
Dancing All Alone

A woman could be seen dancing around a fire delirious. She moves in front of the insightful burning flame that seemed reach to the sky in desperation; desperation felt by all things to leave the scarred ground.

The girl had been told before that the earth had not always been like this. There was a time that it was a paradise filled with clean water and people. Now the wistful desert sorely missed the water of those times and so to did its inhabitants.

The girl didn't care about anything anymore not about the people that died during those ancient times a thousand years in the past, as their decrypt corpses were already dust by now.

Dancing as if it was the most important thing she would ever do to a melody that only she could hear. The girl fell on the ground still writhing seeming as if she was spasming in pain. She gripped her stomach. Her insides seemed to have eaten themselves; she knew she was going to die, so she decided to go out on her terms.

She rustled through the small assortment of items that she had remaining to her in a semiconscious haze before she pulled out a very crudely made gun. Cocking the gun, a clicking sound rang in the empty desert. This indicating a bullet was put in the chamber before the girl took the gun and stuck it in her mouth, screaming before she finger tripped the hair-trigger a shot sounded.

The girl wakes To the buzzing of the plane that she had put into auto piolet shortly before she had gone to her cabin to rest.

The Girl walks to the piolets chair of the plane and checks her spanes systems as she remembers her dream. The Girl knew she had been isolated longer than most and was surviving it longer than most would alone on this desert planet. The plane continued to buzz as the girl looked out into the blue sky and endless sea of sand thinking about how long her rations would last before she would end up just like she did in her disturbing dream.

The girl began to think of the past. A time when her family had traveled from oasis to oasis surviving off of scraps constantly scrounging for food. Her family had been vigilant and tried to ensure their safety, but it was never enough. She remembered the sting of gunshots screaming toward her family. She remembered her brother falling next to her his dead eyes scared her soul as his mouth hung open still trying to form a scream before being killed by a bullet to the head.

The girl stared blankly into the bland, empty sky waiting for something.

The girl seeing a distant desert cloud is filled with a burst of excitement but quickly calms herself. Her sobering dream was forgotten as she began to fly in the direction of the cloud. She stole the plane directly into the cloud siphoning a portion of it repeating the process several times to fully siphon every drop the cloud could offer.

Water was precious; it was the fuel for her plane and humanities lifeblood. The most essential thing for survival wasn't food but water.