
Descent To Insanity

Read the journey of a boy who wants to explore the world, and help his parents live a better life. But will he be able to do that with an ability like teleportation? Will he gain enough power to explore the Unknown? And Will the power descend him to insanity? Read the journey of Wand to find out whether he wins this race or not! ——————————————— Note: This is my work for the WSA 2024. So, don't hesitate to give those Power stones!! Universal Energy(Unie) is this world's equivalent of mana.

StrangerOfVoid · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs


Inside the travel agency, Wand booked the skyboat to the nearest city to the Andaman Islands he could afford.

Luckily, the boat was going to depart in one hour. He waited for that time inside the agency.

'I should get Skyler's corpse back and fight some sea monsters while I am there.'

His mind had significantly cleared. 

After about 40 minutes, a guide took him and other passengers outside the capital city where many boats were parked.

The boat their group went towards was one of the smaller ones. It was smaller than the Acamdemy's boat.

Then again there were only about 20 passengers.

After checking the belongings of all the passengers the boat took off to Vardaan city of the Vidhiyan country.

It took about 3 hours to reach the city.

During the ride to the city. Sometimes his anger flared up and sometimes he felt hollow or murderous.

Vardaan city—although smaller than the capital of Ender country— was a bustling city full of cheerful people.

Wand could hear people gossiping in the food stalls as he walked through the city. He could hear the laughter of children and adults alike.

"Hey! Did you hear, the city lord's son has just reached rank 2!"

"Gosh! His name is Vardaan, right? He truly is a blessing to this city! I wish my son were half as talented as him!"

Wand finally reached the southern gate of the city. He showed the city guard his Hero's Guild card as he was swiftly allowed to pass.

He walked along the dirt road, looking around for any carriages lest he get stepped on by a horse.

After a while, he went inside the forest, searching for a clearing to open his portal. After all, he couldn't open a portal mid-road.

While walking through the thick forest, he stumbled across an animal. No, animal was the wrong word to call it. It was a monster.

Its short stature, green skin, pointy nose, and ears, and hairy chest were accompanied by a mouth full of yellow haggard teeth and saliva. It was a goblin!

"Grahhha" It made a disgusting sound as some saliva flew from its mouth.

Wand could feel several presences encircle him in the range of his 'spatial senses'.

All of the Goblins had a sharp rock in their hand.

Wand had read about these monsters. He dashed towards the one goblin acting as bait.

'I should quickly take care of them. I sense that there are only 10 of them in total.'

The goblin threw the sharp-looking stone toward wand but wand turned sideways in time to avoid it.

Wand then kicked the goblin in its head as it tried to scratch Wand's legs with its dirty and sharp nails.

The goblin fell to the ground knocked unconscious.

'Looks like an attack without unie won't kill them. I need to infuse unie in my punches.'

The other ten goblins seeing their friend unconscious, rushed out of hiding.

4 of them threw stones toward Wand as he rushed toward the unarmed ones.

Wand swiftly killed two of the goblins with an unie-enhanced punch and kick.

Suddenly, Wand was hit in the back by two stones. He turned towards the goblin as his anger flared up. The 4 goblins rushed him.

He killed two more goblins, but the other two managed to scratch his legs with their sharp nails.

As he was fighting the two goblins, four more stones were thrown towards him.

Three of the stones didn't hit him but one hit him exactly in the eyes.

'Thankfully I managed to close his eyes and create a weak barrier in time. Although my eye has started bleeding I won't go blind. If I had more time to train my spatial sense then I wouldn't have been hit.'

Wand's spatial sense in battle was less than 30 cm.

Wand then threw his bag containing belongings to the ground as he swiftly took care of the two goblins close to him.

He then turned towards the four goblins in front of him.

He disappeared, shocking the goblins, as the goblins were killed by an attack from behind.

Wand moved toward his back and picked it up. He opened the bag after he sat on the ground.

A small figure suddenly jumped towards Wand from his back!

Wand noticed it as it entered the 30cm range!

He turned his upper back as he caught two green hands.

"Grahhhhhhha! Grahhhhhha!" The goblin screamed as Wand Broke its bones and killed it.

"Hahhhh! I would have died if not for spatial sense! I should always keep my guard up in battle."

"I will try to find a clearing first. This area has too many trees."

Wand exclaimed as he stood up and walked around the forest.

After a while, he finally found a clearing and used his recovered spatial sense to scan it.

"Nothing here! Good good." Wand had slightly recovered—mentally— after the battle.

His thoughts had become more clear for the first time after he heard the news.

Wand then proceeded to open his bag and apply bandages and medicine to the area where he was cut.

Aphos had advised him to keep a bag like this in his room. He might get injured while fighting Aphos after all.

"Alrighty! Good enough!"

Wand stood up and looked at the red sky.

Wand looked at an island on the map. He then took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Remember the island, Wand! Remember the island you saw before."

After 15 seconds a dark swirling mist-like portal, big enough to fit Wand, opened in front of the panting Wand.

"This took almost all of my Unie!" He said as he entered the mist-like portal.