming an adult, he never worked. Be it morning, noon or night, he only played an online game. For him, being the world’s number one rank, playing that online game, was his very reason for living. One day, his account was hacked and his character deleted. Restoration was impossible. Nothing that could be done. The number 1 rank that he literally spent his life to attain and to defend was now lost. Filled with despair he was given another chance When he opened his eyes again, there was the online game. No, the world itself looked similar to the game. He had been reborn as the extra character of the premium avatar he created in the past, but left untouched. The former world’s top, was reborn in a world that looked like that online game. That was the beginning of his extraordinary legend.

Manoftrueculture · Kỳ huyễn
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161 Chs

131 Tattoo

"Long time no see, Second-sama."

 After lunch. Ras and I visited Sovra, the head chef.

 The location was a large, villa-like log house in the forest to the north of the estate. According to Yukari, he has been recuperating here for a long time.

"It's been a while. How's it going?"

"Not bad. Compared to the past..."

"Is that so?"

 His shaggy black hair and stubble remained exactly the same as before. His complexion and skin tone are good. From the looks of it, he really doesn't seem to be in poor health. I had heard that at one point he was in such a state that he could not even go outside, but he must have recovered a lot.

"I brought an old friend of mine with me today. She's Ras. She wants to hear what you have to say about Caramelia."

"...Nice to meet you."

"Oh, Second-sama's…! Alright, if you're fine with me, let's talk."

 Sovra led us to the back of the log house and began to brew tea for the number of people in the house with his experienced hands.

 As I looked on in admiration, Sovra, perhaps noticing my gaze, opened his mouth while his back was turned toward me.

"There's not much to do when you are stuck here. That is why I have no other choice but to practice on my own, day in and day out. I think my cooking skills have definitely improved too."

"I'm looking forward to that. As a matter of fact, I'm eagerly awaiting your return. There's still the promised pork cutlet bowl."

"I couldn't have said it better myself... really."

 I have not forgotten what we once promised in the smoking area. I asked him to learn the cuisine of the nobility, but also of the common people. Yukari doesn't cook very strong and fatty food out of concern for our health. Secretly, I had been looking forward to Sovra's cooking.

"Well then. Where do I start?"

 Sitting down on a chair with a heave, Sovra turned to face Ras.

 Ras thought for a while and slowly asked, choosing her words carefully.

"What's it like to be addicted? "

 A question that is not as straightforward as it seems. Sovra answered with a light laugh.

"A beautiful woman with big tits running. What happens then? "

"Huh...? "

"A beautiful woman with big tits running. Boing, boing."

"That...Well, her tits will jiggle."

"Yeah. And not just normal jiggling, they jump and shake wildly."

"...? ? "

"What's this about something so obvious, right? I'm sure that's what you're thinking."


"When a beautiful woman with big tits runs, her tits jiggle. When you smoke Caramelia, it makes you feel good. I would say this is equally obvious."


"When a man sees a woman's tits bouncing, he is most likely to become horny. Do you understand? "

"Well, can't say I understand, but I'm following."

"Anyone who has ever smoked Caramelia, even once, will want to smoke it if they think of it, even if only for a moment. That's what I mean."

"...I see."

"That urge happens no matter what. Just as every man can't resist the urge to stare at tits jiggling, no person can resist the urge to smoke Caramelia."

 That's terrible.... it seems to be more serious than I thought.

"Maybe it will be like this for the rest of my life. Just seeing a cigarette or hearing the word " Caramelia" makes me think of Caramelia and I can't help but want to seek that pleasure. It's like a tattoo on my brain that will never go away."


 Ras can't seem to find the words to say.

 But that's obvious. If Ras had not used her Compounding skill to make Caramelia only a few months ago, Sovra would not have had to go through this.

"Well, things have gotten better recently. I know I can't smoke no matter how I try, so I'm just giving up. In other words, the environment is important to cut off Caramelia. And above all, the cooperation of those around me and my unwavering conviction."

"Conviction...? "

"I wonder if you would call it a "purpose in life". I'm proud to be the head chef at the Firstest Household. Cooking for Second-sama, and for everyone in the Firstest state. That's all that's keeping me going right now. Really, that's it. That's why I can never betray them. Smoking Caramelia means the death of me, as a human being."

 In other words, it's not worth smoking if he's going to lose himself.

 The fact that he can think that way shows how strong-willed he is. One always has to fight the temptation and not hide under false pretenses such as "It's fine as long as nobody finds out". Sovra must have survived the surge.

"What could I do to make it easier...? "

 Ras said with an apologetic look on her face. She apparently has a sense of remorse.

 I don't think she has to blame herself, but I also think that if you can help, you should do it. Unfortunately, I don't know an ounce of knowledge about drugs.

"...I'd forget it if I could."

 Sovra muttered to himself.

 Impossible. Even I, an amateur on the subject, can see that. Physical pain can be relieved to some extent with medication, but memories are impossible to delete.

 Sovra, too, seemed to understand this, and his eyes, staring off into the distance, were tinged with a hint of resignation.

"...Much appreciated. Well then, we'll be leaving."

"I also appreciate it. It was a great distraction. Thank you too, Second-sama. It was nice of you to come all the way out here."

"Yeah. Well, this place is still my house."

"Hahaha, I guess you're right."

 Sovra and I parted ways with a smile. Ras was the only one not smiling properly.

 We left the log cabin and walked in silence for a while.

 Well then. What kind of words will come out?

 I've known this fellow for a long time. That's why I know. Right now, this fellow is thinking something outrageous.

 He was a guy who had been in Mobius for less than eight years and managed to get as high as 128th in the world ranking, which was a lot more than ordinary people could do. Or at least that's what I'm thinking.

"...I somehow thought we were still in the game."

"I've been there myself. I was once arrested by the Third Knight Order for obstruction of business when I was dancing in front of a grocery store in full game mode and was even suspected of being a drug addict. It made me realize that I was in a proper, real society."

"I didn't have an experience like Senpai's, so I was ... naive."

 Ras muttered regretfully.

 Since she had been confined to the Kamel church her entire life since coming here, she must not have had the slightest opportunity to get to know society firsthand.

 And now she suddenly learned the reality of the situation. In addition, the reality of meeting drug addicts came as an extremely vivid fact.

 It's okay to be bewildering. It's normal.

"This may be inappropriate, but ...I'm very excited to be here."


"This is not the earth. Yet, it's neither Mobius. Therefore, I think we can do things here that we could not do on Earth or in Mobius. After all, wouldn't a world like Mobius, with the added scientific power of Earth...be the best? "

"...that's a great idea."

"I know, right? "

 Naturally, the corners of her mouth turned up.

 Very good. I feel like clapping my hands in admiration.

 I'm the same kind of person, so I understand. This fellow also has a game brain. She was one of those who were more immersed in Mobius than in three meals. That's why we think of it this way. Why we can't help but think of it this way. In other words――"This is the best of worlds."

 Sovra mentioned a tattoo on the brain. If you think that's an odd thing to say, you're right. But I guess we have an unusual tattoo on us, too. There is a tattoo unique to Mobius players that makes you inevitably think that way.

 A world where games and reality are in perfect balance. It is truly the best of all worlds. There is no denying that the impossible becomes possible.

 And, for a fact, Ras compounded Caramelia. She created something that neither Earth nor Mobius had ever seen. That meant...

"Maybe I can fix it. I'm not going to give up. I'm going to give it a try."

 She may even be able to create a drug that could cure Caramelia's addiction.

 It would be a slim possibility. But if Ras wants to bet on it, I'm willing to support her with everything I have.

"Do you need any help? " 

 I ask, knowing that it is not particularly necessary.

 Ras may be a helpless saint in her current state, but inside she is the former 128th-ranked player in the world. If left alone, she will become stronger on her own. She can also make a lot of money on her own. She should be well versed in how to do so. By using the Di-que strategy in the first part of the process, and then by circling dungeons, she will efficiently gain experience, improve her skills, and catch up in no more than a few months. I'm not worried about anything. However, as for the ties that exist in this world, it is a different story.

"I don't need anything. Is what I would like to say, but I am the saint..."

"Then let's ensure that you can move freely within the kingdom of Castall."

"...Senpai. I've been wondering since this morning, but what is your job now? "


"From where?"

"The country of Zipang."

"Isn't that a fictional country!? "

"Funny, right? "

 I smiled, and Ras laughed in amazement, saying, "Indeed".

 Even though I knew he was a man on the inside, I couldn't help but be smitten by her cute smile.

"Well, now that that's settled, let's get him in here right away."

"Him? "

"The minister of this country."

"And so? Why was I called?"

 A few hours after sending out the message, Minister Hairai visited Firstest's mansion in the evening.

 He was still the same round glasses-fitting, bar-code bald, managerial-looking man.

"I'm glad to hear you're keeping busy. Have you lost some hair? "

"Your Excellency, Second, seems as if you've been having a lot of fun again."

 After a brief greeting, we quickly got down to business. He seemed really busy, which made him unusually attentive.

"How's the crackdown on Caramelia going? "

"We are having a difficult time. Smuggling from Sacred Country Kamel is down by 10% compared to before the enactment of the control law, but instead, domestic smuggling has increased by 70%. Every day is a war against the drug cartels."

 It seems that gangs of criminals are running rampant in the country.

"Then this is perfect. This person is Raspberry Bell, the saint of a certain country, whom I am protecting at the request of Rokunchea. She has knowledge about drugs. It seems she wants to develop a medication to help treat addiction, so I'm hoping you can accommodate her."

"...I never expected that I would be meeting the real Saint like this."

"Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, welcome to the Kingdom of Castall. I will visit again later for a more formal greeting."

"It's fine, don't worry. Rather than that, the development of the medicine. Can you help me? "

"We couldn't wish for more. We would be more than happy to work with you on this."

 I think they've clicked well together. This will make it easier for Ras to move around the country.

"Alright. Then, everything is done."

"One moment, Your Excellency."

 I was about to dismiss the conversation after our quick chat, but Hairai stopped me.

 This makes me think I might be asked to do something troublesome. I made a huge reproachful look and turned around.

"You are as honest as ever. But it is what His Majesty wants, and I cannot step down."

"Well, say it."

"We need your help in cracking down on Caramelia in our country. More specifically, a nimble force capable of taking on the drug cartels."

"A nimble force? "

 I know what he means. I guess the point is that the Third Knight Order is having a hard time on its own, so they are asking for help. However, I don't understand what he means by nimble.

"I am not asking you to cooperate with the Third Knight Order. We would like to ask you to put pressure on the drug cartels, separately from the regular crackdown. Hence, a nimble force."

"Hey, wait, do you mean..."

"Yeah. It's probably what you're thinking."

 A separate entity from the Third Knight Order, namely the police, to put pressure on the criminal group.

 And for that goal, there's only one thing that I can think of――The revival of the "righteous bandits".

 By nimble, I suppose he means that they can move freely without being bound by various restrictions like the Knight's Order. I see.

"Are you sure you should be asking me something like this?"

"It is exactly because it's you, Your Excellency, that I'm asking. You may decline, but in any case, please do not disclose this to anyone else."

 It may seem like a seemingly innocuous favor, but underneath it is a rather serious and dark request.

 Collusion. As righteous as they'd be, they would occasionally violate the laws of the kingdom in the course of their activities. Hairai implied that they would let it slide to some extent. I guess they want to go that far to strengthen the crackdown on the drug cartels. Now, that's quite a challenge, isn't it? Then the answer is obvious.


"Are you sure...? "

"Yeah. Lucky for us, I have the right person."

"――Me, right? "

 As I gave my answer, Renko emerged from the back of the living room.

 She may have been secretly listening, but she seemed to understand what we were talking about.

"And she is? "

"Her name is Renko. She is the only daughter of Rimusuma, the head of the righteous bandit group R6. We've spoken about her having a respectable occupation, but I believe this should also be fine."

"Is that right?"

 Hairai nodded. Renko folded her arms and huffed. I guess that means we are supposed to leave it to her.

"If you want to do it, I can leave it to you...how's that? "

"Who else could it be but me? I'll take care of it."

 She seemed very eager to get on board. I kind of thought, "Maybe she wants to do it," but it seems my hunch was right.

 In the short time I was in contact with her, I noticed that she had no initiative of any kind. However, if you ask someone else to do something that's worthwhile, in the end, you are forcing your own colors into it, so it never ends well. If so, then the answer is to provide them with an environment that allows them to move independently. I felt that an environment where she could be proactive from the get-go, with the guise of a request from others, would be a good fit for her.

 Then, yet another unexpected man appeared from behind Renko. He looked as if he just couldn't keep quiet anymore.

"――I'm against it, Second-sama."

 Cubero the Butler. The former second in command of R6.

"Why so? Certainly, I now have a respectable profession. But, at heart, I'm a righteous bandit."

"With all due respect, you don't know what you're talking about, Young Mistress. Neither you know about the righteous bandits."

"...What did you say? Say it one more time."

"I'll say it as many times as I need to. You don't know anything about the righteous bandits, Young Mistress."

"I hope you readied yourself, daring to say such things to me...! "

"Hey, stop fighting, this is getting annoying."

 I don't want to see blood spilled.

 However, I agree with Cubero, as well. Renko knows nothing about righteous bandits.


"Say, Cubero. You want Renko to live a decent life, don't you? "

"...Yes. That is the wish of the late master. He told me to never let the Young mistress get a tattoo."

"You're so kind. A gentle thought. But, you know, only she can decide how she wants to live her life."


"I think it would be harder for Renko to remain stuck in this limbo of uncertainty."


"I want to let her have the freedom to do what she wants to do. Imitate the righteous bandits or whatever. Let Renko be the righteous bandit she envisions herself to be."

"...If you are willing to say this much for her sake, I have no choice but to nod my head."

"Sorry. You can complain all you want later."

 It is a matter of opinion.

 Who says that righteous bandits are not respectable?

 Who says that it is stupid to bet your life on a game?

 That's not for people to decide. At the end of the day, it's what you think of yourself.

 Why don't you just try it out and then think, "Oh that was stupid". I've thought so too. That it might've been stupid, that it might've been useless. But you know what? Even If I've done something useless in the end, I have never thought that I had wasted my time. For the dozen or so years I played Mobius, I had a lot of fun. I've had so much fun that I can confidently boast now that this was my life.

"Renko, give it a try. Do as you like. If you think it's fun, you're in the right place. That's fine."

"...Hmph. That's none of your business."

"I'm sure."

 I couldn't help but laugh at her blunt response.

 She looked embarrassed, Hairai laughed wryly, Cubero smiled helplessly, and Ras smiled kindly. The discussion was settled.

 The return of the righteous R6. Will it turn out to be a good thing or a bad thing? Well, it will be what it has to be.

 Now that we have cleared things up.

 It's about time for dinner...But before that, now it's a good time.

 For a strategy meeting.

Hello everyone I hope you are loving the story so far. I am doing all the translations myself so I would love your support on patreon. The more you support the faster I can translate :)


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