
Surprise (1)

"If you think I'll go back with you, you're joking. First to save me then you scream of me like a slut?, there's no way I'd fall for your cheap lies and go back with you. I'm not even safe, how will I live in a house where my dignity has been tainted and where I have to fear for safety, it's not good for my baby". I calmly smiled as I saw his frown deepen, he has always been using my baby as leverage, now that I did the same he's pissed?. I released his hold of me and gently walked down the parking lot. I dialed Papa's number on my phone and almost immediately, a black Porsche 911 pulled up. Granny was waving from the driver's seat. As expected, the old man followed me.

I smiled as Papa alighted the car and walked towards me, I hugged him tight and gave him a peck on the cheeks. If Mr. Gorgeous was close up, he would have guessed who it was from the resemblance. But from afar, it looked like an interaction with a sugar daddy and a sugar baby. I wanted him to continue to think of me as a slut. It wasn't like he was going to get jealous or something.

" Papa, you followed me didn't you". I complained slightly as I got into the passenger seat.

"No darling, I was just passing by when you called". Wait, does this old man thinks I was given birth to today?.

" Papaaaaaa, we both know that's a lie....oh chips, thanks Papa, you sure know how to win this lady's heart". I touched my chest dramatically for a second before tearing through the pack of potato chips. Papa chuckled heartily and focused on driving. I also focused of wolfing down 3 packs of chips and one full watermelon, I was already very famished with all the stress I had to go through in the hospital. Well, it was worth it.

I smiled dreamily before catching myself. "Hey, you're not allowed to daydream OK?", I inwardly chastised myself. It wasn't as if I could forget about the pain Kelvin caused me earlier, I knew love is just one thing that wasn't meant for me. All the guys I've ever loved just caused me pain, Kelvin was the final straw. I am not going to fall for any guy's dirty schemes again.

" But you fell for his schemes moments ago with your face to show as evidence, isn't that just great Vee ". The demon taunted softly, I wished I could just strangle this little voice that looks for every possible opportunity to taunt me. I was still thinking of ways to get rid of my ridiculous demon when Papa pulled me out of my thoughts abruptly.

" Did you meet with Henry today?". His face was void of any emotions, I couldn't tell what he would do if I confirmed it. He might be a loving parent but he's also a conservative one, or so it seems.

"I.....a– actually papa, I..... I... no". OK I decided to go with a lie.

" So tell me, who gave you all the love marks on your face?, the doctor?. I'm so suing that hospital for sexual harassment ". His face was grim with anger. OK I didn't make the right decision, now what was I going to do. There's a CCTV camera in the doctor's room. Though the position can't record what went down in the cubicle, but it will sure capture the movement that was made in and out of the cubicle. Even a kid that can put 2 and 2 together could guess what happened.

I was almost the shade of tomato when I admitted the truth to Papa, cursing the bastard inwardly. Even if he wasn't around, he still managed to cause problems for me.

" Never lie to Papa again, OK?". I nodded embarrassingly with my shoulders drooped like a kid that was caught stealing a cookie.

"You should stay with your husband in marriage, Henry is a nice person. And he'll definitely not marry you for benefits". Just how close was henry to this old man advocating for him?

" How do you know Papa?. I rolled my eyes upwards.

"I read all his books, I'm a fan". I couldn't stifle the amused laugh that boiled up my throat. To think a successful businessman like Mr. Benson would read romantic novels, I couldn't even imagine it.

" Papa, aren't you cute?, you really can not judge the author by the books the write, authors are like actors in black and white Papa. Just because he writes romantic novels doesn't mean he's a gentleman ". I sighed slightly, my granddad is surely a hopeless romantic, little wonder he pushed my mother into marrying a cunning man. I wasn't going to make the same mistake as my mother though.

" We're here". I switched off the engine of the car. I glanced around, this isn't the Bensons', why didn't I notice up until now?

"Papa where are we?". I asked in puzzlement.

" It's a surprise ". Papa ran out of the car to open the door for me. This man sure has youthful energy. I got out of the car and was immediately blindfolded.

" What's happening Papa? ". I asked fearfully like I did when Michael brought me to the Bensons' for the first time. It's only been 24 hours since I know this man, is grandpa really trustworthy?

" Don't fret angel, you'd love the surprise now just do as I say". He held me like someone guiding a baby in his first steps in life.

"Raise your leg high.....not too high...yeah yeah...just perfect... OK, another step.... yeah that's a good girl......wait a minute.....OK here it is...... in three, two, one!". He removed the blindfold and I almost fainted in shock.


This is a makeup chapter for the short chapter earlier today.

What do you think the sudden surprise is about?, we'll find out soon enough.

Thanks to ddabimaj for the power votes and collection of my other novel, you really inspire me to keep going.

And thank you too Krystell, for voting your precious power stones on my imperfect story. If I'm able to maintain my current position now, I'll definitely start updating two chapters a day. I know it's a lot of work but I'll try hard.

✌ illusionistic

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