
Prologue (Rewrite)

A/N: I have been a fan of Maou Gakuin for a while now, already finished the Spirit Arc from the WN but can't go past that since I don't like MTL. I got my info from reddit threads, wiki fandoms, quora posts, and fellow readers, so don't be surprised if I got some of my info wrong.

This FanFic will be Non-Harem and have the mc OP as hfil. The MC will use the verses' natural energy type to fight and will only use his original abilities when needed since his main reason for leaving the Silver Sea was to get entertainment in his boring life

All criticisms are appreciated! That's all, enjoy!

"_" – talking out loud

'_' – thinking/thoughts

[_] – spells

{_} – telepathy


The Silver Sea is the name of the multi-dimensional construct that encompasses all that exists, or at least that's what it's believed to be. It is composed of layers upon layers, each layer having an infinite number of infinitely sized universes, or "worlds" as some call them. Each layer becomes exponentially stronger the deeper you go, to the point that a single boat's durability is comparable to a "world" one layer above.

Beyond the deepest layer of the Silver Sea, there exists a desolate and foreboding place known as the Abyss of Oblivion. Within this abyss, stands a large and ominous castle, shrouded in darkness and mystery. Its very presence sends shivers down the spines of even the most powerful beings that exist within the Silver Sea, including the Inviolable Waters.

The aura emanating from the castle within the Abyss of Oblivion is not only one of overwhelming dread but also of imminent danger. Its potency is such that it is capable of penetrating even the layers above it, and those who venture too close to the abyss are at risk of being sucked in and completely destroyed, including Abyss Bubbles.

Deep within the dark and foreboding castle, within the throne room, sits a young man who appears to be in his early 20s in human age. He is seated on a massive throne that looms over the room, located at the back and center of the space. The man's striking appearance is one that would demand attention, with spiky pitch-black hair and a pair of golden eyes that seem to radiate an otherworldly energy. Upon closer inspection, it is apparent that the man has strange red symbols etched above each eye, which only adds to the mystique of his appearance.

This young man is Azathoth Voldigoad, the son of Celis Voldigoad and Luna Azernon, and the older twin brother of Anos Voldigoad. He is known throughout the Silver Sea as the "Silver Destroyer," a title he earned through his incredible ability to destroy even Abyss Bubbles.

Despite his striking features, there is an unmistakable air of danger and malevolence that surrounds him. Those who dare to gaze too long into his eyes do so at their own peril, for their very existence will be destroyed.

Along with the danger that he poses, there is an undeniable sense of power and authority that emanates from Azathoth. His very presence demands respect and deference, and it is clear that he is not to be trifled with. It is rumored that he possesses abilities and knowledge that are beyond the comprehension of even the most powerful beings in the Silver Sea. In fact, he is considered to be the strongest being in the entire Silver Sea, as he is the only one to have ventured into the Abyss of Oblivion and not be permanently destroyed. Some even refer to him as the "Perfect Lion of Destruction," a moniker that speaks to his immense power and ferocity.

Despite his formidable reputation, Azathoth currently wears an expression of absolute boredom on his face. It seems that even the most powerful being in the Silver Sea can grow weary of the monotony of solidarity. It is said that Azathoth's incredible strength and abilities make most challenges trivial for him, leaving him with little to occupy his time.

*Azathoth PoV*

I sat atop my throne, my expression betraying my own thoughts as I mused on the state of my existence. I had lived for millennia, far beyond the lifespan of any mortal being in the Silver Sea, and had accomplished things that others could only dream of. Yet, despite my incredible strength and power, I found himself feeling unfulfilled.

As I thought back to the memory of Graham, the man who had killed my parents, I couldn't help but wonder if my quest for revenge had been worth it. Yes, I had achieved my goal, but now what? I had accomplished so much and gained so much power, but for what purpose?

The endless expanse of time before me stretched on, and I found myself struggling to find anything that could provide even a glimmer of fulfillment. The lives of mortals and even the "Fate's Chosen" offered some amusement, but even that was fleeting. I was left with an unshakable sense of melancholy that I couldn't escape.

*Flashback Start*

"So you're Graham, huh?" I calmly asked the headless demon in front of me who is currently using my father's head as his own.

"Yes, I am. I assume you're here to take revenge for the death of your father and mother?" he replied.

I could feel a seething anger rising within me at the mention of my parents, yet I calmed myself, not wanting to have my anger get the best of me. "That would be correct." I said.

"Then let us skip the pleasantries, and begin the battle." he told me.

As the battle began, I could feel the energy coursing through my veins, fueling my determination to emerge victorious. Graham was not one to be underestimated, and would use everything to his advantage. I knew I had to use all of my powers to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Without hesitation, I activated my [Eyes of Absolute Destruction], causing my eyes to glow with an intense red light. The power of this ability was immense, and I focused it on Graham, destroying his body and mana reserves.

However, Graham was quick to react, and he used his own ability, [Source of Nothingness], to regenerate his body. I had expected this, and I was prepared. Without missing a beat, I unleashed an enhanced version of my [Zelo e Dypt] spell, trapping him in place with chains made of black flames.

But I didn't stop there. I knew that I couldn't afford to take any chances. So, I used my [Eyes of Absolute Destruction] once again, this time targeting all possibilities of him escaping.

The power of my abilities was overwhelming, and Graham was left helpless, unable to move or escape my grasp. The battle had barely even begun, yet it was already over, and I emerged victorious.

"W-what are you going to do?" he nervously asked. In which my response was merely a single devilish smirk.

I had already thought of a list of at least 50 different torture methods on my way here to this world. I just needed to decide the order of which I will do so.

'Hmmm... What should I do first? Maybe doing the classic of slowly burning his body with [Jio Graze] first? Yeah, I'll go with that and think of what I'll do next as I go.'

*Flashback End*

"I eradicated his memories to ensure that the timeline adheres to the optimal future I have selected. His destiny now rests in the hands of my brother," I recollected.

Shifting my focus away from reminiscing, I rose from my seat and proceeded towards the center of the throne room, where a vast and intricate magical array was inscribed on the floor.

Only I possess the knowledge of the existence beyond the Silver Sea, as most entities consider it either nonsensical or hypothetical.

With the assistance of the magic array, this incantation will enable me to fracture and transgress the boundaries of the Silver Sea covertly. Once employed, I should be able to perform this spell without relying on the magic array or reciting the incantation again.

The sole drawback of this spell is that I must undergo reincarnation utilizing [Syrica] and limit my power to a mere fraction of its actual capacity if I desire to conceal my departure from the Silver Sea and prevent the potential obliteration of the multiverse I am venturing towards.

Fortunately, I possess an artifact capable of duplicating my aura for several millennia, gradually diminishing over time to simulate my demise by natural causes.

Prior to initiating the incantation, I activated my [Eyes of Absolute Destruction] to scry upon my brother and obtain information on his current activities.

I discerned that he intends to offer his life force to bring about harmony between the humans and demons of the Militia World, despite being fully capable of single-handedly ending the war. I couldn't help but feel a sense of regret and sorrow at how distant we had become over the years, each pursuing our own objectives without ever truly understanding each other. Despite being twins, we were like two opposite ends of a magnet, with our goals and beliefs pushing us further apart.

With a sad smile on my face, I realized that it was time to depart on my own journey, one that would take me beyond the Silver Sea and into uncharted territories.

As I stood in the center of the intricate magic array, I focused my mana and channeled it into the array. The runes and sigils etched into the floor began to glow with a bright, otherworldly light, illuminating the entire throne room with its radiance.

With a deep breath, I uttered the incantation, "[Shotsu Syrica]," which signaled the complete activation of the spell. The ancient words reverberated throughout the chamber, filling the air with an ethereal resonance

(A/N:Chōetsu tensei lit. transcendence reincarnation)

'To a less boring future' I thought as the oh-so-familiar void surrounded me once again.


A/N: How was it for the first chapter? Tell me about your suggestions in the comments, and don't worry, I accept all criticism. I plan on having him go to TBATE first and then Dragon Ball down the line. If you have any anime, manga, manhwa, or movie worlds you want him to go to, feel free to comment on them.

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