5 Entry 5

Today was actually a good day. I drank water like I was supposed to, I ate all of meals he said I needed to. I even took my meds on time. After breakfast this morning I went to work as usual. I always wondered what he did while I was at work, but apparently he just sat outside in his car watching the surrounding.

I had looked out the window into the parking lot earlier. He seemed to be arguing with someone. Maybe it's his girlfriend. I always wondered if he had one. It had to be difficult doing this kind of job and having a girlfriend, they might always be suspicious. He looked up though and I quickly retreated from the window. Back to work I went. Lol

After work I whined about wanting to go get some fast food, but he wasn't having it. Was I his boss or was he mine? Sheeh! My damn brother and personal assistant. Lol, that was his actual title, but he literally did everything including cooking for me and cleaning the house. My brother knew if it were up to me the house would be a disaster from all my craft projects and costumes.

I'm trying to sleep but I hear him talking again. Is he reading again? Doesn't sound like it. He sounds like he's talking on the phone this time. And then I heard it... The words no woman wants to hear. I know I'm not the greatest catch, but why was he discussing me with someone else? Was he trying to reassure his girlfriend that he really wasn't interested in me? Now I'm annoyed. All of the thoughts of my appearance and mannerisms have come flooding back. So what, I'm not what you want. I don't want you either. God, now I need to smoke so I can calm down and sleep. F*uck his face, twice.

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