
Devil's Little Guardian

"So, are you ready to obey my orders?" His deep ocean voice fanned against her slightly twitched earlobe. "Y-yes, master." "Break a rule, you will be facing the same punishment as that douche." He smirked pointing at the cell which was completely dark and covered with magical dusts. Kristen choked out hearing the painful cries from the cell. That man had been suffering the same pain since the past two hundred years. He will suffer until some one replaces her master, the Devil himself.

Kim_Aira_ · Kỳ huyễn
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100 Chs


"Go! Shove it down your ass now." Kristen growled as she threw the stone at Damon.

"Words, sister. I do not prefer to be disrespected... especially by you. You are my sister so better keep it on the low." 

"I am your sister but that doesn't mean you do not have to earn the respect. You are acting like a demon and nothing better." She spat back.

"Well, how else should I act? After being through all this, you still think that I had be a saint or what? I have feelings too."

"I am not talking about your feelings. If you are a true angel, try to behave like one. you have to be at least satisfied with your decisions."

"And for that, I have to kill each and everyone who cheered when I got kicked out. Kicked out from my home." His chest was heaving as he tried to keep his calm.

"If so, that is not your home. You are on Earth since then and you have met your people so this should be your home."