
Destinies of the Azure Skies

Following in on the footsteps of her father. Fei Lin as well as her adopted brother, Damian walked the path of a guild ranker, at the age of sixteen, in hopes of succeeding their father, Kruz. Though, just as their journey began, an unexpected circumstance occurred, causing these two siblings to go on an adventure of their lifetime. ------------------------------------------------------------- Cover Art by: _mable_arts_ Font by: Hesreth Official Discord Server: https://discord.gg/FdH8CET

Tamaki_Leon · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Episode 7: Strange Encounter (1)

Outskirts of Yumin—Yumin Forest [8:32 AM].

Through the forest of Yumin, a small group of people could be seen walking on the dirt pathway in a fast-paced manner, hurriedly making their way over to the city of Brime before the rain fell. However, the journey was not quiet.

"Oh? So you say you're a travelling poet from Alvoz?" Orelia questioned in amusement upon hearing the answer from Daryl.

"Yes, yes!" Daryl enthusiastically nodded his head. "In search for inspiration—I've travelled far and wide to distant lands! As such, I've come to this kingdom to tour it!"

Moments after Orelia had accepted Daryl and the accompanying Zack's request to head to Brime alongside the group, the two had been chatting on and on without stopping since then.

"Hmm? So you've come in search of inspiration?" Orelia raised her brow in interest. "Of what kind, if I may ask?"

"Why, to see the beauty that Libria has to offer, of course!" his eyes shone in excitement. "I can just imagine the great monuments and ancient ruins that I'll come across, and the rich culture here as well! Ahh! There are just so many things to see. So I'm bound to find much inspiration for my poems!"

"...Daryl," the man beside Daryl—Zack, muttered out with a sigh. "You're blabbering on and on again..."

"Huh? What was that, my dear companion?" Cautioned by Zack's soft whisper, Daryl turned his head towards his direction in slight confusion. "Did you say something?"

"Nevermind," Zack's mouth closed shut soon after.

"Ahem... Anyway! Where was I? Ah yes, inspiration!" Daryl continued. "For that very reason, I've come to this forest to capture its essence of beauty!"

"Ugh... When will this guy shut up?" Damian, who was beside Orelia clicked his tongue in annoyance. "He's been talking non-stop ever since we ended up like this..."

"C-Calm down, Damian..." Xander helplessly uttered out. "The city is a distance away, so we can part ways then..."

"Seriously? At the rate that we're going at, we'll get caught in the rain..." he furrowed his brows in reply. "What's Orelia's deal anyway? How did it come to this?"

"W-Well... The more the merrier, I suppose...?" Fei answered in uncertainty. "I mean... If we're really going into technicalities, then maybe there's that factor of 'repayment'?"

"Hah... Right, of course," Damian rolled his eyes. "Repayment..."

"Cough... I mean..." Xander thought to himself. "If it gets us a free lunch or something, it wouldn't hurt, right?

"Yeah! Free lunch!" Fei's eyes shone in excitement. "Or maybe breakfast? I haven't eaten anything since this morning... So, that would be appreciated!"

"Uhuh... But something about them really rubs me off the wrong way," Damian's eyes discreetly glared at the two men who were on the other side of Orelia. However, just he did so, Zack instantly glanced over to the direction of Damian—In turn, forcing him to avert his gaze away. "Just... They give off an iffy feeling."

"Really? I don't feel anything from them," Fei tilted her head.

"...hah." While the group was busy whispering amongst one another, the black-haired man—Zack, who had been remaining silent the entire time, brushed back his slick hair in a helpless manner. Then, he made his way to Fei and the others. "Hey. I'd like to apologize for that buffoon's loudmouth. If not for him, we would've made it to Brime by now."

"H-Huh? Who, what, where?!" Upon hearing Zack's voice, Fei was slightly taken aback. She was surprised that he had approached them. "M-Mister...?!"

"Ahem..." Damian coughed at Fei's bemused action as he sighed. "It's fine, sir. We're not one to talk since... Our dear instructor is part of the blame for this as well."

"Hmm? What's this with the formalities!" Daryl's arm casually wrapped around Zack's shoulder as he spoke towards Damain and the rest in a relaxed manner. "Don't mind that! Call this guy, Zack and you can call me Daryl too, no biggie!"

"...Daryl. I don't think that's the purpose of—" Just as the man was about to interrupt Daryl and move away the arm resting on his shoulder, he was quickly cut off by Orelia.

"Hey! What's this about me being the blame for this?" Orelia pouted. "I was just being friendly! You all should be too! In fact, I can see you getting along with Zack just well!"

"...what are you talking about?" Damian blinked slightly. "We only just exchanged a few words."

"That's the start of a beautiful friendship!" Daryl nodded his head.

"...??" Zack's expression turned confused upon listening in on the flow of the conversation. "Just what the hell are you getting at?"

"Details, details!" Daryl smiled. "Come now, let us head to the city and I shall treat you all to lunch!" with one step forward, Daryl and Orelia began picking up their pace as they hurried through the dirt paths, leaving the four confused people behind.

"...what?" The group could not comprehend the situation at hand as they could only helplessly follow up behind the two that were upfront.


Outskirts of the City of Brime—City Gates [8:47 AM].

By the front gates of the city, the small group of people successfully arrived onto the stone roads that led into the city of Entertainment—Brime. There, they were greeted by the sight of countless people that come from and into the city, making it out to be a busy place.

"Phew... We're finally here!" Fei breathed out a sigh of relief as her shoes stepped onto the stone-paved roads.

"Just in time before the rain too," Xander stretched his arms.

"...just barely," Damian sighed.

"Mhm~ Now then, let us enter into the city and pack our stuff first!" Orelia cheered as she turned her head towards the direction of the two men accompanying the group. "Will you be going somewhere first?"

"We'll be heading out first," Zack immediately replied. "If Daryl is still insistent on lunch... Then we can meet up later."

"Of course! We'll be meeting up later!" Daryl nodded his head. "Ahem. Might I ask where you're headed to? Is it perhaps to check into a tavern? Or... To head somewhere? We could meet there if you wish!"

"We'll be going to the guildhall," Orelia replied. "You don't suppose you're heading there too?"

"Ah, the guildhall?" Upon hearing the word that came out from Orelia's mouth, Daryl soon thought to himself. "Hmm... I didn't notice till now, but... Are you four perhaps guild rankers?"

"...uhuh," Damian nodded his head.

"Oh my! It is such an honour to come across guild rankers!" Hearing the confirmation from Damian, his eyes shone brightly once again.

"Uh... What?" Fei stared at Daryl in a dumbfounded manner.

"...hah," Zack's hand moved towards the bridge of his nose as he helplessly sighed. "Daryl. We can have this conversation, later. Now... If you'll excuse us, we'll be on our way." Grabbing onto the man's shoulder, he began dragging Daryl away.

"H-Hey! Wait! Zack!" Attempting to fight back against Zack's brute force, he struggled. "G-Give me a moment, will ya?! Cough..." Without being able to do anything against his strength, Daryl's attention turned towards the four as he then shouted out. "Let us meet at Crucelean's Tavern! I will be waiting!"

"Daryl..." Zack grumbled. However, just as he and Daryl were about to leave the premises, a sudden scream protruded out into the area. "...?"

"AHH! THIEF!" The sudden scream seemingly came from a woman.

"Huh...?" As the group turned towards the direction of the sound, their eyes were instantly greeted by the sight of a short kid with amber hair running past them. As they did so, the kid's gaze turned to the direction of the group, in turn locking eyes onto one another.


And so, Episode 7 begins!

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