
Chapter 5: The Dragon Egg

Chapter 5: The Dragon Egg

On the twenty-second day of the fourth month in the 4,456th year of the Astral Calendar, the throne was handed over to Desmend D. Dylan. It happened in the royal capital of the Kingdom of Aucrulethen, Aurania. This city was where the residence of the Aucrulethen's royal family lives and their Castle. Skyhold.

The heavy spring evening rain drenched the city of Aurania as a dark, cloaked form tiptoed through the streets. SHe didn't mind the rain, even if it did soak through her cloak and clothes and make her shiver. It also kept people from noticing her as she made her way along the slick cobbled street to the castle.

"Princess Aura, must you really do this?" Harry Doyle asked the woman in the cloak.

"Harry!" The beautiful woman chastised her personal knight making the champ chuckle. "We are trying not to draw attention to ourselves!"

Harry looked around the city and pointed out the obvious. "Princess Aura, I think that plan failed the moment hood fell of when entered the city." The Englishmen observed the pouting figure in front of him. The oldest princess in the royal family but still looks to be in her mid-twenties. The cloak did nothing to hide the sensuous red dress with a plunging neckline his princess was wearing. Her form caught many of stares from men and women alike. The valley of her blossom visible through that V boasted a chest more worthy of the moniker "huge breasts" than simply "big ones," and her waist was as narrow as her best was prominent. Sometimes, the knight wonder if he didn't have a husband, he would have fallen for the princess.

"Your Majesty, there is not much time. However, now that we are back and it appears the summoning has proven to be a success, it may be best to meet that may well be your husband." Harry suggested.

The redheaded woman counties to pout that her fun was over. "Fine lets us go meet my future husband," Aura said but paused for a moment. "But if he touches my darling little sisters, then he will face my wrath as an Elder Witch."


It had been some weeks since she had left the kingdom for her regional patrols and checking on the outer wards. Something about the place she had been away from for a few weeks caught her attention. So many servants were running around━the guards, the maids, the divine nobles, the bureaucrats, even the ministers'━anyone and everyone was running.

"Bloody hell? What's got everyone running like headless chickens or mom in rummage sale on cleansing power?" Harry wondered after nearly being knocked to the ground by a rushing elven maid.

It wasn't like this before they left. Aura was sure of that. The castle she remembered had been a place so relaxed that it felt as if time had just stopped altogether. Everyone walked.... talked, did everything so slowly and quietly you could hear the place guards and Clementine's training in the courtyard from anywhere in the place.

Where was the boring place her sister created? Is Clementine actually stopped being a bossy pants? Aura called out to one of the elven maids who was rushing past.

"Dyli, I require your attention."

"Why, Princess! How may I be of service" Dyli curtsied."

The redhead asked why everyone in the castle was in a hurry. "Why are you in such haste today?"

"Yeah, you look like running with knickers out." Harry quipped, getting a glare from the princess. "Did something happen?"

"Nothing particular"

Raising an eyebrow, the knight-bodyguard asked again. "Are you sure, lass? It is obvious that everyone was rushing to do something... And I mean everyone... even the bloody cats are running off." Harry pressed.

"I am." Dyli glared at the knight. "It's the king's influence. He has this effect on people. When we see how that man works, we feel bad if we don't work just as hard as he does. That and his policies and reforms are something out of this world... Ah, I'm in the middle of something right now, So I will take my leave!"

Dyli rushed off, leaving Aura confused and speechless. And Harry. Harry was just amused.

"Do you think he is cute?"


"For a man to make even the maids feel this way, just imagine how much hard he works or how much of charming he must to get those lazy pencil pushers to help as well. Just what kind of guy are you about to have children with?"


Smiling cheekily, Harry stops his teasing of the redheaded princess. "The governmental affairs chambers should be right ahead. I want to need your new husband."

"He is not my husband!" Aura exclaimed as she reached the affairs chamber at long last while disregarding her friend's looks and teasing. When she opened the door, the first thing that she saw was a mountain of paperwork. The floor was decorated with paper, quills, and wax. On the centre was a desk large enough that two fully grown adults could make a bed out of the mess. The papers were piled high and looked ready to spill over.

When she looked around, she saw several divine nobles, her sisters, Tangerine members sitting with bureaucrats, fighting a losing battle with yet more bundles of paperwork.

As Aura stood there, dumbfound, Harry was about to make a quip when a voice stopped both of them in their traps.

"~Hey there now."

The male voice sent chills down her spine.

Harry let out a whistle at the tone of the male voice. "Now that something who can sing."

"~ Where'd you go."

"Huh!? What?!" Aura yelled as the words were making her blush. She thanks the stars for darker skin colour so people won't see her blushing.

"Get to work to the people that just came in. If you can't read or do math, get out."

"D-don't order me around! Just who do think you are..."

"Just do it. That's a royal order."

Saying this, the person moved the papers, and the two came face to face with the new king. This was the first meeting between the new king, Desmend, and the first princess of the Kingdom of Aucrulethen, Aura Aucrulethen. Aura would later describe her first impression of him as "a young man with hollow eyes."


This shit is tedious.

You know, when a person is summoned to a new world, the hero sometimes gain powers that are OP and broken. Desmend would rather have OP powers than do paperwork.

Initializing session… Check

Scanning paper … Check

Processing data… Check

The words flew in front of Desmend's eyes. This freaked him out at first, but he got used to it after a week of seeing it.

"Lotus, stop your fidgeting immediately," Desmend called out. Just finished the paperwork for road maintenance and construction. "God, I miss cable."

Instantly, Lotus stilled his fingers which had been tapping against his thigh. He hadn't realized he had been moving them.

That tapping was getting on his nerves. So, right after the throne was handed over to Desmend, some priestly-looking guys inspected his abilities.

Apparently, people could use various types of magic, and they had a device that could test it.

A leaf sitting on up of water is not a device. The test showed he has a great affinity with lighting, fire, light, transforming, and wood?"

Transforming is not what it sounds; it is more like a psychic power than magic or actually transforming magic. Too bad the South African boy can't test out his capabilities yet when he still has the high workload.

Who knew that rebuilding a Roman aqueduct and sewer systems would require this much human resources and time. Looking over the side, he fully sees the person who kept pouting as she went over the educational reforms. Kissable lips, thick arms and legs with a slim waist. A full bust that dark skin that her red hair stands out.

The girl seemed nice enough. She was, as with most of the girls he saw in this world, beautiful. At this point, Desmend had to wonder if the water was poisoned to make the female supermodels level of hot.

"Is that a dragon egg!"

And she has a great voice as well.

"Yeah, I found that thing in here with dust so thick I could not tell what the original colour to the shell had been," Desmend answered.

"Mate, you really found something so rare in such a boring room?" Harry asked.

Walking over where Aura is. He could use the break kneeling, he used the edge of his sleeve to brush the grit away. It was a burnished gold bluish lighting colour, like a penny that had just been struck.

Carefully, even knowing there was nothing that could harm the shell of a dragon egg, he brushed more thick dust away. Golden striations peeked out from under the new lighting bluish colour, making the egg look like it glowed with life. How in the world had it been overlooked all this time?

"I bet you would hatch a pretty dragon," Desmend murmured and rested his palm over it.

The egg was warm to the touch. Then, for the briefest moment of time, something pulsed against his hand.

There was a bell-like chime inside his head.

Then blue, glowing words appeared in the air written in bold but painfully neat script.



1) This dragon egg is yours until death.

2) Required to care for and protect the dragon upon hatching.

3) After hatching, you may only be allowed life paths with dragon bonded as a prerequisite.



"Cool, I get a pet dragon. So yeah"

The word YES flashed briefly, and the entire message disappeared.

The dragon egg pulsed briefly blue at the edges before it, too, settled back to normal.

Putting up the egg, Desmend held his newest challenge. A feeling of warmth flowed from his palms up his arms and settled into his heart. For a moment, he was bathed in it. The feeling soaked into his soul, along with the knowledge that if he should figure out a way to hatch this dragon, he would never be without a friend again.

"Did you soul bound yourself to dragon egg?" Aura yelled as everyone gaped at Desmend.


Aura soon joined in the gaping.

"I haven't introduced myself," Desmend said, smiles and holds out his hand. Nice to meet ya, Ms bellezza del sole rosso. The name's Desmend, Desmend D. Dylan. Short and sweet and rolls off the tongue. Ladies love it."

He finishes his greeting off with a wink, and when Aura reaches out, he takes her hand in his and applies a gentlemanly kiss to the knuckles. He doesn't miss the girl's gasp or the way her breath hitches, but he doesn't QUITE hear her murmur 'I bet they do' under her breath before forcing a smile of her down onto her face. Desmend straightens up, and lets go of her hand, which she takes her time in drawing back, almost like she doesn't really want to.

"Temporary king until Tangerines sister come back so I can give them throne after I finish up the paperwork."

Harry seeing what is about to happen, makes an intelligent call.

"Who here bets that one of seven sisters won't fall for him."

Desmend and Aura are in their own world as they don't notice the rest of the nobles, and bureaucrats do not take on that bet.

After seeing how the Chosen One acts with Tangerine and even can make Clementine laugh at his jokes.

It was a suckers bet.

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