
Desert Wolf (La Loba)

Losing her whole family and pack to hunters at the age six, Kira was forced to live a harsh life in the desert of Chihuahuan not far from El Paso where she was born. She was the daughter of an Alpha who was one of the big Alpha’s in El Paso, she turned wild and forgot how it was to live like a Werewolf as everything that was left of her was how to live like a wild wolf beast in the desert. Kira returned back to El Paso when she had grew up to the age of sixteen and had started taking revenge on hunters, she was feared by her kind and hunters alike because of her wild nature and the failure to differentiate between hunters and her kind. To Kira whoever she deemed bad she killed, so she was given the name Desert wolf while others called her La Loba ( She wolf ). She became too dangerous for the hunters in El Paso as her tales traveled all over in other cities with hunters and supernatural beings which made them send for Ryan Argent who a very skillful and fearsome hunter after Kira. Ryan was a 16 year old highschool student just like Kira and he transferred to the same highschool she was attending, when Ryan found out about her and her reason for killing the hunters he decided to find out more about her as he fell for her. What are they to do with their pure love for each other when they were both from different sides, they were to be enemies and he was meant to kill her, their relationship was impossible because they were not meant to be.   This story isn’t about mates, their love and trust for each other was built by them.

Hawa_Kim · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
12 Chs

Ch. 11

Kira walked away without turning back. She got home and quickly discard the clothes she wore even if there wasn't a single drop of blood on it, but the disgusting stench of that hunter had mixed up with her scent which made her feel goosebumps on her skin. She took a fresh and relaxing shower, put on her night wear and went to bed.


Kira walked into her class, which was very rowdy. She passed a few groups of the girl gangs in the school, some chatting and busting gum bubbles, some also holding cigarettes in between their fingers, chatting and talking about stuffs.

"Did you hear this morning's announcement on the platform, Griffin's legacy in hunting has abruptly come to an ended!" a girl in glasses exclaimed, even without looking Kira had already sniffed off the hunter's smell on them, so she already knew that gang was a gang of female hunters.

"What?" some who seemed to have not gotten the information asked with shocked expressions.

"What, you guys didn't check the news this morning?" a blonde said with a bored expression. "It was like chaos in the comment section. Griffin's group of elite hunters were found massacred in the forest this morning, with no survivors. It's believed to be the work of the La Loba" she said showing a terrified expression.

"Woah, this is just bizarre! Another group of elite hunters gone just like that, what would happened to new hunters like us if we run into the La Loba?"

"Well it is said that all the head hunters have gathered together to discuss about the incident. They are said to find a solution about the La Loba, but... I seem to disagree with them. Do you really believe that all the killings are done by one person, just how can a group be massacred by one person and still no leads and clue could be found." A girl in black hoodie with neck length black-violet hair, her nails painted black. She comforted her friend who spoke before her and put forwards her opinion.

"Hmm, what you're saying is understandable but it's better we wait to hear what the hunter's council have to say about it" another girl suggested.

Kira sat on her desk, even if her desk was farther away she could still hear them clearly.

As she was about to rest her head on her desked, she heard series of hurried footsteps approaching. She immediately looked up to the door. She saw Anton and Camille at the door gasping for air.

Immediately their eyes met she frowned in displeasure, they rushed towards her. They both stopped in front of her desk, still gasping for air.

"What's this all about?" Kira asked looking at the both of them with alienation.

"Did you hear what happened to the Griffin family?" Anton asked, as Camille smacked him on the head.

"Why did you asked her that, do you want to scare her?" Camille asked Anton like a mother trying to protect her child, from hearing such dangerous words.

Kira watched the both of them as they bicker with each other. But instead of finding it annoying like usual, a bright smile formed on her lips unconsciously.

Immediately she smiled, Anton and Camille became quiet all of the sudden, staring at her in shock almost doubting whether they had recognized the wrong person.

Kira noticed the weird silence and looked at them, she coughed awkwardly to cover up.

"What?" She asked in a chilly tone.

"You.... you should smile more often, you look so beautiful when you smile" Anton said and Camille nodded subconsciously agreeing with his words.

"Oh, you think I'm not beautiful enough when I don't smile ?" Kira asked Anton and Camille smacked him again, disagreeing to what he said, but Kira didn't care about their thoughts.

"You are always beautiful!" Camille said and Anton gave a thumbs up agreeing.

"Kira, you must have heard what happened to the Griffin family, but you don't have to be afraid with me here, because I will protect you!" Camille said with her chest puffed up. Kira was stunned by her words for a moment there, thinking 'what the hell is this girl saying?'

"Such things like this always happens here in El Paso, it's like the everyday entertainment here." Camille added with a sigh. She suddenly wondered if Camille would still protect her, if she found out that she was the one who killed them all. Kira's answer to that was a scoff and she no longer wanted to think about useless things.

With her understanding of the heart of humans, she knew it was impossible, because she has never forgotten how her pack was murdered that night.

She looked at Camille and she noticed the emotions that were brewing in her eyes. Kira suddenly felt a ting in her heart and subconsciously her memories of that night were triggered, she suddenly recalled when her brother sacrificed his life for hers.

She stood up abruptly feeling the palpitations in her chest, "Excuse me, I'm going out for some air" as if trying to escape she hurried out.


Kira sat on the rooftop, taking in deep breath. She couldn't let herself come trust a human at all. She didn't want to make the same mistakes her parents made.

She was still filled with the thirst for revenge, She won't let the person who killed her family and destroyed her pack walk away happily after ruining everything.

"Seems that I'm not the only one who needs to calm down"

Kira heard a familiar voice and her face turned sullen immediately.

Ryan sat down beside her but some distance away.

"So what's burdening you?" he asked approachingly.

"I don't remember being so close to the point where I started sharing my problems with you" Kira said with some alienation.

Ryan chuckled and wasn't bothered with her tone "There is no need for you to be on guard. We both need to clear our heads that's why we are here." He said closing his eyes. Kira turned to look at him before looking away.

"I don't understand, why do you actually talk to me, you seem to dislike those girls approaching you and always keeps a distance, but you always approach me." After a while of awkward silence, she asked trying to see if she could understand what was going on in his mind. He was very hard to read and everything he did was just too hard to understand.

Ryan chuckled and turned to look at her "Why ask such question, don't tell me you think I have fallen for you" He teasingly said and Kira looked at him with pure disgust.

"Who's thinking about that, Who knows what bad intentions you are brewing in that mind of yours" She said after moving farther away and Ryan laughed out loud amused by her actions. She was too distrusting, he thought.

"Is that how you see me?" he asked with seriousness in his tone.

"I don't need to understand you to be able to tell, with how everyone here talks about you, it's not hard to tell what kind of a person you are."

"Oh, they really do say a lot about me" He said in a knowing tone "but which story about me that they say do you think is true." stretching back in a relaxing way he joked.

"But..." a pretentious smile formed on his lips as he turned his face away from hers "I think that the La Loba wouldn't think so"

"La Loba? Oh, you speak as if you know who the La Loba is?" Kira asked with interest. "And Why do you think La Loba wouldn't think so?"

"Nothing actually, I just have this feeling" he said with a shrug.

"Good luck with your feelings" She said standing up, she turned to leave not intending to continue such conversations with him.

"What's with your mood change; it's like you're always having mood swings" he laughed.

Kira stopped and turned to him "Talking to you annoying people changes my mood, if you'd stop approaching me I wouldn't have mood swings anymore." She said and continued walking.


Kira put on her apron and took the tray to serve a table. After serving the table she turned to take another table's order but she froze when she heard their conservation.

"What happened to the Griffin hunters actually reminds me of how that pack ten years ago was massacred" The younger one with a scar on his cheek said.

"Boss was serious at that time, but it's better you don't say anything about it" The oldest one with a scar running down his lips said.

"Copy that" He replied.

Kira who was standing beside the table was trembling from anger, She hid her hands in the pocket of her apron, hiding her nails which had already elongate.

"Get us two plain coffees" The younger one ordered and Kira who was standing beside the table didn't move, Celine noticed Kira's strange behaviours and walked over in hurried steps.

"Hey can't you hear me?" He asked her.