
The First Option Part 3

I was having a gloomy day, Cherry made a huge revelation, to me, and I'm going crazy. She finally calmed down when I told her I can come with her to the clinic to check if she is really carrying a bun in the oven. We made a code whenever we talk about it, "The Pommy", because she loves Pomeranians. The Pommy is the least of my worries today.

The professor gave us a difficult task of getting all the information about history of the Arts in the Renaissance Period. The romanticism, the dark side, the people who are the pillars who influenced Artists and aspiring Artists of today. I had a headache that is getting worse, and to top it all up, a name popped up in my group, Carl Denz. He was the boys who like a thief randomly made me type my number on his "New Phone", like he was saying how rich he was and how I don't have that brand of mobile yet.

Hey so you're the leader of our Group?, Carl yelled from the back of the class. As a matter of fact I am, so what do you know about the project Carl?. Beats me you designate and we just work, said this rude, egotistical guy. Hey I have a suggestion said Bea, my other group mate. Why don't we partner with two people so research will be faster?!. Great idea Bea! Points for your initiative and creativity. So how do you want to pick a partner? Everyone? The meeting is only 10 minutes so let's hurry. Bea said in a squeaky high pitch tone, "We could try colors, if you pick the same colors you get to be partners, and I hope I get partnered with Carl❤". Bea you are so aggressive. Okay let's do that, I crossed my fingers (I was hoping not to be partnered with that guy anyway), let's color these piece of papers, and here are your highlight pens. How about we make code names too said the rest of the group? I say why not?, let's make a draw after 5 minutes.

Carl passed by me going to the door, he winked at me. Ugh! whoah???, what's the matter with. him? I colored mine yellow pen, and my code is Jack from, Yes!, Jack and Jill the children's Song. Its quite obvious, but I like it. We crumpled the papers so we wouldn't see the color. In a cup we draw one each. Bea is Red, Elle is Pink, Myk is Green, Mishy is Pink, Jo is Red, Rose is Green, Carl is Blue, Jc is Blue, I got a yellow still but the code is HeMan, and the last one is Mark and he got Yellow. That means we all get a partner. Hmmp! I didn't get Carl said Bea😡😤. Okay if no one disagrees with who you are partnered with, then let's meet again tomorrow and start right away, the due of our project is Next Monday. Thanks everyone! Nice one Jill, a voice as cold as stone hollered at me by the door. Hey Carl, wait up said Mark.

I was passing by the Cafe and I saw Carl and Mark in a heated argument, and I saw him snatch something and walked right ahead to the bus stop Mark yelled after him, What's that for? are you doing this to get her?. I stopped and hide by the entrance door of the cafe so they won't see me.

Continued... The First Option Part 4 😱

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