
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Kỳ huyễn
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455 Chs

Chapter 440: Informal Conference and then a play

"Oh wow! This is amazing! I mean, this is what we do to make communication between countries smoother, but this is really amazing!" [Diana]

"True. This is like something out of a fantasy" [Adnan].

"Princesses Kara and Mara are here and they can join Her Highness Queen Amleth who's currently in Amleth. With various royalty and government figures from each country joining at their own convenience. Truly something amazing" [Veronica].

"Even common people like me can see it live. It really makes us feel more involved. The last time was already amazing, but this, this is another level on its own" [Kat]

"This is Master Merlin. As usual, she really is a happy person, even in this situation" [Neloufa].

"I'm sure my nerves will explode, but she... Nope. I'm sure she thinks this is a nuisance" [Auger].

"I'm sure if she can hear us, she'll use her telekinetic pinch on our cheek" [Diana].

"Agree" [Adnan]

It's a conference between several countries, with all of us watching it in front of the magic motion orb installed in the Elven Kingdom. It was supposed to be between the countries connected to the Magic Motion Orb to discuss the further use of this wonderful technology, but now it somehow turned into a conference about the Devil King Awakening as well.

Throughout our journey of installing the core, there was a plan to use it for the conference to tackle the issue of Devil King Awakening, but I didn't think it would be used this soon. Maybe it's just too convenient, and instead of having all the diplomats gather in Amleth, they can gather in their own countries or in the closest countries with Magic Motion Orb. For example, the dwarven kingdom is in Emas with Princess Siti. As for the other countries, since this is a rather sudden event, many of them couldn't come.

However, this is only an informal conference, so I'm sure the official one will attract a much larger number. Just thinking about what else this wonderful technology can be used for makes me proud.

"It is almost time for our final rehearsal. Let's go" [Neloufa].

"Right! Let's go, go, go!" [Diana]

"Good luck, you two" [Adnan]

"Make us proud!" [Stacy]

"We will!" [Diana]

"Thank you for your support" [Neloufa].

We go and greet the members of the Opera House in Amleth through the magic motion orb. We are also joined by artists and talents from the Elven Kingdom. Even the succubus joins us

"Luckily, you managed to get it" [Vita].

"I'm glad Sister Farhana really stepped in, otherwise who knows what would happen" [Diana].

"If it wasn't for her and Madam World Tree Priestess, I'm sure it would take even longer" [Neloufa].

"We'll get permission beforehand, but I underestimate the approval needed in the Elven Kingdom. This really makes me glad to be an Amlethian, where art and technology thrive simultaneously"

"Alright, enough chitchat. We have many eyes to please with our performance tonight. We will perfect this craft and blow them away!" [Vita]

It's a classic play about a hero defeating the Devil King. Nothing too spectacular in terms of storyline, but in terms of sheer number and participants, oh boy, every country's performers chime in. Some with more fleshed out parts, others filling in the numbers, all while the people of their respective countries are able to see what's happening simultaneously.

Einstein and his crew are working hard, not only to make sure the communication between the countries runs smoothly during this conference, but also for our upcoming performances. At this point, the opera house staff and I are already familiarizing ourselves with what needs to be done, so I'm sure we won't need a scientist to guide us on this technical aspect sooner or later.

As the conference comes to an end during 8 in the night, Aunt Amleth closes the conference with a wonderful speech and tells us to enjoy a special performance, and with the opening act performed by your truly us!

The show begins with the opera house manager narrating the act, saying what a peaceful life we live. Each country presents something different. We show the elves tending the forest, while the Indians show a fisherman hauling in his catch. It's a peaceful sight until the Devil King strikes. The Magic Motion Orb bursts into fire as we tell the story of how terrifying the Devil King is. The screen showed the Devil King and his armies terrorizing the people as Miss Vita came into focus.

"This land... Now became barren... GODDESS! By your name! I swear, I swear I will defeat the Devil King!" [Vita]

And the story that follows is something we all know. However, this time it shows Miss Vita interacting with the performers from each country. Great! Just great. It shows our strength, our courage, our spirit, that we are all in unity! The sound, the atmosphere, the audience is really immersed, even though Miss Vita is far away in Amleth. The elves and the tourists from the surrounding countries threw nothing but praise, because they're amazed by this concept.

Even in the finale, when the war between mortals and demons is shown, it feels like the battlefield is really huge, spanning the entire continent, as the magic moving ball shows each country's warriors fighting the Devil King's army.

As the finale, when Miss Vita as the heroes kill the devil king, all eyes are glued to the magic motion orb, all gasp in awe at the performance of the one and only Diva Vita, and when the show is over.

"Splendid! Splendid!

"So that's Diva Vita! She really is talented!"

"No wonder everyone wanted to see her perform at least once in their lives!"

"Even her apprentice Neloufa is a spectacle!"

"I've heard that the young lady Diana Vars, though in a minor role, contributes greatly to the show."

"She has! She plays the role of the gardener at the beginning."

"Wait!? So that's her!?"

While I play a small part in the performance, my actual job this time is more to make sure everything runs smoothly, a behind-the-scenes kind of guy who makes sure the play goes well. From the sound effect of the wars echoing in the background to the flames left and right as the war grows, I help with everything. Something that's actually a lot harder than it sounds. Coordinating not only with the game in the Elven Kingdom, but also with the one in other countries. We have to make sure that our timing is right, otherwise there will be an awkward transition. It's hard, but it's something I'm proud of. This play also shows that the Magic Motion Orb truly has the power to unite us all! I'm glad that Miss Vita and the Opera House are working tirelessly to make this play a success!