
devouring uchiha shisui at the beginning

Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). When he woke up, Sato found himself transported to the world of Naruto, a world filled with powerful ninja and bloodline abilities. However, to his dismay, Sato discovered that he had become an ordinary civilian without any bloodline inheritance. It felt like a nightmare. But soon, Sato stumbled upon an extraordinary ability he possessed—the power of devouring. This ability allowed him to consume both the living and the deceased. By devouring the dead, he could absorb their blood and memories, gaining valuable insights and knowledge. And when he devoured a living individual, he could acquire everything they possessed—their skills, powers, and more. This is the incredible tale of Sato's transformative journey, starting with his fateful devouring of Uchiha Shisui's body. Orginal: https://wap.faloo.com/1288210.html

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105 Chs

Chapter 3: Decisions

The snow approached faster than Sato had anticipated, descending upon the village just as night fell. Countless delicate snowflakes danced through the air, resembling goose feathers in their ethereal beauty. When Sato awoke from his slumber, he was greeted by a world transformed into a glistening silver wonderland.

In the early hours of the morning, every household arose promptly to face the snowy day. Children donned thick attire, engaging in jovial snowball fights and playing ninja games. The common people wore happy smiles on their faces, seemingly unaware of the recent disgrace inflicted upon their esteemed Hokage.

"December 30th, just two days until the new year," Sato murmured to himself, rising early and reaching for his pen to strike out the number 29 on his calendar. As he recalled the events of the Naruto storyline, he pondered Uchiha Itachi, the dutiful son of the Uchiha clan, who, along with Uchiha Obito, had orchestrated the annihilation of their own clan when Sasuke was merely seven years old, a year after entering the ninja academy.

In reality, the Uchiha clan's coup d'etat had been in the works for two years prior to the fateful night of the massacre. However, the untimely demise of Uchiha Shisui had caused a two-year delay in their plans. This meant that Uchiha Shisui had perished when Sasuke and Sato were both five years old, though Sato could not recall the specifics of his own life at that age.

Nevertheless, the details of his early years were inconsequential. Sato believed that as long as he knew the location of the Nanga River cliff, where Uchiha Shisui had tragically taken his own life, he could retrieve the fallen comrade's remains.

"The Uchiha clan's current hideout is near the Nanhe River. Sneaking in there to retrieve the corpses in advance won't be an easy task," Sato contemplated. "But before that, I must master the Body Flicker Technique, and even the Shadow Clone Technique."

Sato, blessed with the ability to devour and assimilate, had spent the past six months refining his chakra, surpassing his peers by leaps and bounds. He had committed all twelve hand seals to memory. His mature thinking endowed him with a keen aptitude for self-learning.

With the knowledge inherited from his parents, Sato could now manipulate the chakra within his body. Believing that with practice and control, he could soon master the Body Flicker Technique, and once his chakra reservoirs were filled, he could attempt the Shadow Clone Technique.

Armed with the Transformation Technique and Shadow Clone Technique, Sato would dare to venture to the Nanhe River cliff—the place he had faithfully visited every day since he turned five years old.

Concluding his trip down memory lane, Sato freshened up and ventured out to purchase groceries. However, this time, his shopping excursion extended well beyond the usual duration. While groceries were a secondary concern, the primary objective was to gather information.

Soon enough, Sato discovered that the funeral of Hyuga Hizashi would take place on December 31st, the final day of the year.

Having confirmed the date, Sato returned home to prepare a meal and commenced his training after eating.

The devouring body bestowed upon Sato the remarkable ability to convert everything he consumed into energy, leaving no trace of waste. While others could only absorb a portion of the medicinal properties of herbs, Sato absorbed their entirety, effectively harnessing their efficacious benefits.

As a result, Sato's physical and mental energy increased steadily each day, extracting a certain amount of chakra.

Many individuals within the village could potentially have Senju blood flowing through their veins. Even if Sato's extraordinary future chakra prowess were to be uncovered, the higher-ups in Konoha would likely assume that Sato's parents were descendants of the Senju clan. After all, his parents did not possess surnames.

Moreover, even if Sato were to awaken the power of Wood Style, the senior management in Konoha would not harbor any doubts but instead be overjoyed. Sato's background was simply too innocent to raise suspicion.

Of course, Sato had no intention of revealing his abilities at this point. He would only consider doing so after the Third Hokage's passing or when he attained Kage-level strength. But for now, it was futile to dwell on such matters. He needed to focus on training diligently.

December 31 arrived—the day of Hyuga Hizashi's funeral. Ironically, despite being a funeral, nobody was interred. Only a photograph of Hyuga Hizashi adorned the coffin.

In the depths of the night, Sato donned a thick coat and ventured to the vicinity of the Hyuga clan. In this world, there were electric appliances and streetlights, so he wasn't left to wander in darkness.

After a while, Sato caught sight of a petite figure hastening out from the gates of the Hyuga clan, sobbing as she ran in a particular direction. This figure happened to be none other than the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan and the princess of the original novel—Hyuga Hinata.

Sato held a fondness for this character, who had limited screen time but garnered immense popularity, surpassing even the female lead. Hinata possessed the status of a wealthy daughter, a timid personality, and the graceful elegance of a water lily.

Hinata was one of Sato's top three favorite female characters in the Hokage world. Therefore, upon realizing that he was in the same class as Naruto, Sato made up his mind to sever the connection between Naruto and Hinata.

Who needs Hinata when Naruto has Sasuke?

And Sato had a mission to intercept Hinata. That foolish Boruto sequel would come to an end!

Observing Hinata's departing figure, Sato swiftly followed. He couldn't determine how long she had been crying or how far she had run, but eventually, Hinata came to a halt. The young girl, who had just celebrated her third birthday, began to panic. This was her first time venturing out alone, and she was completely disoriented—uncertain of her location or the way back home. Tears that had momentarily ceased flowed once again.

"Are you okay?"

Just as Hinata felt overwhelmed by fear, a child's voice resonated beside her ear. Turning around, she encountered a boy slightly taller than her, possessing short silver hair and striking crimson eyes reminiscent of a rabbit. It was Sato, approaching her with a concerned expression.

"I noticed you were running away in tears earlier. Did you have a disagreement with your family?" Sato inquired knowingly, observing Hinata's flushed face from crying. Although her pure, white eyes were not bloodshot, she avoided direct eye contact, opting to twirl her fingers in response.

Sato hadn't expected Hinata to have such a habit at such a young age. But now was not the time to focus on such details.

"It's bitterly cold, and it's late. Let's head home quickly," Sato suggested, not taking the initiative to accompany Hinata but reminding her nonetheless.

"I-I..." Hinata stammered, unable to continue.

Hearing Sato's words, Hinata suddenly appeared lost and unsure.

"I-I... I can't find my way home," she finally admitted, her voice barely audible.

Observing her flushed face and tear-stained eyes, Sato deduced her affiliation with the Hyuga clan by her distinct eyes. He wore a smile as he spoke.

"Follow me," Sato instructed, placing his hands in his pockets before turning around and retracing their steps.

"Th-thank you," Hinata murmured, looking up at Sato's back, her voice as soft as a mosquito's buzz. If it weren't for the dead of night, Sato might not have even caught her expression of gratitude.

The corner of Sato's mouth lifted slightly, and he urged her, "Hurry up and follow."

Upon hearing this, Hinata hastened her pace but hesitated to walk side by side with Sato. Sensing her hesitation, Sato slowed down, glancing at the young girl beside him with her head bowed. He couldn't find a suitable topic to strike up a conversation. Now was not the time to gain favors. He simply needed to leave a good first impression.

Once they entered the ninja academy, he would invest ample time in creating a favorable impression.

Hinata's character was such that once one gained her favor, it was relatively easy to capture her heart. She was a rather affectionate individual.

"...Here we are. Let's head home quickly," Sato announced as they arrived at the gates of the Hyuga clan.

"Th-thank you," Hinata repeated, still unable to meet Sato's gaze. She bowed her head and whispered her gratitude, barely audible.

"You're welcome. Girls should avoid going out at night," Sato advised, raising his hand in farewell as he turned back towards his own home.

Observing Sato's handsome figure recede, Hinata's eyes filled with admiration and envy. She admired how someone so young and small could possess such strength. She envied his freedom to venture out alone so late at night.

Little did she know that Sato's freedom stemmed from having no family members to monitor his actions. At the same time, on another street, a young boy with golden hair, roamed alone. He, too, enjoyed the freedom of being unnoticed and unbothered while out and about.

Upon returning home, Sato simply freshened up before retiring to sleep. At this stage of growth, staying up late was not advisable. If it weren't for his decision to sever ties between Naruto and Hinata, Sato would have already fallen asleep at this point.