
Devils x Dragons x Dad

A popular, but normal, Biology teacher at Kuoh Academy. Or at least that's what Rias Gremory used to think of the man. And yet, as she sees him healing a dying Hyoudou Isane, the threads holding the secrets of the man begin unraveling one by one. --- Author Note: 1. It will take some time to get to know the protagonist's past. I ask for the readers' patience. Also, it seems like I'll probably be writing the story through the eyes of other characters. 2. I pretty much wrote this story with only the protagonist's backstory planned out. The rest of the stuff I'm making up as I go along. I hope everyone has fun reading it. Sorry if any characters seem OOC. 3. Also, gender-bent characters. Why? No reason really. Just felt like it. Finally, if you are liking my work and have some spare change, please consider supporting me (Mahō Shōnen). My links are: https://ko-fi.com/mahoushonen https://subscribestar.adult/mahoushonen https://www.patreon.com/user?u=116426820

Mahou_Shonen · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Chapter 1.5 - Toujou Koneko definitely does not dream of Sensei [R-18]

Toujou Koneko POV –

'I'm so tired.'

As I teleported back to the ORC room, all I wanted was to consume some sugary treats to reward myself for tolerating that perverted cosplay photographer, and then maybe hit the gym or something. Maybe I could even drag the others down there for once.

Unlikely, was what I thought of my chances. 'They must have gone to bed by now.

They hadn't.

Instead, what greeted me as I opened my eyes, was the presence of all of the peerage members, apparently waiting for me. 

Well, everyone except Gasper, but that goes without saying.

Sitting by her desk was big sis Rias… 

Not that I'd call her that to her face since it'd probably cause her to get a big head and become a Hug Monster or something… 

Her elbows were propped up on the desk, and her fingers were steepled together, as she rested her chin on her hands. She was also wearing glasses for some reason.

A million yen says it's an anime pose, is what I would have liked to say, but everyone present knew not to take a sucker's bet, and Buchou would probably sulk because I destroyed the mood or something.

So I did the most reasonable thing in such a situation, and quietly walked to a corner sofa and took a seat. Big sis Akeno quietly placed a tray of Manju by the side table and I gratefully gave her a nod of thanks. Smiling placidly, she walked away and took her place by Rias Buchou's side.

Something is wrong with her as well, I realized as I saw her gait. 

My nose involuntarily twitched, and– 

"Hentai Akeno-senpai," I ended up mumbling quietly as my cheeks felt hot, but it seemed not quiet enough… since her face flushed red while she just gave me a wide smile.

Yuumi just pretended that she was reading a book and that she hadn't heard anything, and Rias-nee, well…


"Now that we're all here, we can get started on a meeting of incredible importance. Due to certain events that took place earlier today, with the help of Akeno, I have confirmed the presence of two sacred gear users in Kuoh."

Okay, so the debriefing scenario continues…

Rias-nee's excitement was sort of understandable, since, unlike Sona-Kaichou, she never got to induct anyone into her peerage the proper way. 

Still, Yuumi and I looked at each other, noticing the interest in each other's eyes, as well as the concern. After all, one or both of these people could be a new member of the peerage, and hence it was important to figure out if they'd fit in well with us.

"Is either of the two users a student of our school?" Yuumi asked, and I perked up as well. If it were so, then we'd quickly have at least a rough idea of their character. Rias-nee…

Why is she fidgeting?

"Um, yes. Actually… both of them are from Kuoh Academy."


"Hmm, how surprising. First there was Saji-kun, and now two more. To think that three free sacred gear users would appear in a single area…" 

What Yuumi didn't say, yet we all understood, was the unasked question – Is this the doing of Sirzechs-sama or Serafall-sama? 

Rias-nee just shrugged helplessly.

After all, even if they did… they just had to say that they didn't.


"Moving on!" Rias-nee shook her head and declared emphatically. "Akeno, do the honors!"

"Certainly, Buchou."

Suddenly, drum rolls began to sound, like those when announcing a lottery prize. My lips twitched as I saw Rias-nee using her magic for the sound effects as Akeno-nee summoned a board… and then tacked the school photograph of a certain member of the infamous pervert trio of our school. Turning to face us, she introduced the first person.

"First of all, Hyoudou Isane, from class 2-B. Known details are – Only child. Comes from a single-parent household. Lives with her mother. Decently average grades. Unathletic. Her three sizes are, Bust 70–"

"Akeno, the important details only, please…" Rias-nee interrupted while pinching her nose.

"Tch." Akeno pouted, while a single, despairing thought occupied my mind.


Even she's bigger than me. 

"Let's see, Sacred gear. Name – unknown. Effects – unknown. Magical potential – unknown. Most importantly though…" She hefted her cow-tits with both hands and declared cheerfully. "She likes girls~"

I felt like adding something she'd forgotten to mention.

"Also a pervert."

"That's even better~" I scowled as she retorted without missing a single beat. "After all, everyone present is such a prude. Nee-san here wants to have some fun~"

I didn't think it was possible before, but just for a moment, I felt bad for Isane.

"Anyways, our peerage might as well be a paradise for Isane-chan. All we need is for Buchou to slip naked into her bed one night, and she's as good as ours~"


Akeno-nee just giggled and apologized nonchalantly to an embarrassed Rias-nee, who otherwise didn't seem opposed to Isane's joining. 

Just me and Yuumi, then?

"Umm, I don't really mind either way…" I shot a disbelieving look at the traitorous statement by Yuumi, who just smiled sheepishly at me, then added. "But, what is with all the unknown factors? Did you not get to ask her or even observe the gear?"

"Ah, that…" Rias-nee suddenly looked a bit saddened, and angry as well. "She hasn't awakened it yet, I think. As a matter of fact, we've confirmed that she wasn't aware of the supernatural world until today when she was nearly killed."

Oh. It happened again, I thought with a grimace. I looked at the others, and their faces were showing similar, saddened expressions.

She took a deep breath and continued. "That's also the reason why we're gathered here right now. There are currently four two-winged fallen angels in Kuoh. One of them tried to kill Isane-chan. Just because she could be a potential enemy. Besides their unauthorized intrusion in our territory, this is a blatant act of aggression against us."

Akeno-nee scoffed in derision. "Tch. That lying bitch just wanted to kill a human. She herself admitted that Isane-chan felt too weak, and that she might have one of the weaker sacred gears. Who even–"

"Akeno." Rias-nee forcibly stopped Akeno-nee from continuing as she shook her head. "That's not… something for us to talk about."


It must've been bad for Rias-nee to have said that. Still, some things didn't add up.

"Fallen, here?" I asked, and Rias-nee nodded. "Akeno finished with the interrogation some time ago. Her name is Raynare. She quite happily admitted to what she did to Isane. There's another thing… but it's something left to the leaders. I'll tell brother about it."

Well, that certainly explains why Akeno-nee's so high-strung.

"What about Isane?" Yuumi continued, looking toward the inner door, as if Isane would pop out any moment.

"Uh… she should be at home right now, I think."

At the odd looks she received, Rias-nee groaned and said. "Ah, damn it! Wait, this will let me explain better! Akeno, present the second suspect!"

Giggling, Akeno-nee complied and stuck another photograph on the board. This one of an older male. A very familiar face was on display… and I think my breath got stuck in my throat.

"-chan… Koneko-chan!"

Ah, huh? When did Rias-nee come this close? And why is everyone looking at me worriedly?

"Are you alright Koneko-chan?" Rias-nee asked hesitantly for some reason.

I nodded. "I'm alright." I frowned, my voice was a bit hoarse for some reason. I coughed a bit, trying to clear my throat, drank from the glass of water I received from Akeno-nee, and then continued. 

"Sorry, I was just… lost in thought."

Rias-nee just stared intently at me for some reason. She then pursed her lips and said, "Your feline features are out."

Oh. It was true.

I felt my face burning hot as I realized that my ears were lying flat on my head, my tail was swishing wildly, and that I had clawed quite deeply into the sofa. 

I gave a sheepish smile to Rias-nee who smiled back softly at me and pleaded. "If something is troubling you… anything! Please tell me, Koneko-chan."

I looked at her, then at the board, then at her again. A low whine escaped my throat, and I felt my tail going berserk.

"Wanted in my peerage." I finally mumbled after a long while.

"Oh." Rias-nee mumbled, and I felt terrible for some reason.

Then– "Ohh!!" I blinked in surprise as she suddenly squealed loudly and pulled me into a tight hug. Pulling back, she pouted a little and asked a series of questions… 

"Mou! Why didn't you tell me before?! Wait… was this why you were doing all those contracts, even those that you didn't prefer?"

I felt like digging a hole into the ground and hiding inside, as I looked anywhere but at the smiling faces of the others… and nodded slightly. 

Rias-nee huffed and said, "You know that way will take a very long time right, Koneko-chan? You should have told me. I could have gotten you a set of evil pieces by now."

I bit my lips, feeling downcast, and worded my feelings that seemed to be pouring out. "But… but… you wanted to be recognized as being independent. I… I don't want to cause you any trouble." 

I flinched slightly as Rias-nee pulled my cheeks a bit forcefully. Her eyes were a little bit reddened as she scolded me. "You foolish little sister! What I want, is for people to see me as Rias. Love me for being Rias. Recognize my achievements as Rias… But I also am the future head of the Gremory family, and along with the duties that will eventually come with it, comes a bit of privilege as well. An evil piece set is nothing at all… so don't ever say again that you're causing me trouble! Do you understand now, you silly little sister?"

I wilted under her intense gaze and nodded slowly. 


She released my cheeks and added, "What I will never do, however, is use the Gremory family or Brother's name to help you induct someone into your peerage… that is not who Rias Gremory is."

She stood up self-satisfiedly before claps started sounding in the room. Rias-nee flushed red as Akeno-nee whooped and jeered. "Sasuga, Rias-sama! You really channeled your inner shounen protagonist there."


"Akeno! Stop!" Rias-nee shouted as she nearly gave Akeno-nee a full-body tackle in an effort to shut her mouth.


"Don't lick my hand!"

Smiling and shaking her head at their antics, Yuumi faced me and asked me, "I assume that you knew about Sensei's powers then?"

I shrunk into the sofa and nodded guiltily as the trio now stared intensely at me. "Twilight healing… and superhuman strength." I blurted out.

Rias-nee muttered something about things now making sense, and I found out that Sensei had taken down that fallen called Raynare, healed Isane… and took her home as well.

"Huh… How did you even know Sensei personally? He doesn't teach the middle school division if I remember correctly. Unless…" Yuumi tilted her head and smirked, "...everything happened in under a month?"

I groaned as even Yuumi was onto my case, and mumbled. "I go to the gym he owns. Going for two years now."

"Hmm, Sensei does seem the type to take care of himself. Unlike certain other teachers…" Yuumi mumbled, and we all shared a collective shiver as the terrifying image of a former teacher, and current convict, came to mind.

A satisfied Akeno-nee now triumphantly cuddled with a flustered Rias-nee as she asked, "Koneko-chan… have you decided on what piece you'll reincarnate him with?"


I blushed as gasps rang out, and Akeno-nee tittered. "Ara ara~ Koneko-chan has it down bad for Sensei, doesn't she? Still, there's the matter of his wife, not that we've ever seen her before…" 

Then, letting out a fake gasp, Akeno-nee asked. "My~ Koneko-chan, are you going to become a thieving cat?" 

I huffed at her terrible pun and asked Rias-nee, "Can we go hunt the fallen angels now?"

Rias-nee's eyes widened and she nodded seriously before Akeno-nee ruined the mood by cooing, "Ooh~ Are we finally going to hunt those filthy things?"

A bit of electricity jumped on her fingers as she moaned exaggeratedly… "Onee-san is getting a little bit excited~"

I groaned in exasperation. "I need an adult."

"Well too bad, Sensei isn't here~" She sing-songed. "You'll just have to make do with your Akeno onee-sama~"

I just tossed a sofa pillow at her in response… and Rias-nee squawked in indignation as it hit her when Akeno-nee pushed her in front instead. 

"Well that was underwhelming," I grunted as I threw myself onto my bed. We just came back after making a short work of the fallen angels and exorcist mooks. 

I had hoped that a fight would be refreshing after the circumstances of earlier… and yet, it took barely any effort. I let out a huff of annoyance. Sleep definitely wasn't going to come easy tonight.

Slipping into my pajamas, I switched off the lights, lay down, and closed my eyes as I tried to go to sleep for a long time… trying to push aside the various thoughts swirling inside my head… to no avail. 

My eyes shot open, and I let out a groan as I sat up. Switching the lights on again, I bit my lips as I hesitantly took out an unlabeled book from my pocket space. 

It floated in midair, and I used magic to open it to the bookmarked page and started reading quietly… while both of my traitorous hands snaked down my body.

I suppressed a whimper that almost escaped my throat… only inaudibly moaning out.


"I'm home."

"Welcome back, Sensei." I greeted him as he took off his shoes at the genkan to our house. 

He frowned slightly. I tilted my head and looked inquisitively at him as he marched on ahead until he was close enough that his figure towered over me.

"How many times do I have to remind you?" Listening to his husky voice so closely made me shiver in anticipation, when his hands suddenly shot down towards me. I squealed excitedly as he grabbed me by my hips and lifted me up nearly to his face level, my back pushed against the wall.

"Say it correctly." He whispered, his hot breath brushing against my ear.

"Welcome back, danna-sama~" I smiled happily. He smiled as well and, leaning down slightly, gave me a tender, fleeting kiss on the lips.

I suppressed a frown as he tried to back away, and pulled his collar toward me. Our faces ended up stopping just inches apart from each other. Looking at his slightly smirking face, I whined pleadingly.


Obliging, he kissed me again. This time just a bit longer and a bit firmer. Then, pulling back slightly, he kissed my nose and patiently waited for my next words. 

"Again…" I whispered as I hooked my arms around his neck.

He kissed me again and again, as I kept begging for more and more. And as time passed, our kisses progressively became longer and wetter. 

I opened my mouth slightly, sometime in between, and his tongue immediately snuck inside. Our tongues playfully chased after, and tussled against each other, and we spent a long time swapping saliva.

"Puah!" Our lips finally needed to be separated since we seemed to have forgotten to breathe. Chest heaving, hubby whispered softly as he stared at me lovingly.

"I love you so much." 

It was not the first time he said so, and yet there were butterflies in my stomach. I mewled happily and peppered his face with kisses as my ears and tail appeared with a pop.

"I love you too, hubby!" I returned to him, those same words of affection. Then, pulling myself closer to his face again… I lightly bit his ear, causing him to shiver slightly.

"Now… why don't we take this to our bedroom…" I whispered seductively to him as he stared at me intensely, as if he'd tear the shortest route to our bedroom in the next moment. Giggling, I pecked his cheek and uttered the last blow that finally erased his sanity.

"Breed your kitty ~nya."

We rushed en route to our bedroom, unable to tear our hands apart from pawing at each other's bodies. My legs wrapped around his waist, and I ground myself on his delicious abs… while he kneaded my ass, and sometimes played gently with the base of my tail. Meanwhile we kept stealing kisses from each other.

My body had developed quite a bit since the day six years ago when I found out that Sensei, no, Hubby, was a part of the supernatural world as well, and although I was not a titty monster, like Rias-nee or Akeno-nee… I was happy with mine.

It was hard not to be, when he lavished so much attention and love upon me.

We almost tore apart the hinges to our bedroom door and nearly stumbled onto the large bed. Clothes were brutally torn off each other, their remains discarded at the foot of the bed. He pinned me down on the bed, and while initially, when we started seeing each other, I would have fidgeted shyly under his gaze, I now smiled charmingly as he admired my body, and purred sensually…

"Come, darling~"

I mewled as he very softly bit my cat ears. He smiled and stole a gentle kiss from my lips again. Then, my chin, my neck… he slowly began tracing a line of soft kisses down my body. Pausing only when he reached my breasts, he took the right one into his mouth, and I let out a gasp as I felt him give my right nipple a gentle bite. 

He then took his time lavishing attention on my breasts, biting, licking, and sucking on them alternatingly, while using his hand to play with the other one, twirling, pinching, and rubbing it. 

My right hand, meanwhile, snaked down his body, where it made contact with his erection.


It twitched and pulsed angrily in my hand. I rhythmically started tugging on the foreskin. My left hand joined soon enough, with me using my palm to rub the head of the penis that was leaking copious amounts of precum.

I let out a low mewl of disappointment when his mouth finally left my breasts and he started moving downwards, causing me to gradually lose my grasp on his erection as well.

"It tickles, nya~!" I giggled as he planted kisses upon and slightly below my belly button, only to let out a sharp gasp as he slowly teased my slit with his tongue… my previous disappointment all but forgotten.

His hands joined the effort, his left thumb slowly circling the hood of my clitoris, while the fingers of his right hand lightly caressed my lower lips. He would occasionally dip a finger or two into my vagina, prodding around the entrance.

Annoyingly though, his mouth kept moving downwards, and he started kissing the area of my inner thighs, coming close, but neglecting the place which ached for him the most.

I thrust my hands into his hair, and pulled slightly as I cried out in a slightly begging voice.

"Don't tease me anymore please…"

I cried out loud in ecstasy as he shifted slightly and gave my nether lips a gentle kiss… before his tongue dove down deep into my folds. I writhed and moaned in pleasure as hubby ate me out eagerly… like I was the most delicious thing in the world.

His thumb stroked my now unhooded clit… and I squeaked slightly as I felt a slight pressure on my other hole after a while. My legs clenched tightly around his head, trying to shove his tongue into my deepest parts, while I wailed loudly.

"Not there, nya! It's dirty, nya!" He still proceeded, his slightly wet fingers gently intruding into my butt hole. I came at that moment, and let my hubby know about it.

"Ah! I'm cumming, nya! I'm a dirty kitty cumming from having her butt played with, nya! It's coming… something big is coming, nya! Ahn!"

I broke into a delirious mess of cat-like noises, my back arched unnaturally as I orgasmed, and I clenched my legs so tightly that I feared someone else might have died already. 

Not that I'd even think of doing it with anyone else but my hubby.

Hubby, though, seemed unaffected and just gave my wetness, gentle, languid kisses while he waited me to come down from the high. My legs had unclenched by now, and I mumbled a quiet, "Love you hubby." He laughed slightly in reply, my body vibrating because of his rumbling voice. 

He then dragged himself up, and I flushed slightly at the wetness on his face.

'Mine,' I thought.

And became aroused again.

I pushed him slightly and he complied, falling on his back, watching me with a smile as I climbed upon him. I ended up kneeling by the side of his neck, facing his penis. My hands automatically resumed their previous order of business, gliding up and down on his shaft. I blinked for a moment and my nose twitched, as I suddenly found my cheek joining my hands, rubbing my face languidly along his length, marking myself with his smell…

"What a lewd scent~" I purred, and gave the top of the glans a lick, slurping up the wetness at his slit.

"Delish~" I moaned, then giggled as I felt hubby shiver underneath me. 

"Bad mister penis." I mock-scolded it as I kissed the tip. "Why are you so delish?~" Then again, and again… before I finally took the head into my mouth.

"You'll get me hooked on to you, nya~" I mumbled as I sucked and slurped on it, while my tongue lashed out furiously at the underside of the glans. I heard a groan of pleasure coming from hubby before his hands suddenly grabbed at my ass, and he drove his tongue deep into my folds in one go.

"Ahn~! No~ I wanted to return the favor…" I breathed out a moan as well, but hubby didn't stop even for a moment, unceasingly devoted to exploring my depths. I knew it would be a losing battle from this moment onward, but I still determinedly went back to my previous task. Eyeing the massive pillar, I took a deep breath and then…

Gakh! Gakh! Gakh!

I dove down, desperately taking as much of his length within my mouth as possible. My hands now rested on his thighs, while I slobbered up his erection as I nearly jackhammered my mouth upon it. Unfortunately, it seemed like I lost as I felt my orgasm rapidly approaching, and in one last act of defiance, I timed it to the deepest thrust yet, his penis breaching deeply into my throat. I moaned loudly, nearly losing consciousness as I almost choked on the penis while my body bucked and writhed.

"Cough! Cough!"

I fell to the side and coughed, my eyes a bit teary, and looked at hubby who was now worriedly fussing over me. I felt a pout coming as I saw the mark of my defeat, and mumbled…

"I wanted to return the favor, nya~… But, I couldn't make you cum…Ah?!"

Hubby suddenly pushed me onto my back. His gaze, as it met mine, was smoldering, as he rubbed the head of his penis against my incredibly wet vagina… and then pushed his penis inside of me in one go. The loudest moan of the evening escaped my throat as he started pistoning into me relentlessly.

"Hubby… kiss~ kiss~" I called out for him and he draped his body over mine as our lips mashed together, while our tongues pranced out of our mouths, and wetly intertwined against each other. 

My legs were pushed up to my shoulders as he thrust into me. My butt lifted a little and my tail hung limply, as he tried to drive his penis as deep into me as possible, and it seemed from the exertion on his face that he was actually not that far away from his own orgasm a little while ago.

"Ah, I know about this position~" I said deliriously, almost drunk on sex at the moment. "It's called Mating Press nya~ I heard the boys in university whispering about it with each other."

I brought my face close to his ear and whispered hotly. "Are you going to breed your kitty? Will you make me a mommy, hubby? Come on. Do it… Spurt it all inside. Make me pregnant~

Plap! Plap! Plap!

Our sexual fluids made an obscene sound together as hubby rutted into me even more ferociously, and his erection seemed to have become even harder, if that was even physically possible.


I bit his ear and mewled softly as I traced my tongue along its outer edges.

"I know you want to… Here, I'll even add a good-luck charm I learned to seal the deal~ Chant with me, hubby~"

"Get pregnant… get pregnant… get pregnant… get– Ooooh!!" A scream escaped my throat, my vision turned white, and my head turned blank, as hubby let out a final, deep thrust, and finally unloaded his semen into my depths.

"So hot! Ah! Your semen is so hot inside me… I'm going to melt~ I'm going to fly~ Hubby, hold me please!"

I felt one of hubby's hands hold mine, intertwining our fingers together. He was now lying by my side, and I felt him gently pulling me into a hug against his chest, as he used his other hand to carefully pet my feline ears. A satisfied purr escaped my throat, and I mumbled sleepily…

"Do you think I'll be pregnant this time?"

"Hmm… hard to say." He said as he gently scratched behind my ears, and I shivered in pleasure in his arms. He just pulled me even closer in response and kissed the top of my head. "After all, devils are famous for their notoriously low fertility."

I nodded but then pouted. "Then we'll keep trying every day till we're successful…"

Hubby chuckled softly and kissed my forehead. "Your wish is my command, my dear King." 

Smiling in satisfaction, I kissed his lips softly one last time before I fell asleep.



I woke up with a start, my face beet red. I shot a disbelieving look at the book lying at the corner table… then let out the deepest whine of my life as I realized that I had made quite a mess of my clothes and the sheets. Looking at the clock, there was still some time before anyone was up and around normally, and I rushed about… trying to erase the traces from the scene of the crime.

In fact, I was in such a hurry to hide what happened, that for the first time since I owned it, I forgot to put the book back in the pocket space. 

I thankfully ended up cleaning after myself without anyone being made aware. Still, the dream would keep haunting me all day. So much so, that I ended up playing truant from Sensei's class for the first time, not having the courage to look at his face… or to talk to him about serious matters.

'Tomorrow. I'll go talk to him tomorrow.'


This chapter took so damn long to write!

Anyways, first smut I've ever written. Please let me know if you like it.

Koneko best girl.

Also, I am loathe to ask, but rent time is near. If dear readers have a dollar change, please consider donating on Ko-fi so the author can keep having a roof over their head.

Finally, the next lewd, whenever it comes, will probably be of our milky, preggo foxy waifu Yasaka.

Mahou_Shonencreators' thoughts