The story begins when a boy named "Badin Akkharabodindacha" lives with his father and mother, often accidents unbelievably from that event make him get a bamboo book. which parents have no way of knowing because it were sent from the realm of the afterlife on Badin's birthday night, he meets one of the four ruling envoys and learns that he must travel to the afterlife. That gave him the opportunity to enter the school of supernatural beings called KLAI KANG WON. He soon learned the mystery of the dragon hair style on his head. subject "True parents" create suspicion of people who want to find answers to questions. And what the overlooked person or you unknow who wanted the most right now was Human life in order to revive the evil power. Badin therefore plans to protect human, whoever it is.
KLAI_KANG_WON · Kỳ huyễn
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