
Devouring Monarch: Rebirth of the Profane Phoenix

Asura, a noble in the kingdom of Silvara, spent his days quietly until his world ended. Betrayed by his beloved wife and then killed, he swore to get revenge on them in his late moments. Upon death, Asura somehow returned 20 years into the past. Prepared to get revenge on the woman who betrayed him. On his journey for revenge, he discovers true love, friendship, and a life-altering truth. A dark cult controls his fate like a game—even his beloved's betrayal was their work. He learns about his powers and strange bloodlines. Then, about this being his ninth and final rebirth! All to revive their god, using Asura as the perfect vessel. Vowing to destroy the cult's plot and protect his loved ones, Asura forges an alternative path. Becoming the Devouring Monarch

TheDragonSlayer · Kỳ huyễn
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459 Chs

A Moment Of Anger Well Spent

Asura sat in the darkness, watching Mu Xue's pretty face sleep peacefully.

Not long after they entered, she was excited and, between their kisses, spoke about her match against a girl who used ice but was weak and that Xavida surrendered without fighting when put against the princess.

'It's different from last time...'

'In the previous world, Xavida and Vela fought until both were exhausted, but Xavida lost, and now it seems that was due to her weakness.'

'That filthy prince wanted to make you his? Did he ask this last time, too... Ah... My heart feels painful. I want to throw her down, mark her body with my lips so no other man approaches her... '

'Damn it... I am so irritated and jealous.'

His body gave off a light, magical glow, the shards of fire and ice dancing around him as his anger empowered the Anima flowing through his veins, increasing the magical pollution caused by his body.

'Let's head out... slaughter monsters until the sun rises.'

With a flicker of his dark red eyes, his body stepped beside Mu Xue's sleeping body before leaning down and gently kissing her soft cheek with a smack echoing through the room.

"My lovely Xue'er, I am sorry you must deal with such idiots."

"Worry not. I will make sure nobody bothers you again."

The moment he began turning away, her soft purple eyes shimmering like gems were filled with delight as she observed his obsessive and crazed eyes with golden pupils.

She didn't call out and watched with a warm smile as he left from the window.

"Master... those obsessive and monopolistic eyes make me so wet... Xue'er might lose control and assault you one day."

"Well... let me just follow you and keep you safe. Hehe."

Quickly wearing her armoured maid outfit and changing her underwear, she grasped her sword and stepped out the window, feeling impressed that Asura's speed and stamina had increased so much after reaching Stage One as her lips curved up.

"After all, Master could never be ordinary... His speed at least is greater than a normal Stage Two."


Once again, Asura found himself in the same forest that allowed him to take his first steps while he dashed deeper, trying to reach the deepest area of the Zephyr forest, ignoring the weak wolves who cowered upon sensing his aura.

'Not even Stage One...' 

'Let's allow them to grow—no need to kill these beasts that won't even serve as delicious meat for dinner.'

'Lumeris Nova come to assist me.'

Asura jumped along the trees to avoid causing the wolves and ordinary monsters to be dragged into the conflict as he focused forward.

His ears and eyes could detect the vibrations in the air and the tiny movements of the little squirrels running along the branches while searching for Stage Two enemies while holding his red lance with the lovely seventy-centimetre sharp sword blade. 

'A magic trail...'

The appearance of a blueish hue of faint shards of mana flickered in the air as he rushed towards the entity emitting them.

Two huge bears were tearing the carcass of a brown wolf with a loud thud, using their claws and teeth to devour the meat happily, their black eyes looking around to ensure no other predator would try to steal their meal.

'They're Stage Two...'

'Their fur colour is unique, though...'

'Ice blue, reminding him of his muse Mu Xue, then the face of that disgusting prince.'

Asura knew the rumours he also understood the truth about that man. Velos, not just someone who betrayed and caused Xavida's death but the number of female knights and pretty merchants that had their lives ruined...

'Almost beyond count.'

Asura leapt from above the tree branches, landing on the ground softly while walking slowly towards the two bears that stopped eating to look at him.

The two bears growled ferociously while charging towards Asura, their six-metre body moving incredibly fast while their thick blue fur rippled like waves along the wind, forming sharp ice shards and creating a cold armour.

Stage Two creatures can manipulate their elements...

Asura gripped his red lance tightly, rushing towards them, using the bear's size against them by ducking under them while swinging his lance, its tip digging deep into the exposed stomach of the right bear that roared painfully while it tried to swipe its claw to get rid of this pesky creature.

But Asura had already disappeared.

He appeared behind the other bear, stabbing his lance through the back of its neck, a dark flame created by his devil arts creating a small vortex that merged with his devouring arts, sucking the bear's magic and mana into his body rapidly.

⁜ Gained 10 Anima ⁜

Asura didn't stop as the other bear's mouth opened wide, a huge vortex of ice shooting dozens of ice blades towards his face, tearing the air with a bitter howl, blowing him backwards and causing him to roll back off the withered bear.

Landing on a twig, he used the spear as a vault to leap towards the smaller bear with more brilliant blue fur.

Asura swung his spear, causing a crimson arc to shoot forth while he controlled it, the bear opening its jaws once more, an icy barrier appearing in front of it while roaring angrily.

However, the crimson arc split into seven fragments, curving around the barrier, piercing the bear's head and heart, with a brutal sizzling sound and foul smell of overcooked meat.

It collapsed on the floor, its black eyes staring lifelessly at Asura.

"I'm sorry..."

"But you exist to make me more powerful."

⁜ Gained 10 Anima ⁜

However, despite feeling a thrill each time, he fought the monsters one stage above him, and the increase in his power gave him intense pleasure each time the percentage towards the Second Layer approached.

Ever so closely, now at ninety-four per cent.

Asura licked his lips hungrily before sensing another Stage Two monster approaching, the smell of blood and fresh meat attracting it.

This time, it was a white tiger, its four-metre-long body filled with scars across its fur.

'Hmm? This aura...'

'It seems I must fight if I want to get stronger.'

Asura tightened his grip; the tiger's red eyes stared at him emotionlessly, its long fangs dripping saliva as it moved incredibly fast, jumping towards Asura while its claws glowed golden light, creating fiery blades aiming for his throat.

Asura dodged to the side, rolling on the ground, avoiding its claws and the blades of fire that shot past his head, slamming into a tree and cutting the trunk down, causing it to fall loudly.

Its tail glowing silver, creating a whip made of steel, smashing down towards Asura, who raised his lance to block the attack, pushing him back, causing his boots to dig into the dirt while his arms shook violently, almost losing his grip on his lance.

'Fuck! It's strong!'

Asura clenched his jaw while kicking the tiger, a burst of black flames erupting from his kick while the tiger rolled away, its fur charred and smoking from the attack.

'Using Devil Arts isn't enough...'

Asura grinned wickedly, dropping his lance and raising his hand, black runes shining across his arm, forming strange runes that wrote the word ice in countless languages, rotating as they flickered with black ice filled with dread.

The tiger looked at him warily, moving around him, watching for opportunities.

"Come!" Asura shouted, "Or are you scared?!"

The tiger growled while rushing forwards, its tail forming silver swords, slashing downwards, aimed for Asura's throat.

Asura grabbed its tail, gripping the silver blade while using all his strength to pull it towards him as the black magic circle formed a deadly shard of ice that shot towards the tiger's brain, killing it instantly.

⁜ Gained 10 Anima ⁜

Asura felt a rush of ecstasy course through his veins, his blood boiling while the tiger dropped dead, the magic circle fading as he sighed in relief, picking up his lance.

'Damn... Stage Two creatures are quite strong.'

He wiped the sweat off his forehead while walking deeper into the forest, hoping to find more opponents that would increase his power and approach his goal of becoming stronger.

Smiling as he continued onwards, reaching the centre of the Zephyr forest where Stage Three creatures roamed and the feelings of intense hatred towards Velos faded, but now he could use his wits and plot his cold, deadly revenge.

In the background, with a face of worship, Mu Xue followed him, collecting any parts of the monsters that could be sold for money. 

"Master... you are so fierce and powerful; what might happen to me if you use that power on my body!? Ha...Haa... so exciting."

Asura killed another twenty Stage Two enemies before returning home and targeting Stage Three enemies when he was more comfortable with his power.

⁜ Gained 210 Anima ⁜